This girl ripped off her own eyes in front of a church

Because she was on meth and heard voices telling her to do that to go to heaven. She is currently collecting $50k to fund a service dog.
What can be done with these people?

Other urls found in this thread:

more meth

Modern Religious Indoctrination is child abuse and when people have gone through that, they are more prone to have existential freak outs during periods of heavy intoxication.

I like the way you think.

Yeah, couldn't be the meth

Meth head detected

Are you implying something here?! I'll have you know that drugs are completely safe, your old and sad religious cult is what's the problem here! I bet she was molested as a kid by your evil priests.

She wasn't religious btw

>This girl ripped off her own eyes in front of a church
That sounds hot.

thats not how you get the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan you dumb bitch

Perhaps not but she still suffered under religious abuse as do we all!

How does one rip their own eyes off? Like her lashes?

can someone tell me how non-working drug addicts have so much money? These people live better than me and I'm an engineer.

Her eyes were causing her to sin. She just followed scriptures.

Couldn't at least post source OP? You're not going to be a faggot are you?


this but unironically

this but ironically


Retards detected.
I have never done meth but one time I had a crazy trip on Shrooms that was religiously inspired because of how I grew up.

Smart Redpill gay.

live the town over from anderson and could not care less. hope sc secedes and will begone from this country, whole south is a cesspool

Example to the masses that he sees our degeneracy without eyes

WRONG. Do some research, faggot. If you actually do, you will find that Jung was actually on to something with the whole collective unconscious meme and archetypes.


She also fucks niggers.

post link or fuck off

Nothing. Darwinism takes its course



Somewhere I read this was mkUltra-related.


Source u fag

Seems like she was on track to solving her problem herself.

You are an idiot who thinks yourself smart.
I have read way more than you, I did not say anything that Jung would have a problem with.
You have no idea what I was saying or meant and you should sterilize yourself.

Is that her supplier? Sad!

Religion is a toxin to the brain. Don't support or donate to them, let them wait for Jesus to apoear and poof them a service dog from thin air. When enough of them see it doesn't work they'll stop.

Reminds me of that twat chink who raised 25,000$ screaming she got raped but “cannot give more info since she will be triggered!”
>pic of eye balls on ground of gtfo
Plus since when the fuck it costs 50,000$ to get a service dog ? It’s dick made of diamonds or something?

You just gotta shoot these people.
Of course all the women and cucks will indignantly protest declaiming muh human rights etc (they should be shot too)

But cruelty appeals to the base nature of these untermenschen, and this is the single most effective way to traumatize degenerate behaviour out of their weak natures.

If we don't get busy doing this necessary work, then the Muslims eclipsing us will do it for us with Sharia. Muh Darwinism n natural selection n sheeeit muffaguh

It's that expensive in murica

Was obviously demons you ignorant animals

No seriously can someone explain ?
Here , if you need a service dog , the insurance will provide one (regardless if you got private insurance)
And the puppers receive training from volunteers (mostly students) who go to special week of training about the goals of the puppy ..

that depends

Jews are so considerate; they even care about other people's money.

What if she doesn't have an insurance?

>I have read way more than you,


Source for those whining

This is facebook’s fault

>fucking 1000 cock stare

its everywhere now bruhs, its fucking everywhere


DESU it looks like her eyes are in pain in the right picture.

No wonder why this thotty ripped those balls out.

because she saw de whey

