Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...

Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright

They're not, that one infographic that keeps getting passed around has a tiny sample size and when they repeated the experiment with more WMBF marriages it evened out to less success than WMWF.

Modest negress for your negress thread.


Easy, Black chicks want white dudes. White dudes that like black chicks are few and far between, but like them a lot. Blac k chick won't feel entitled because she has a white dude, she wont act nuts. White guy will have adoring wife, wont cheat.

Because White men are the most prized male demographic and because White men are also more responsible fathers.

I don't believe it is true, but even if it is, it's because they are relationships built on more than just physical attraction, as every race of women is more attractive than black women. White guys who marry black girls do it because they form a really strong connection with the girl, as even an average white girl is much hotter than a hot black girl.

I think it's actually the third most successful form of interracial marriage after both white-Asian combinations.

> i'll bite
because any female nigger with a good iq and job would rather have a white boiii that not going to leave her beat her rape her kill her or whatever chimpy happens

I personally wouldn't mind a qt black grill but I want white kids, so that's that.

>when they repeated the experiment with more WMBF marriages it evened out to less success than WMWF.

actually, the most sucessful IR pairings involve asian MEN

both asian women and white women belong to asian cock

honestly because the bar isn't set very high for black people in general.
If you are atleast somewhat attractive, and have a job even if it is flipping burgers. You are already better than half the people in a negresses's dating pool.

dontchya mean she gorilla/kike marriages?

God created nigresses for white dick. Remember tho:

Don't bust like de Niro
Or your genes go 2 zero!

>good genes

Pick fucking one and only one

Assuming the stats are true, Id reckon its because as a black woman you would do everything in your power to keep Chad so you dont have to go back to living in the ghetto with Tyrone and get bangbanged by his buds for drug money

Because the only time a white man would ever fuck a negress is if she were truly exceptional.

It’s the only common trophy relationship for a woman

Women destroy marriages

White men are the most desirable male demographic and black women are the least. Black girls know this and act accordingly.

Because black woman know they're on the bottom of the totem pole and have to work really hard to keep a white man.

>But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre.

Not really. White men work jobs, and stick around to raise their kids. They're quite literally the polar opposite of black men. Because they do that, their black women treat them like fucking gold. It's more enjoyable to be in a relationship like that, as opposed to one with a pretty white woman, when even after bringing in the money and helping to raise the kids, she can STILL be a fucking cunt to you.

Post a pic of your hand Tyrone

Bumping this

How come you make sure to repost this thread every time it drops from the catalogue?

Because white men like the sass and can take it without beating the shit out of them. In turn black women probably put out more. White men love sex and feeling appreciated. Black women probably provide that pretty well. Happy white men make money but don't feel stressed about not making it because black women used to not having it. Symbiotic relationship

i see no data to support that. i do know that black women trade off who has higher rates of aids with ghey men in america.

when its ghey man its black ghey with the absolute highest followed by ghey men in general. then many of them die and black women have the highest rate of infection for a few years

Replying to a Walletberg Shekelstein shill bot.
Shame on all of you new faggots.

Hypergamy. Consider that woman initiate between 70-75% of all divorces, according to most estimates. Now consider where white men and black women rank on the social hierarchy, respectively.

A black woman who lands a white man isn't going to be apt to dump him because she has already "married up" as it is.

because black women know a good thing when they have it

Negress threads are a Sup Forums staple, the problem is the morons not posting black women.

Preconceptions I guess, black community frowns on interracial, especially when it’s one of their
So they push shit to never allow black women to move up.

Honestly though most black girls are garbage genes, but you’ll have a rare gem every once in awhile where it’s sad she took the BLM koolaid

Fuck off it's an interesting topic. Maybe understanding why their relationships tend to be a good can be a lesson to white women. White men hate fucking second guessing what white women want. Black women will tell them, that allows them to form a corrective strategy in the relationship

President Trump tapped black ass. I wouldn't be above it myself.

