Jordan Peterson was pretty good on Tucker, but he needs to lay off the Xanax

He's really bombed out of his mind. Does he know that things are even worse than they appear? Why does he need so many pills?
And why is he afflicted by something he ought to criticize - why doesn't he allow himself to ever raise his voice above the slightest inflection? Why are men viewed as evil for raising their voice? Why do we all have to talk like robots, even Mr. Peterson?

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I think someone mkultrad him

What's that stuff they gave the contestants on Black Mirror's One Million Merits? "Compliance"?

Why look its another anti jordan peterson thread with the "muh depression" attack.

>inb4 a natsoc assfaggot gets triggered and gives me a (You)

You didn't watch the video did you? He's clearly on pills. Too many.

>not posting a link, you cuck

Huh wow Benjamin this will shortly drive a wedge between various factions here oh nah fuck off and saged

he doesn't do well in talking head interviews, for whatever reason. Maybe staring into a camera like that gets to him, he speaks much better in more long form settings.

Holy shit, he does look wasted. Sounds sick though, maybe he's on a bit too much cough syrup.

being very smurt makes you sad, so he need pill

he looks sick probably got the flu

his points were clear and insightful, just uttered in a valium voice.
My point is I think males in general have been bullied into only speaking in valium voices because anything else 'frightens womens'.
the 'gay voice' is specifically a mental blockage preventing the fag from asserting himself via the phonic substance.

WTF couldn’t even watch the drunken mess.

He wasn't necessarily high on xanax etc. He might just have trouble speaking sometimes. But he certainly appears out of it.

when you attack jp you're literally attacking my daddy thus is an attack on me

have you considered that you might want to clean your room? :^)

>Holy shit, he does look wasted. Sounds sick though, maybe he's on a bit too much cough syrup.

maple cough syrup :^)

You didn't actually watch the video did you?
He is sleepy for most of it till the end.
He is a fucking sleepy ass dude, like Carson sorta.

yeah that 'sleepy' is the side effect of benzodiazepenes

>He is a fucking sleepy ass dude, like Carson sorta.

Why does tucker Carlson always have the same fucking expression.

he's addicted to SSRIs

In his field this is standard issue. Do you think the tweeker look would go over well..

If you had insane grannies screaming st you, calling your house and sending you death threats for months you would probably dip into a little booze.... but some people don’t drink

Won't somebody think of the poor oppressed professor

Do you hate him because he’s not Asian too user?

It’s ok just let me know

He has to handicap himself with drugs in order to conceal his true power level

Might actually be the case, because if he ever raises his voice to make a point then the faggots on the left portray that as him rageyelling or some shit to invalidate his whole argument.
English is already a pussy faggy ass language with no real pchushch noises to really get the throat into it. Having to speak like a wuss on top of that is pathetic.

xanax? he's talking in a deeper voice here, he mentioned it in the metaphysics of pepe video how he can get his voice lower but naturally its higher like kermit.

i think he's being really careful since he hates these short MSM talking heads interviews and has to be really careful and serious.

he did well here.
