Money is the real problem

Why do people focus on complaining about trivial issues instead of solving the root problem? You're wasting your time focusing on politicians. Even Trump is just a puppet in the big scheme of things. Most of the corruption in our world is caused by or enabled through money. If you cannot explain what money is, or how it is made, shame on you. You're part of the problem. It frustrates me that things have to go to shit first before people are willing to take action.

Some are brainwashed into thinking elites ruling over us is "just a conspiracy theory". The world of finance is obfuscated by complex terminology and people don't know what the heck is going on. They're intimidated by it and never bothing looking into a system that controls them so severely. I wonder, how many of you people actually know what fractional reserve banking is?

Why does it feel Sup Forums is just a place to rant about racial bullshit, SJWs and gender relationships. Where are the threads that acknowledge the root problem? And even more importantly, where are the threads that post solutions? You can spend your entire life red pilling yourself, but what good does it do if you never choose to take action? We have to mobilize people into spreading awareness, and promoting the use of local currencies.

TL;DR: Educate yourselves on money. And spread your knowledge. If people don't, then nothing will ever change.

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Your argument is more a problem of inherited/retained wealth than currency systems. Having one currency system with standardized pricing globally is a good thing for getting items around the world.
Now maybe you are making an argument against money being created through debt. If that's the case I'm 100% with you, it is really fucking important for how those in power stay in power. But you didn't write that, and I'm not going to watch 5 youtube videos.


Yes, I guess my title was misleading. I'm making an argument against the debt based economy, but also against the unawareness of people and their lack of incentive to make a change.

good videos no matter what he was trying to say

>money is a zero sum game
FFS, you commies are dumb as shit. You're like geniuses at retarded theory.

organization in the last video looks like it got shoah'd
>only communists question the current system


>durr I'm not a commie, I just believe in commie things
Commies are like the world's smartest theologians. Yeah,yeah, you know how to argue, but your bible is a silly fantasy.

>implying that the person who initially made all the money didn't have some valuable skill and work ethic that he passed on genetically

Feudalism is the real red pill.

well you convince me

time for a holocaust

Did you know that Monopoly was initially rejected as a board game? Dude that made it sent it in and they sent a letter back saying it was filled with flaws.
Now it's probably the best selling board game ever. Food for thought.

communists can't argue for shit and the Bible is true
what the fuck did you mean by this

I should've been more specific in the original post. You're assuming I'm a communist. There's nothing wrong with money itself, but there's something wrong with how money is currently created, the fact that interest rates exist and how central banks are private property. Laissez faire is terrible as well.

You know how we solve it? We pass laws which make it impossible to make money while holding office and cut off all the loopholes for bribes. The only people who would want to serve in office would be regular people who are serving their community and then going back to their careers. What we need to do is figure out how to incentivize anti corruption.

A debt-based system of currency retains the same power structure throughout generations, and thus does not allow competition to succeed. How in the fuck is this concept communist? It couldn't be more about free market capitalism. There cannot be a free market when there is a perpetual level of debt being created and a level of retained wealth that cannot be removed. This is because the base currency is locked away permanently, and the only money in the market at all is the newly created debt which is paying interest back on that initial, perpetually locked up money.

This isn't about communism. In fact, it is the oppisite. This is about having a fucking competitive market.

>Money is the real problem
>There's nothing wrong with money itself


>let's have an economy without lending
Lol ok wow
>people shouldn't be able to inherit
Bet you would be singing a completely different tune if your folks had money.

OP is right in the sense that the fractional reserve banking system used by the central banking system is probably the number 1 issue that needs to be resolved before we can even further any other agenda. Either that getting money out of politics, deal with lobbying and the revolving door it has with politicians or maybe term limits. Our buying power has been decimated over the last 40 years. Why would the tax payers pay the central banking system to create money when our government has the same power afforded by the constitution?

>real life is just like monopoly gice
I hope you didn't expect me to read any of your shit, posting an image like that.