Because most white men grow up learning how to care for the family bitch. It's not hard to get a new dog.

white men are so afraid of competing for white women against asian men, latinos and black boys that now they want to settle for the bottom of the totem pole, not only that, the females of the race they hate the most. it's desperate and sad


Black women have fewer chances to trade up as they're the least desirable women (even black men would rather date an obese white women over them), so they have fewer incentives to leave

Egypt was black and white, Muslim Invaders btfo'd

Trips of kek btfo'd shills

Lmao'ing at the chink cope in these threads.

my fav thread

i want a niggress now

post more niggresses!

Basically: Dollars for pussy.

The pic though. I'd bungee jump into that pussy.



Black Michelle pfifer

Post more black cuties

One word... N I G G E R :)



The White Man are the best at estimating value. It's part of that Eurasian farmer/pastoralist brain.

You invest in shit you see a White Man invest in. If the White Man ain't buying land somewhere, then the land might suck or the White Man hasn't rated it yet.

When you see 1% White Man favoring Asian and Slavic women... time to buy Asian and Slavic. Gotta go Trump or Mark Zuckerberg.

They Jews and Christian White Man have an eye for value.

The black queens have grown tired of the inferior black benis and the never ending subhuman behavior of their race's males so they finally embrace the superiority of the white master race.

Once you go white, you don't feel shite.

>herpa derpa derp. White boi don't want to compete for this piece of white booty.

if the white guys don't want to touch it, it's probably no good.

Also kinda this, black women simply realized that niggers will fuck just about anything with a hole and a pulse, so the warm embrace and stern rock hard benis of the white master race makes them obedient and grateful, which in turn yields even more benefits in the relationship.

Also the unironically have more street smarts than white cunts.



I have no idea about African American women but women here as well as Nigerian and Zambian girls love white men especially with darker features. I've had more black women openly flirt and approach me than asian women when I lived in Hong Kong and Japan and they're supposedly the white worshipers.

>tfw no black gf to celebrate the rise of the South with


All this says is that Asians no matter who they pair bond with are less likely to seek divorce than white male white female relationships, this isn't surprising at all


any black girl lurking give me a you
also my dear shills, stop posting black angels
i invented it

This is the real study, the one OP used is tiny and ancient (2002)


A white man would have to really love a negress to marry one of those ugly fucking things
White women are gorgeous and niggers are animals so naturally a nigger would be initially infatuated and then bail when a child is produced or his nigger animal instincts kicked in

Lot of white genes in this one



>those anti climatic tits
Have some game of brown tits.

A gross nigger woman grinding on an untermensch, what point is this supposed to prove

for reference

This is cultural. Asians (both female and male) place a lot of importance on family (i.e. taking care of the grandparents, etc.)

Divorces happen mostly out of selfishness and hurdles kids into danger.


> the problem is the morons not posting black women

this. black women were made to receive white seed. dumping my black qt folder.


Because the black woman knows that's the best that she'll ever get, and that she won the marriage lottery.




Black women for almost 400 years were bred to love white cock. Seriously, slave owners fucked their female slaves all the time. Secretly all black Americans crave white cock.



I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume the following
>black chicks are more loyal
>they want the bwc
>they know how to suck dick and be womanly
Unfortunately I am not a fan of black pussies.

What would a world without niggers be like? just imagine how great it would be if we just wiped out the entire negro population and anyone who is %negro

> Black women for almost 400 years were bred to love white cock.

so much so that black women in the united states as a general rule have about 15-35% white dna

god i love black women

Not this shit thread again.

It's because if any massively unlikely and unnatural marriage such as that were to occur, it would have to be because they were madly in love.

Black Women will act right if she's taken care of White. White women have all the white money they need, what they want is Black Dick.

> protesting this much

you cannot resist the allure of the superior white-loving black woman

>Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?

Because it just werks.

I can’t even look at niggers, would never have physical contact even if my life depended on it. I don’t want AIDS.

even east african wimmin are made for sex

Literally the only reason I come to Sup Forums is to catch these threads.

Brown gfs are best.




breed black women Sup Forums

just do it


>this nigger thread again

Because niggers give in to their primal desire and submit to their spouse, who is of a superior race. When your nigger pet does whatever you want it's probably going to work out.