Why do people question religion but not science ?

I saw a thread similar to this but poorly worded.
Why do millennials question religion but not science. Now before you say well “science makes sense and scientists are smart,” just stop and think. Do you understand half of the things that they say. I’m not saying any of it is untrue, but do you, personally, actaully understand what they say, could you explain it properly to someone else.

And of course I’m being really general here, but this fits with a lot of topics really.

Because if you just blindly follow what someone else says, are you really better than anyone to criticize ?

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Science is simply the application of the scientific method.

Scientism is what niggers like Neil De Grasse Tyson do.

Was it my thread about evolution? Because dumbfuck libshits laugh at you for questioning the dinosaur chicken story that was made to destroy faith

Only dumb people think science and religion are in conflict.
The church DID prosecute scientists like Galileo Galilei in the past, of course, but that's a problem with the specific INSTITUTION of the CHURCH, not of the religion itself.
And I'm not even Christian.

Do you not see the difference between things what are observation based and have things like maths backing them and just making shit up?
>evolution ain't real
>it's just a conspiracy against g-d

>The church DID prosecute scientists like Galileo Galilei
>cmon I know it totally goes against all scientific knowledge we have and I cant replicate it lol you just gotta trust me bro
>Better throw a shitfit and publicly declare the pope, who has supported me along with the jesuits, a cucklord when nobody believes my undoable test until they kick me out
Galileo was the Time Cube of his day, going against both the church, geocentrism and Tychonic theory required some extraordinary evidence that he couldn't put up.

Well scientists question science every fucking day, since that is the whole point of science to begin with.
But then you have pop culture cunts like Bill Nye and Tyson who revere it as some sort of infallible religion (which it EXPLICITLY is not by its very nature) and people just eat that shit up.

The science is settled! If you hear this your speaking to a religious zealot.

The same reason almost no one, including SCIENTISTS, never question science--- because in theory, they can learn everything there is to know about a particular matter in science and think it through for faults.

In religion, if you find a fault, as a layman you are to just accept it all on faith.

In reality, most people accept science on faith, because it is a lot of trouble to go through and learn all the science behind so much science. Like, for instance, how does a computer work? Remember, computers depend on the number of electrons in an atom's shell. Using those properties, humans have created channels to carry electric current, and materials to block electric current. Then taking advantage of atomics again, humans created a switch that can redirect the flow of electricty between two output points. In this way, they can use a switch to represent a 1 or 0. By putting these switches into particular series/arrangements, they can actually do something slightly useful. Building on that, we get small parts of computer. Putting those together, we eventually build to modern computer hardware. Then there's the software...

This faith in science leads to people believing too much in truly soft sciences and starting sciences and even psuedo science. Because they hear "science" and presume those others have just as much hard work and testing and discipline in them as hard sciences like math or physics or practical applications of those sciences like engineering.

>The same reason almost no one, including SCIENTISTS, never question science
Get a load of this brainlet

people question scientific theories all the time and if someone can prove a theory wrong then its changed

This, but also science as a concept does not conflict religion as a concept.

What does happen is certain scientific discoveries contradicting specific abrahamic scripture, namely creation and the origin of man.

But it does. Science demand proofs, religion demand faith. You either know or believe.

Jesus I did a short post to bump the thread before I read that trainwreck of a post. A computer works the same way whether I believe in electricity being the result of electrons flowing through a circuit or if I believe its tiny elves turning a crank inside a battery. Mixing faith and science is exactly how we got into the mess of people trusting studies without reading them. Faith in god is good, it creates a social cohesion through a set of shared morals stories and traditions. Faith in science makes you believe red meat causes cancer, chugging raw onion juice prevents soy sauce from turning you into a woman and sharing your wife with niggers somehow strengthens your marraige


It's easier to refute 2k+ year old ethical (hence inconvenient) metaphors as if they were literal than get the education required not to look like a dumbass questioning science. But if they have enough to get away with pretending every conclusion whose implications are bad for their degeneracy is wrong, they will do the same to science.

Depends on how you define religion. What I see as its core is the ideas that can be neither proven nor explicitly refuted, for example, the existence of a god.

>he doesn't know what the scientific method is

>he thinks science isn't a cult

>TED talks

because its more rational to believe in a big bang instead of an imaginary sky wizard who created everything. "god dun did it" is the zealot's go-to explanation for anything

He's right, because a single scientist only has so much time to learn the state of the art and make their own contribution. If you want to achieve shit, you have to trust other people and take their findings for granted unless you manage to prove them wrong. Reliance on the work of others is how people do complex things.

