What timeline is this?


Somebody archive this for me

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They’re grasping at straws at this point.

So their go to defense is that all teachers are inherently racist and just want to blast minorities on sight with because they have no self control. MUH RACISM

Pretty much. And through impact bias you unconsciously will be predjudice against POC in this situation.

K-12 is nothing but brainwashing and the teachers are loons. This is not good.

even liberals have to admit they dont trust browns to take things out their pockets

ITT: retards can't understand implicit bias and mental schema while simultaneously projecting said implicit bias and mental schema.

Oh nooooo nigs might get shot for nogging?

This is projection if I ever saw it

No. As usual they are the real racists and project it onto everyone else, because if they think this way surely everyone else has to as well. In other words they are full retards, and shouldn’t be talking.

Clearly you’ve never been in the real world. God help you if you are white and have black co-workers. They can jive it up, make white people jokes, and do a half-assed job, and nobody will do anything to discipline them out of FEAR of being called “racist.” If there would be any potential for bias in a schol-shooting situation, the teacher would hesitate to gun down a black school shooter, because he/she would be too afraid of the consequences from our race-baiting media and mob-mentality liberals. They’re not going to be taking pot shots at kids fleeing down a hallway because they are black, retard.

>So their go to defense is that all teachers are inherently racist
All non blacks are racist, sounds just like a book I read where in the future the system made rape legal so not to be racist against negros

>clearly you've never been in the real world
>makes up shit about working with black people
>proceeds to ramble off this bizarre armchair psychology


CNN goes full 1488, drops redpills on racial crime disparities! BEST TIMELINE!!

some counter argument you got there, just keep metaphorically plugging your ears and going bla bla bla like a 8 year old

Those terms are made up to suit a specific agenda. Do you ever think for yourself, or is it that you just can’t ever stop lying?

Finish that psych 101 class, sweetie.

oooooo The pooor pooor niggers again?

o you poor litle niggers.......


You mean where most implicit bias comes from projecting your own flaws onto others as a defense mechanism to stop you from having to realize that you aren’t perfect yourself?

The guy you first quoted wasnt me dumbass

I got my popcorn ready for the liveleaks of niggers trying to punch their teachers only to get shot in the head

>doesn't understand what schema and bias are
>dismisses concepts as fake because he can't understand them
>proceeds to incorrectly define them

Sorry, retards tend to blend together.

Some have a far-fetched fear that really really racist armed teachers would kill a nigger or spic out of racial hatred in case a real school shooting would occur. They think the racist teachers will be able to lump the unrelated murder together with the school shooter. Or they fear that making even more guns available at school will make white school shooters and teachers work together in the school shooting. Your ramblings are equally dumb however. School shooters are rarely dealing with racism or racism is just a side effect.
Bullying, social isolation and poor upbringings create school shooters, access to weapons just make more potential school shooters actually go through with it.


Lol you just did what I outlined as a defense. Wow this is why you people need to stop talking.

It’s funny how the implied racism goes over these peoples heads

You havent posted one counter argument yet, still there pretending to not listen.

It's not a defense if I've yet to be proven incorrect, sweetie. Complete the psych course. Or please do explain, in your own words, what an implicit bias or schema are.

Go ahead and explain in your own words what schema and bias are. We can go from there, shnookums.

Why would i need to explain what those are when thats your whole argument, two words you just looked up to look smart. Id have a lot more respect if you could own up to the fact that you dont have an argument.

There has literally never been a black or brown or hispanic, italian, spanish, greek, portugese shooter ever.

They are only ever whites and asians, who are the least likely to be profiled.

does cnn give a reason why they feel minority students would be harmed more often?

No, the quantity and proportion of minorities who commit crime cause a reasonable concern about minorities.

That's what I thought. You get butthurt about psych terms you don't understand and then when asked to explain your thought process you deflect that there isn't an argument.

I’m pretty sure I understand it.


lol that lie doesnt even make any sense. most school shooters and shooters in general are white.

Do you want me to define what "your own words" means?...

Your made up idea of implicit bias is that people are predisposed ahead of time to assume things about others without the subject having first shown a reason for such bias. It’s fake. It’s a made up pseudo theory to push an agenda. By implying such a theory the person implying it is merely projecting their own bias. It’s a logic trapped circle jerk for people to espouse when they don’t actually know shit, and can only regurgitate bullshit they got scammed into buying, because they can’t actually think for themselves.

