Bronies are more politically based and intelligent than Sup Forums

Sup Forums is where the shills congregate and manipulate the emotions of impressionable soyboys on this board, who are lead around by the nose to puppet and repeat whatever new feels shlomo gave him that day.
>cuck threads make mgtows and asian fetishists
>nigger hate threads make you froth at the mouth and make you repeat vitriol (which makes you look like white trash)

But when a shill comes on mlp, we laugh and ignore and they come crying back to Sup Forums.
This board is bluepilled and ridiculous.

First few threads were fun but don’t spam it

We need Leee alive, I want to fuck him with a horse cock


Die you fucking Barneyfag

Season 8 is starting in 2 weeks, are you excited for the ponies to run their own school?

Sure Is summer in here. did spring break start already?

Fucking kill yourself and die

last thread got deleted before I could complete my test

Can I sex you?

no one gives a shit about you fag

Fucking die in pain you goddamn fucking fuck

why don't you ever use images from after that time you 'retired' and uploaded a zip of your barneyposting folder?

Lee I need your autistic opinion on whether or not this deer is mlp related. Yours is all that matters to me

The jew fears the brony

Not 100% convinced yet that it's not a bot, but pretty close

It's looking more likely that it's a meme response. I'll try copying some of these images and responses and posing as bfag the next time Sup Forums or Sup Forums gets raided by ponyfags and see if I get called out for being a fake

It’s drawn in the same style and other boards say it’s ours, which it is, his autism meter can’t tell the difference
Not a bot, just a scripts because his autism can’t keep up, he’s updated them since I last fucked with him though

Im OP and this was my first brony post. Im a /polack/, this is my main board.
But I kept noticing based mlp posters who are leagues more intelligent than Sup Forumsfags.
So I simply made a post of my observations.

link to a right wing gay furfag discord sorry to advert it's how I get normalfags please

Barneyboi uses an RSS feed displayer thing so he gets notified whenever anyone posts an image he's flagged
He is absolutely a real person. There might occasionally be imitators but there is an actual real barneyfag
t. been in barneyfag threads for like 4 or 5 years

I highly doubt it considering bronies are fat kissless virgin man children still living in their parents basement

Die in pain you goddamn fucking fuck

We watched the leaked episodes months ago Slowbro.

What did you say?

I'd like to slash your fucking throat

Dude, why are you so slow today?

Whiter than you Mohammad

He must personally take over for some of the posts, though. On a previous thread he gave me some unique (You)'s despite my posts not featuring ponies. Even in this thread I referenced my previous test above with no post numbers or ponies mentioned and still got a (You) from him. No way that could be a script.

Yeah, I made OC specifically for the last thread before it was pruned and immediately got a (You) from him.

By this point I'm confident it's a real person simultaneously using scripts.

>missing the first post in the thread

Again, you’re getting slow Furfag

You need to be beaten to fucking shit

Invite expired

Everypony get in here

I still want you to fucking die

They dug it up on /mlp/ turns out the lad in question who had some learning difficulties (but nothing profound) got lumped into a special education class which just played episodes of barney non stop and MLP dredges up those feelings of humiliation and boredom. Also he wrote some strange fanfics.

what do you want exactly? some outer exterior of a society opposite to your degenerate fetishes? Do you just want to live alone and fuck around on the internet while everything is nice around you from people who aren't degenerates?