This does not solve the issues of retained currency or creation of money through debt. Now that I know what OP is on about, we're talking about the sickness, you're on a symptom. Nothing wrong with that, but think a little broader. We're talking about the groups of people who create money, by giving you loans.
Mind you, they never give any money away by giving the loan. Just merely, allow for the creation of debt, which is then paid back to them, despite the fact that they have done nothing.

Want a law that changes the world? Interest can only be accrued up to 5% of the lump sum of the loan/promise. That law would literally change the world, and make a free market possible. Hell, change 5% to 40%. Still changes the values to a realistic number for literally everything that's inflated, and forces a system of growth based on actual growth and not fucking debt.

No but for real guys, monopoly is a game meant to teach you why capitalism is bad.

Communists can argue the intricacies of nonsense like no other. That was my point.

>Bet you would be singing a completely different tune if your folks had money.

I have enough to be retired. I opted out the system because I get how it works and got enough to do so. The game is rigged, so fuck playing. If the game wasn't rigged, I'd actually give a fuck. So hard disagree with this analysis.

just to clarify, Im a far fucking way from rich.

You might also lose because you are so fucking stupid you don't realize life is not like a fucking Monopoly game.

How do these morons think the economy works, holy shit.

>I hope you didn't expect me to read any of your shit, posting an image like that.

The image isn't saying real life is the same as monopoly. The image is saying both real life and monopoly has something in common, i.e. that the wealth has already been distributed and young folks don't stand a chance to compete. They lose the game from the start.

>Money is the real problem
oy vavoy...!

If you stopped fiat banking stealing all our money, then wealth wouldn't be so concentrated..
Carlin is just a whining bitch, he doesn't talk about the fed at ALL. If he gave a SHIT about this country he would've learned about it, even back then.
Talks about rulers and ruled and slaves... on stage... infront of allllllll those people.
Does he explain how you are ruled?
How you are enslaved?
How this system is bound together?
Or does he just milk your resentment for money...

People can be so fucking dumb, we are using counterfeit money.. They are stealing from you by making you use it.. Without freedom in money none of the other freedoms matter. they can buy you out eventually.

Feudalism is slavery, you people act like you wouldn't be a peasant living at the whim of a random asshole.
Interest is fine it is fiat that is the issue. Without fiat loans just default all the time. Creating money to lend to people in interest free systems is just stealing from everyone else to give to your buddies. Fascism is just crony capitalism cloaked in the veneer of nationalism.

Economy: the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used.

So to answer your question, I believe it works through supply and demand.


Your talking about the symptom too. Just allow freedom of money, you can even KEEP fiat currency.
If you do as in the constitution "Only gold and silver may be legal tender" then people can make contracts in whatever currency they want. They can only be forced to settle up in gold or silver though.
This is enough to bust open the whole damn thing, it might take a dozen years or maybe even 20 but the force of the market and human choice will move us towards better money if allowed the chance.

>Carlin is just a whining bitch

George Carlin was one of the few comedians who dared to even criticize the people in control. Does he explain how you are ruled? I think he mentions quite a fair bit about that actually. He mentions the illusion of choice, how wars are really just rich old men sending young men to warfare etc. He does not go into detail about the monetary system, but at least he is spreading awareness by mentioning how corrupt things are.

>Interest is fine it is fiat that is the issue.

Interest rates are used by banks to steal money from you. They don't have to exist. Just get rid of them. Banks should become transparent and democratic organizations.

>People can be so fucking dumb, we are using counterfeit money.. They are stealing from you by making you use it.. Without freedom in money none of the other freedoms matter. they can buy you out eventually.

Exactly. It's a system they invented to trap people.

Needing to change monopoly at all to explain the faults of capitalism.

Like manna from heaven?

I don't understand your analogy. The economy is based around trade. So what's your criticism on my definition?

Rule 11 irl




Whitechapel Road? TF kind of knock-off Monopoly board did you buy, retard?


Its British

Such a dumb image to post, with BitCoin being worth 30 times more than it was when that comic was made

How does the price of Bitcoin being high refute the image? That is precisely what the image predicts.

Pic says it all. New Zealand stats, they have it good but you get the point.