That's not what implicit bias means, lol.

Your inability to grasp a concept is not refutation of said concept's validity.

You never posted one counter argument to his claims.

were all playing guessing games with how your two arguments that you posted here thinking it would shut everyone down instantly relate at all.

isn't that implicit bias stuff all bs anyways?

I’m that’s exactly what it means jack ass. Get a refund.

My only argument was that this thread would be a circle jerk of faggots incorrectly interpreting what 2 psych terms are. So far I've been spot on.

Nope, pretty accurate concept as a whole. You can go on pubmed if you're actually interested in studies showing it. Granted it's not "compatible" with this thread's mindset.

>All school shooters are white, only busta ass white bois shoot up schools
>Arming teachers will make them shoot non white school shooters, we can't possibly arm them!!!!

Que the sweaty two buttons man

>these concepts exist and are real because I say so

I don't even disagree with you but you sound like a retard.
Define the terms yourself and prove them wrong, if you're so confident that you're correct.

Le sad nigger face

Schema is even worse. A representation of a plan or an outline. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Best idea: white ethnostate

He can’t trust me.

He just googled them 10 minutes ago, hes still working out how it relates to the topic at hand.

You gotta explain why that relates, we're all here trying to guess how severe your autism is

It's not because I said so, it's because there's mountains of data showing its existence.

If you genuinely think it'd be worth my time to go onto pubmed, find primary articles, then explain the data, idk how long you've been here.

Try brainstorm why a mental plan or outline used to make snap-judgements could be a compounding complication for an armed teacher.

shootings in general... you should rethink your position

niggers are genuinely awful, there's no "implicit bias" going on here, just niggers being niggers and making decent folk paranoid

let me ask you this: if niggers never did any nigger shit, would there be any "implicit bias" that niggers are awful? of course not. does anyone have "implicit bias" against japanese people, or little old white ladies from new england? no, because they aren't niggers.

niggers are the problem, full stop. not any of this spooky mindgame garbage.

>access to more weapons just make more potential school shooters actually go through with it

So... you’re saying bullied teachers are going to snap and commit shootings? Are you saying the kid will take the guns from teachers and commit the shootings? The profile of your typical school shooter is an unusual, often quiet, bullied white boy with psychological problems. Taking the gun away from the teacher is Tyrone-tier behavior. Inner city kids love to shove their teachers around. Hmm. Maybe arming teachers would lead to more dead black/brown kids, but whiitey wouldn’t be pulling the trigger....

Makes you wonder when even AI has the bias. They're data driven.


Unconsciousn “Biases” are likely based on real word experiences give the tendency for stereotypes to reflect some real phenomena among groups.

For example cops interacting more with criminals who are black (bc criminals are disproportionately black) may cause subconscious “bias” among police officers towards blacks

Fuck you user don't tell me I hate niggers unconsciously.

Uh because I didn’t not assume a teacher would make an outlined plan ahead of time to falsely shoot someone merely because of their skin color. I give them more credit than I would you.

>”all school shooters are white males”
>”but if somebody sees a back kid running during a shooting, they’ll mistake him for the shooter”
You’d think with how hard they push the “mentally ill white kids are all school shooters” narrative, nobody would suspect anybody *but* the white kids.

>based on real world experiences
Good start! Let's now extrapolate:

>man gets bit by dog
>new schema is all dogs bite
>scared of all dogs
>acts on said schema around all dogs
>schema incorrectly applied to scenarios where not accurate

What can we learn from this example?

schemas are not conscious outlined plans.

Basically this.

Instead of arming teachers, we should be shuttering public schools.

I dont think we are in any timeline anymore, I guess playing with kek wasnt a great idea.

A plan implies it is set up ahead of time.

I smell a sitcoooommmm haaaayyyyyyy

A schema is not a consciously acted upon circuit. I think I've found your issue. You've conflated subconscious and conscious processes.

Lol and you think you are qualified to be pre crime thought police. In a broad sense. Ultra delusional.

>posting this much to protect his brown pets

Damn, I thought we were close to you grasping it too. Oh well.

Idgaf about the niggers. I'm just talking about the psychology.