>banned ted talk
Cletus watch the video and come back

Is it Ted or TedX talks? Ted talks are great, TedX is a platform literally anyone can use to slap some "Science!" On their batshit crazy ideologies

Science is based on observation of repeatable experiments. Religion is based on a book with an unknown author that makes wild claims(splitting oceans, talking burning bushes, resurrecting the dead, etc.) which nobody has ever observed since.

That about sums it up.

That's how it's supposed to work, but that's not how it works in practice.
Read Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
It's dated but still valuable. In today's world political considerations have gained the upper hand and you can't go against the grain no matter how much evidence you have.
In certain fields we're in very very bad shape.


And yet the truth always prevails. They called Planck mad and then his theories lead the biggest paradigm shift in the history of physics.

The more liberal someone is, the more likely they are to unjustly discriminate on the basis of politics. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2002636
Conservative psychologists face discrimination that liberals do not notice. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2002636
82% of psychologists are explicitly willing to discriminate against conservatives. Source:journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9945048
The field of psychology is rife with progressive bias and intolerance of conservatives. Source:cdp.sagepub.com/content/23/1/27.abstract
Liberals are equally as intolerant as conservatives. Source:papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2239819
Conservatives are happier than liberals. Source: ssrn.com/abstract=2239819
Liberals consistently underestimate the compassion of conservatives. Source:journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0050092
Liberals view themselves as more compassionate than they really are. Source:heterodoxacademy.org/2015/09/23/how-marcuse-made-todays-students-less-tolerant-than-their-parents/
Young people who advocate for social justice are less tolerant than their peers. Source:heterodoxacademy.org/2015/09/23/how-marcuse-made-todays-students-less-tolerant-than-their-parents/
Conservative and rural Whites are discriminated against in college admissions. Source:nytimes.com/2010/07/19/opinion/19douthat.html?_r=0
Liberals value the lives of Black people and foreigners more than the lives of White people and Americans. Source:wired.com/2010/09/kill-whitey-its-the-right-thing-to-do/
72% of American college faculty are liberal, while only 15% are conservative. Source:washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8427-2005Mar28.htmlAtelite
American colleges, 87% of faculty identify as liberal. Source:washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8427-2005Mar28.html

user its just that a lot of times facts are presented with an agenda, watch the video i'm shilling for it really activates your almonds

Its pretty weird
I remember one of the first things I heard in grad school was that all models are wrong but some are useful. Seems like it should be common sense that we has human beings havent even begun to scratch the surface of what's really going on


There is a long history of
>Yes, this buttress fortifies a joint to hold up a stone roof. I can clearly see this despite not knowing the math and material science data behind it.
and every variation of it that allowed us to move forward. Every improvement on that joint to allow heavier/taller buildings was someone changing the design. Shit youre from France, you guys have a long history of this stuff happening. The faith in current norms of science is not the same as blindly accepting a journalists interpretation of a study. Unless the stuff the "faith" is based on is common knowledge in the field, nobody should be trusting it without a few demos


Millennials are at their core religious fundies, they just replaced God with secular idols like Bill Nye and Social Justice.

Because most people are dumb and dumb people don't read. I don't care which book you're reading at least you can try and use your brain afterwards.

have you heard the new liberal argument that the scientific method is racist because math and logic were made by white men? Science is useful to them when it pushes their agenda and they dismiss it entirely when it goes against their agenda. The method itself is designed to reduce bias and not care about political views. You should join the SJWs if you want to attack science, otherwise deal with empirical evidence that goes against your own views.

Science is questioned all the time. Religion is just old science that was proven to be false.

It's become a cult. Science is now more like the Religious half, and religion is becoming like the science half. What a timeline

because if we were to destroy all the religious books and wipe out all religion from the memory of mankind, in a thousand years not a single religion wouldbe replicated

if we did the same for scicne, science would be replicated.

the one is just made up shit, the other is facts based on observation of reality.

The entire basis of science is questioning science. Only hack, pseudo religious fields like climate science and cultural anthropology don't do this.

Galileo was himself a priest and his censure was due to not obeying the direct orders if his bishop, rather than for his astronomy work.

>Religion is just old science


Religion is the faith that the staggering number of things the human brain can glimpse but is incapable of understanding could be fully understood by a being or beings with better thinky bits. I.e., God. Further speculation would be meaningless, so The Faithfull are content to leave it at that. Atheists however reject the proposition that there can exist better brains than theirs, and that's where their "Invisible Sky Daddy Eks Dee" faggotry sttempts to deny millennia of contributions to the Arts and Sciences pioneered by The Church.

Just a reminder that Galileo was persecuted in his day for being a "Science Denier."