Jew Pardon

Question: would POL support a Jewish pardon or amnesty if they voluntarily gave up or killed their banking elites; Rothschild's, Goldman Sachs, the Fed etc etc

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Please stop conflating Israel with the soros types. Israel are independent conservatives that fight the globalist Jews just like trump.


Beg to differ user but it was Jewish globalists that instituted Israeli state after ww2.

What do Christians say, Satan doesn't cast out Satan.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Then again if you can offer proof or argument to support your claim I'd be interested to hear it.

Shut up.

How foolish this post is. Go away, shill.

Banking elites is not enough. The Jewish bolsheviks and other communists are as big of a problem. Also you are simplifying the matter.

Let's start here

Killing is not necessary, but just going to the Rothschilds is far too narrowly put.

yes. Also 20$.

I'm willing to forgive all muslims and jews as long as everybody goes back and we torture Soros, Rothschild, et al.

>Israel are independent conservatives

I have to agree there, Israel is literally one of the best allies we can have in this fight against globalism. They will defeat the diaspora ones here in America.

You deserve a bullet kike

You deserve a bullet kike



Do you think your bullshit works here? We are not Dubya, Schlomo

so cute have a bump

Just browsed the link user (will read in depth & full later) from what I saw it is encouraging, but I note it's dated early 2000s...they don't seem to be gaining much traction considering we're nearly one fifth of the way through the century

Yes, repent or die. The time draws nigh. There will be no going back once we start.

they know its coming, this is an attempt to bargain

>POL support
>giving up Jewish elites

is this a real question? Assuming that the jewish elites are the one and only problem, why would they be "given up" or killed? by who? what is the alternative choice contextually?

if the choice is between ridding the west of all Jewish influence or just that of the Jewish elites, then the former. but we could just do both?

silly question.

user, Jews control the modern financial system & invented Communism/ Socialism...what bigger problems do we face?

Yep. Israel is the only nationalist state left in the west, and before trump, was the only western state opposed to globalism. Sure Ethnic Jews are at the head of all the elite banks, just like they are at the head of all hard sciences. They come from a pool of superior DNA when it comes to intelligence, so they run shit, good and bad. Religious Jews however are extremely right wing and anti-globalist.

Pol illustrates how whites act just like niggers when they are faced with the reality of a group with genetically superior intellect. Everything is a big conspiracy. Just replace “whitey” with “Jew,” when watching niggers bitch about how they are being kept down, and you will have a summary of most of pol’s basic argument regarding Jews.


>Yep. Israel is the only nationalist state left in the west, and before trump, was the only western state opposed to globalism.


Get the fuck outta here you sesitive faggot. Once the day of the rope has come, all kikes who haven't seeked shelter in Israel yet will be burned in the eternal ovens.

Interesting...but they invented the fiat money system, Communism/ smart/benevolent can they be?

If you did both you would have to throw out most of your medicine and military/computer tech for starters. This is why after ww2, Germany went from the most technologically advanced country in history to a shithole that has invented nothing in 70 years. They got rid of the Jews.

You can be the ruler of a third world shit hole with no Jews, or you can accept the technological and medical advances of the Jews, but accept that you will have lower status under them as a weaker intellect.

Niggers have the same choice in South Africa, when they choose to kick out and slaughter all of their white farmers and scientists that turned their Country into a modern state. People would rather be alpha then beta, no matter how their actual standard of living may decline. With the Jews gone, you don’t have to constantly be reminded about how the average white man has an IQ of 100, which is actually pretty fucking retarded.

>They come from a pool of superior DNA when it comes to intelligence
Jesus Christ, we are shilling hard today, aren't we? The Ashkenazi IQ meme has been BTFO many times, they are no more intelligent than Arabs. Just more prone to usury and in-group preference.

>Pol illustrates how whites act just like niggers when they are faced with the reality of a group with genetically superior intellect

>nigger: dem wyte peepl are rayciss and shieeet, dey put slavry on us and wana keep uz down
>aryan: Jews have been infiltrating and undermining white societies for centuries and this is why they must be removed of all influence they have in the west so we can live to our fullest potential.

Not quite the same, kike

Funny how you always call Rothschild a Jew, but you never call Hillary Clinton a Christian. Why is that? Both have nothing to do with either religion beyond their genetic heritage.

Again, they invented Communism/ Socialism as well as the fiat money smart/ benevolent can they be?

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Seeing as a jew that helped the Nazi to help find other jews ended up being one of the most powerful people I'm going to have to go with a hard no.

Difference is Christians are railing against HRC

-No more intelligent than Arabs
-Are secretly masters of the entire world and have bent you all to their bidding.

Pick one faggot.

Nah, you gotta kill them all, like the Mafia. If you leave any alive, they will come for revenge.

Rothschild is pushing an entire global agenda aligned with Jewish prophesy, don't try to downplay him being a kike. Hillary Clinton is no better than a fucking Evangelical either but she does it more for the money which she gets from Rothschild Zionists. But nice deflection from the fact that you are shilling blatant lies you fucking kike.

but its like saying "if blacks turned in all of their criminals, would POL support it?"

well yes, obviously....but what planet is this happening on?

For this to happen, blacks would have to grow a sense of community, magically increase their iq, changing genetically and culturally. not to mention we would still have the problem of welfare costs, absent fathers and the next generation of black thugs.

The question just lacks all context necessary to answer it.

You know nothing about Jews or Jewish prophecy, and it is a complete joke to think that the Rothschilds have anything to do with Judaism beyond a faint genetic connection. I suppose when Soros was feeding all his Jewish neighbors to the Nazi death camps and stealing their property, he was merely adopting a pro-Jewish global strategy too subtle and genius for simple minded people to grasp.

I just explained how they did it. Also, note the diffrence between average race intelligence and individual intelligence. For you, as you seem pretty stupid to me, I will say it again. Jews, although not as intelligent on average as whites, are a lot more prone to usury and subverting the goyim for their profit, than for e.g whites are. Also has alot to do with their religion and history.

after ww2 they were under more jewish control than ever. DURING the Nazi's rule, they invented a tone of stuff. you can look it up.

>You know nothing about Jews or Jewish prophecy, and it is a complete joke to think that the Rothschilds have anything to do with Judaism
Bitch stfu and stop shilling you fucking kike. I don't give a fuck if he follows Judaism or not, a Jew is still a Jew, even an atheist Jew.

So I maybe wrong in how I understand you & feel free to correct me, but what I'm picking up from that is, they lack the moral fibre to do such a thing so why even bother asking. No?

They can live out their days in Siberia as punishment

I guess so, if it would move Jews to their ethnostate. Jews have been needing to sort their group out for a long time.

if israel is bad, why are the globalists trying to meme their leader the same way as trump

>comparing whites to niggers

there is more there than just iq, shlomo. White Europeans have built nearly everything. your point is retarded.

Talmudic Jews read the Talmud for minimum 10 hours per day. It's normal for a student in Yeshivah.

Here some interesting quotes from the Talmud:

Side note: if you have never played Monopoly with kikes, you are missing out. Most fun I have ever had playing board games.

To answer you question: throw some Khazar milkers in my face and we can start a negotiation.

put simply:

If all Jews agreed to turn in the Jewish elites, they would no longer be Jews.

i.e in the current state of jewish genetics/culture, this would NEVER happen.

>Israel are independent conservatives that fight the globalist Jews
thanks user I needed a good laugh.
>do it

They all get gassed.

they need to apologize for murdering jesus


No, every kike deserves a bullet and their throat ripped out and Israel deserves to be glassed by Iran.