Google catpcha is exploiting internet users for free labor

Google catpcha is exploiting internet users for free labor.

They are profiting off of our shitposts. They are literally sneaking in labor for us to complete on top of proving we arent spambots.

This is why captcha now often takes fucking 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes to complete, if you're a little less than fortunate some days, instead of the 3-7 seconds it used to take. This is unacceptable. This is far far beyond what it takes to prove you arent automated spam. Plenty of websites use old captchas and have no issues.

Sup Forums and google do not respect you or your time. They see you as nothing but a source of profit and a gullible slave

Boycott this cancerous website until its gone, it is collecting all of your information and its creators would love NOTHING MORE than to use it against you all somehow, even if it means imprisoning or executing you all for racism, make no mistake, they would fucking love to and wont hesitate to if they have the power one day, which isnt even far fetched at the rate things are going, google needs to be dismantled into many smaller companies and they need to be forced to comply to the rules of a public forum instead of censoring anything remotely conservative. They are a disgusting company which would enslave us all like cattle at a moments notice, and you are helping them thrive with every single post

I ALWAYS cheat on the captchas, believe me my "work" isn't exploitable.

>captcha now often takes fucking 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes to complete


My beef with the new captcha is that it seems to punish you for being here too long. After a certain amount of time posting, I notice that the solves get longer and longer, which makes no logical sense. If my IP has been solving captchas for 2 hours, that should be sufficient proof that I'm a human to get an hour break from them. Instead, they make me solve 4-6 in a row.

about to time my captcha

no shit, they're using us to train AI's

Anyone else notice that you really don't have to be completely correct?
You can catch every corner of every vehicle, or you can not bother. Either way is ok.
So it's not like some yes or no, 1 right answer thing.
I guess the only goal is to make spamming take too long.
Still, it would be interesting to see behind the curtain on this stuff.

Shitposters of the world, unite!

And they're doing it stupidly, because they'll mark you wrong when you get it 100% right, just because some photo deceptively looked correct and you didn't select it. Then they add captchas after that "wrong answer", encouraging you to give wrong answers when you see a deceptive photo.

it doesn't do this for me most of the time it looks like this and just lets me post

>that should be sufficient proof that I'm a human
You're working under the assumption that the captchas can't be solved by bots, which is untrue and Google knows it. Google has basically given up on the original idea of captchas and is instead blacklisting or whitelisting IPs based on their browsing history and how much they try to post.

And they're unclear about a lot of things. Choose the signs: does that include the sign's post? How about the back side of a sign? Or if it asks you for a street sign and it shows you a billboard. You get marked wrong for not calling a billboard a street sign.
And what about when they ask you to select a bridge? Just the top part and no supporting structure? What about the part that isn't visible because it's hidden behind another object?
Give me back my nigger captchas!


fug that's true!

captchas are for plebes

Bring back legacy. Hiro lied when he said it would be better. You shouldn't have to do thisif you allow ads

Same. I always select signs for cars and bridges. I give them an incorrect pattern to follow.

hey guys, I haven't needed to solve a captcha in six months.

what's happening to me?

>letting your posts on Sup Forums be traced directly back to you

I really miss the days when we got to say niggers in the captcha

Is this why I keep getting some fucking captcha everytime I use their shitty search engine?

You blew someone for a Sup Forums pass

>source of profit and a gullible slave

What about all the e-celeb shills here?

Wait, what? You need to solve a captcha to search google?

Now I'm getting a "Verification Not Required" message for posting, which hasn't happened before.

I haven't had any take me 2 minutes, but some of them do drag on for awhile

Recently, whenever I use google to search things up, I have to do a captcha. I'll take a pick later of it

DuckDuckGo is out of order for some reason too

+1 for fucking with the algos
It actually asks me to capture less often now because i fuck with it

Wow. Did that come as a shock to you?

Damn, you sure your computer hasn't been infected? You may be part of a bot net.

NSA is after you asses guys.

Seems like something a leaf would do.

When I use TOR I get captchas for google search... Are you using a proxy?

Pic Related. I keep a clean computer, so I doubt it
Usually use proxy. Not lately though

this is maybe happening because you stopped using the proxy

You probably have a bunch of people in your local IP pool with bots.

no ive known this for years, the only difference is that they're taking advantage of everyone more and making the process require us to do more and more complicated and time consuming shit, just because they think they can

now even some of the fucking captchas make you listen to it fucking slowly read out fucking numbers, because they cant just have it be a simple quick process about proving you arent spamming, they want to trick you into compiling shit to make their services better so they can make more money

its disgusting that they get away with it, i wonder how many millions of unpaid man-hours have been wasted on their free/forced labor, ensuring google has more power than any other entity ever known to man

on top of this, they use their services, which function practically identically to a "public forum" which is granted first amendment rights by the supreme courts, to censor information, distort history, and promote outright lies

someone needs to put these fucking kikes in their place, i dont know why trump hasnt tried, maybe he's fucking afraid? i dont know

That's because you're logged into a google account and letting them track your every move. You're a retard.


it does it when im not logged in to anything though

I'm not logged in on my pc and this still happens. Does it know because my android phone has the same external ip?

the only time the captcha takes longer than ten seconds is if I am careless and do not read the instructions. Does It really take you two minutes to click on pictures with/or without cars fss.

you are an idiot

I often don't have to solve a captcha when I post. Why?

Your a poop-ass moran.

>he answers captcha correctly

This is fact. Especially ever since legacy was removed.

What if we just stop typing in threads and communicate through pictures been saying this for awhile now. But honestly thought it wouldn’t get any attraction on this board i this this would be our best bet.

Thoughts anons? Weigh in.

I’ve been having verification not required for the past month. The fucking fuck man delete this you’re starting to scare me.


And none of you, none of the thousands of lawyers, none of the millions of cops / alphabets / military are going to do anything about it because America is the most pathetic fucking country in the world. You retarded golems don't deserve liberty. You deserve the hell you built for these parasites.

It's a shittier version of mturk

Think* fuck you auto crrect stop fussing what I’m trying to write you make me sound retarded and I hate you.

I wouldn't be surprised if they dont start adding faces and have you match them up to train the AI

Well that was uncalled for.


get a gold account then

Also, you don’t deserve to get paid for shit, but maybe Sup Forums does for using captcha (even though it’s already a 2 way street)

They are using it to train neural networks for self-driving cars.

Me too

same desu, sometimes becuse I don't eve read what it is ask me.
And whenever I see captcha changing tiles I refresh it becuse the changing are too slow.

Google is using the catpcha as a means to help machine learning. So yes, you have to prove that you are not a robot, and at the same time are handing over free labour manueling checking imagines to make sure googles AI is correctly working.


Can someone explain to me how captcha is used for labor or doing valuable work?