This concept of “bias” is flawed because not only is it based upon an assumption imposed from the outside that it exists (it’s unconscious so the person who has it might not know it BUT I KNOW IT’S THERE) but it also “blames” the target for environmental influences. It’s like blaming a rape victim for being afraid of men. If cops MIGHT develop an “unconscious bias” against blacks because the criminals are blacks, do we:
a. Shame the cop for maybe having a bias
b. Stop arresting black people so crime rates go down
c. Fix black communities.
>Liberal: Hurrrrr stop arresting the blacks and let’s spend 10 million dollars on so-called intervention programs that young thugs laugh at while enjoying the free food offered to lure them there. Also let’s blame white men for everything. Oh and make it all a gun-free zone.

Yeah but what can you do about that if it’s unconscious. We aren’t talking about consious prejudice, so i dont think even asserting that your mind applies what x experiences to everyone in a group is accurate. That’s your mind responding to threat detection anyway

I guess maybe black people could just stop committing crime so cops don’t get subconscious bias against them bc of it

You dont seem to know what they mean and you keep wanting everyone to write your arguments for you.

>niggers commit so many crimes that cops """subconsciously""" think that niggers commit crimes

wow, thanks modern psychology!

Unconscious processes can still be acted upon through conscious means. Hence why things like "flooding" and "exposure therapy" work to desensitize phobias or challenge schema.

And that is a fair critique, less crime -> lower schema frequency of black = violent. One possible facet.

Ok, sweetie. You can keep lurking and maybe learn something.

Oh I grasp how you interpret it to mean hence the thought police statement. If you are so good at pre crime why didn’t you stop the shooting from happening in the first place? Wouldn’t want to reinforce those biases though huh? By not reporting actual crimes it’s almost like they never happened until they do anyway.

by most shootings i meant pre ordained mass shootings not criminal fuck heads getting in a shootout over turf.

The problem is that you're simply assuming dog is the only part that would trigger the schema when it might be "angry dog" or "barking dog" and you're also basing it around the fact that these schema or stereotypes are absolutist, which in the Jussim article that was linked, there is no evidence for.

This isn't a discussion of pre-crime nor thought policing. Merely acknowledgement of said bias and schema to avoid what will eventually be a retarded nationwide legal case where a teacher pops some black kid who literally dindu nuffin because they misread a situation while having a gun. Idk wtf you're going off on with that tangent.

Cops got to survive. That’s threat detection you are messing with in a job that has people shooting at them.

Stereotypes are more accurate the more one interacts with whatever group. A cop who interacts with black people all day is going to be more accurate about group trends than someone who doesn’t live near a black person.

But maybe you think any particular cop doesn’t interact enough with non criminal blacks and i do think exposure therapy, if you mean increase interaction with a particular group, is useful. As long as it’s just exposure to real people and not trying to engineer a certain type of “true” bias

>implicit bias
Nobody is denying implicit bias you retard, that's the natural state of being. This is why people prefer their own ingroup.

No i'm not. Schemas can be accurate or inaccurate, and similarly precise or generalized. But even accurate and precise schemas can produce inaccurate responses. Nowhere have I stated they are absolutist. It's simply an acknowledgement of the inherent flaws to the human brain's schema based problem solving system. I'm simply saying ignoring this blatant problem with "arming teachers" is just gonna cause a situation like

Not the topic, bud. Read the thread.

Reddit keeps saying that too
>hurrr what if the teacher you trust around your children suddenly takes out their gun and kills everyone even though they wouldn't hurt the kids without a gun
Fucking brainlets

School shooters are young and impressionable while older public shooters are rare, they'll more often kill themselves or family members. My point is that the more accessible and widespread and most importantly socially acceptible gun use is, the more options will the pasty, weird white kid have to get and use those guns.
Giving that weird desillusioned burned-out teacher the status of some sort of vigilant armed militia won't help anyone since they're either too pussified to actually do something in the case of a school shooting or they're so into it they could become a greater threat than the school shooters themselves.

The other day a teacher pulled a gun on a student but ultimately was arrested, not a perfect situation but better than having a school shooting.

>democrats are the real racists
No, we're all the real racists. Us and them. Racism, meaning preference for ones own race, is natural. They're racists too but they just think saying they're not makes them virtuous, so they yell and scream about ending racism all the time. Sometimes, their wires cross and they let something stupid like this slip that shows they're just as racist as we are

The argument is rather how more guns could prevent school shootings. School shooters won't stop trying to shoot up schools just because they know that teachers are armed while it's up to debate without empiric data if armed teachers would be able to safely kill school shooters so they won't be able to cause mayhem.

