Tokyo ghoul:re

Eto is cute!
Dragon is cute!!

Eto soon, boys.

The cutest and the most beautiful.

Eto is dead

furuta is dead

Furutafags have already accepted the fact that he isn't going to live, being the antagonist after all. Etofags however...

im not an etofag i just want furuta to stay dead. eto is also dead

Furuta is not dead.
Neither is Eto.

he got ripped in half


Thank you for this image.

Or knocked over.

I love Eto!


Why ignore her perfection?

That image does not portray Queen Eto's true beauty. It must be eliminated from all archives. not even pointing out the fact that it hardly resembles her.

user, if you can provide better lewds, I'll delete. Otherwise I take what I can get.



Touka has ruined :re
prove me wrong

furuta ruined :re


I wonder what it feels like to realize that your manga is so shit that the only way left to salvage it is to switch the genre to comedy.

:Re was a fucking 9/10 in the prologue and it dropped to a 2/10 so fast I didn't noticed

Aaaaaaah my dear little Eto can't possibly be this cute

I think its because the author spends so much time trying to develop the bloated mess of a cast without focusing on any select character for more then 4 chapters. So many stupid side plots that are just ass pulls after ass pull.

Etoooooo you sure?