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Well, it looks like he lead them into reading his memo.

only progressive faggots care. most women know this to be true, its so fucking obvious.

"women are good leaders, u just wont let us lead!" fucking lel. that irony

Jews reading Hitler speeches when?

Name 5 great historical women leaders of nations


You have to go back.

trump btfo

Angela Merkel
Park Geun-hye
Golda Meir
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Margaret Thatcher

he said great. they are leaders, but none qualify as great.

They're still not over this shit, are you fucking kidding me? It wasn't even that controversial. When you read the background on it, it couldn't be taken anymore out of context than it has.

This is why women make horrible leaders lol. They hold grudges FOREVER.

Further proof that women are incapable of comprehending what they're reading and they're always over reacting.

google is really struggling to cover their asses over the NUMEROUS sexual discrimination claims

Pick one, then proceed to the nearest no-go shitskin rape zone

Excuse me, no leader in the last 100 years have been better then Margaret Thatcher. She was like Reagan without being retarded and a hypocrite.

Retarded bitch was pro immigration

1. the bitch who runs wakanda

Globalist faggot

This is all they do, all they do is make simulated victories. As a counter to all the ragematerial they generate.

All the media sites like Buzzfeed do is make something that angers people enough to get them to click, then produces some simulated victory peace like "muslim girl dunks on racist trolls" as something to make the enraged libtard feel better.

About time they read that damn memo.

>Park Geun-hye
The one that was a puppet of a gynocentric Illuminati led by the daughter of a notorious cultist?


>none of the original women who complained about the "manifesto" read it
>cnbc gets a diverse cast of the dumbest women that they can find to read 2-3 of the "worst" sentences
>they're all without a doubt absolutely true

Fucking got him though, he is definitely a low status male. A sweaty, slightly autistic, asymmetrical low status COMPUTER ENGINEER who worked for GOOGLE

Do not reply to troll threads.
Report them and move on.

Just take there voting rights. Get rid of the 19th amendment ?profit be done, and they piss and moan muh patriarchy. They and smaller weaker, and dumber than the average man. Instantly getting rid of so many problems in one fell swoop.

This is funny because it was intended to show women BTFO'ing his statements, but instead it proves his point by showing them being triggered and emotional instead of retorting with evidence or counter-argument.
>point is presented with evidence:
>"Oh my god"
>"This guy's an asshole"
>"This is bullshit"

She's not wrong but that is also

>not an argument

she was a big crook surrounded by pedos.
female version of bush sr

Facial asymmetry is the least of this guy's facial problems. Lots of male celebrities known for their attractiveness are pretty asymmetrical.


thots btfo question mark

>men care more about things that women do..?
>blank stare
she should know.

>Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you

Fucking hilarious how they failed to understand the first two sentences, which were bullet point summaries in the memo. They inadvertently demonstrate how their ideology is a symptom of low intelligence.

All conservative with ine exception. Bonus, the grearest female lrader, Margaret Sanger, wanted to eradicate niggers through fontrol and miscegenation

Angela Merkel
Golda Meir
Margaret Thatcher

Those all are legitimate leaders. Certainly equal to, say, Helmut Kohl or Tony Blair.
Also Thatcher created the neoliberal/neocon consensus (at least in economics) that we all suffer/thrive under today (it was copied by Reagan)

She was comfortable as fuck. Would consummate and fall in love.

All civilizations ever were led by men. There has never been a known matriarchy in the entire history of the world. "Let us lead!"

Don't they have to... convince people to let them lead? Don't they have to make the convincing arguments themselves? It's not just handed off for no fucking reason. Leadership is work. And women put less hours into their work on average.

He asked for the best, not for the terrible ones

>trash the memo the advocates more women in tech in a fashion that'd actually work
>turn an egalitarian engineer into a firebrand against an ideology
>now G--gle is under a litany of lawsuits from both sides of the spectrum over varying discriminatory practices
They deserve this, but I still wish there was an even worse punishment for making so many fucking stupid maneuvers so rapidly

1 for 5 is a .200 batting average. you're not going to stick around the big leagues with stats like that.

>Cat ladies, spinsters, dykes, and Jewesses

Good, let smug HR personnel and art majors virtue signal (((google))) into oblivion, they deserve it for enabling this degeneracy and spreading the pay gap meme

Problem is that First World is "free", I mean, women are pretty much free to work all day driving trucks, doing dangerous jobs, etc. But when a terrorism happens you only see police men kek. Roasties also saw that their lives could have been much better if they were traditional wives

>zero attempts at refuting the points
>strictly goofy faces and overdone ad hominems

I simply can not fathom the sheer lack of self awareness in that video. How could they possibly have read what it said, react the way they did, and edit it the way they did and look back on it thinking "yup this really represents us strongly and makes us look like the smart ones"

Fucking god almighty.

women can read

>women having no selfawareness about their constant bitching and nagging
one day you will fathom it dont worry.
btw. god almighty turned them this way to punish adam. I hope that apple tasted good..

Janna D'arc

angels told her what to do. She didn't do anything on her own.

>actually believing this
Don't OD on LEGO user.

>stasi-informant and crypto-commie
>brainwashed by a Korean witch cult
>literally who
>eternal anglo

so are you saying she was a liar or schizo?

Do they think that by reading it, it will somehow become untrue?

How dumb are these bitches?

shill tactic to not be filtered
i just hide threads like this tho


big if true honestly

Hillary Clinton (2020-2028)

>women are higher in neuroticism
if a women doesn't accept this as true, then she doesn't know what neuroticism is.
this video is poor quality clickbait trash. if a "journalist" is behind it, they should be embarrassed.

What the fuck? Led a single military campaign, not a nation


But the memo doesn't argue that at all.

It's incredible how the left has twisted this memo and lied so much about it when if a normal person reads it they cannot find any fault with it and think it's perfectly reasonable.

His face doesn't even look all that asymmetrical. He's just got a nose that's disproportionally yuge

>"low status male"
>poses like a washed up whore for her profile pic

boggles the mind innit

also why can't the black girl pronounce 'women'?


Now that they're being sued the propaganda and distortion is ratcheted up. It's not a direct comparison obviously but it's similar to when GG broke out of vidya "journalism" into the mainstream. Suddenly the niche press had all their friends at real news publish the same talking point at a unified date.

The private mailing lists where these fucks coordinate is a goddamned propaganda factory. And that's without the Google money and ability to directly push news or bury news.

>Further proof that women are incapable of comprehending what they're reading and they're always over reacting

It's just series of bullshit intended to distract/provoke you. Since that's really the only power women have, they've taken their time to perfect it. But ultimately, it's still just bullshit. You can still play along for keks.

All of those things are true, but I think women actually do have an equal stress tolerance to men. I get stressed out I'm throwing things and punching walls, so are a lot of men, and many of them were great leaders.


the editing makes it hard to
the editing
makes it hard to hear what the actual
what the actual

>Angela Merkel

While we're bashing facial configuration that's some awfully thin lips and narrow palpebral fissures for a totally-not-FAS individual.

Lol true


On Sup Forums it's propaganda if someone reposts the same thread twice.

In the media it's perfectly normal and expected for 100 newspapers, tv channels, radio stations and websites to publish the same story with either the same or different words.

Really makes a pond ponder.