That's a fair point and truthfully school shootings aren't a big enough issue as a whole to warrant armed teachers.
I assumed that you were being absolutist because the example you gave was absolutist, but that was an incorrect assumption.

>School shooters won't stop trying to shoot up schools just because they know that teachers are armed
What are you basing this off of?

>people don't stereotype
Now I know you're retarded. There's nothing wrong with stereotyping, life would be impossible without it.
I've worked with niggers, it's all true.
Again why are you people so stupid? The question as of recently was "is implicit bias learned or is it inherent", not whether it exists. It's well-documented that people have an implicit bias, this is not a matter of debate.
They don't even have to be personal experiences, your brain can create a schema based on the observed reality that niggers are subhuman.
>incorrectly applied
You need to go beyond psych 101 and learn more about how this exact process helped the human species survive, bud.

The reason it is being asserted that teachers could have subconscious bias against black students is the same reason it’s asserted against cops.

And ultimately bc blacks have higher murder rates

Many teachers are on anti-psychotics.

Niggers are going to loot the shit out of the government issued pistol in every classroom.

Every nigger I know roasts me saying only whites are school shooters. What are they worried about?

It's not asserting an active racial bias against black students. It's asserting a schema will produce a scenario in which an altercation involving black students will progress, in some instances, to incorrect utilization of lethal force. This happens with cops, yes. But this discussion is an article asserting why arming teachers is a poor idea. For the reasons I have stated.

Why you keep trying to assert I'm defending all actions of blacks is, to me, an acknowledgement of your part that you ironically applied a schema of someone who disagrees with you as this foaming at the mouth liberal apologist.

Yah this guy,

Police have a teacher in custody after responding to reports of a shot fired at a school in Dalton, Georgia.

The teacher was reportedly apprehended after barricading themselves in a classroom, and after firing a single shot with what was reportedly a hand gun, police told local media. Local reports indicate the hand gun was eventually recovered.

While the Dalton Police Department stressed that no children had been injured in the incident, the school was placed on lock down, and students were being taken to a nearby convention centre, according to the Dalton Police Department.

The teacher, later named as social studies teacher Jesse Randall Davidson, did not let students inside of the locked classroom during the incident, because he "didn't want to involve students", according to local NBC News reporter Kate Smith. Mr Davidson was also known to the school as the play-by-play football announcer, police said.

Mr Davidson was later charged with aggravated assault, carrying a weapon on school grounds, terroristic threats, reckless conduct, possession of a gun during the commission of a crime, and disrupting public school, police later announced.

Dalton City schools are ranked among the top three safest in the entire state.

I hate to bring this up in a debate but it's common sense. Public shootings almost always end up either in incarceration or death while the shooter has no social, financial or philosophical gain from the shooting itself, it's well calculated and operated rage. Someone who is so far down the road doesn't make an escape plan (or just a very poor one). Otherwise there wouldn't be anyone waiting on death row.

The teachers don't have to kill the shooter for the scenario to change from a massacre to a battle. Simply forcing the shooter to seek cover gives students and faculty the opportunity to escape a situation where there'd otherwise be no retreat.
Additionally, only licensed volunteers would carry. It's not a shall issue for all teachers, that's a leftist strawman which has been pushed on many "news" networks. Simply put, faculty with CCW licenses would not be barred from carrying on campus.

Of course arming teachers would harm any would-be gangster who tries to murder or rape their own teacher.

It's basically an admission blacks and Hispanics are violent orcs and can't control their murderous impulses, thus putting them at risk of being shot by teachers trying to corral them/stop them from killing or beating someone. "Implicit bias" is code-word for noticing blacks and Hispanics commit all the school ground violence. 71% of school shooters are also black. More kids will die in Chicago from black violence this year than all the white male mass-shootings in the past three years. In 2010 alone, 700 kids were shot and 66 of them died. The perps were nearly all black.

>"I'm worried a black or brown boy running down the hall like anybody else to get to safety reaches in his pocket to pull out his cell phone could be mistaken for [a] shooter."
I wonder what might give them that idea? Picture related.

Mass shooting maybe, but blacks bring guns to school way more than any other race, if only to shoot one person.