How did this 3DCG shit get so popular? Is Sup Forums memeing on me again?

How did this 3DCG shit get so popular? Is Sup Forums memeing on me again?


It's good in spite of its animation.

This thing momentarily brought peace to the far east.

I wish we had that meme power.

All anime is goofy and CG. Why does it matter if the characters are like that now? Evidently it doesn't.

It has the strong "Tanoshii".

The more bad something looks the more good people think it is.


There's only one season of this right? I'm getting conflicting answers everywhere

There's only one season. There may be a second one in the works but we don't know much about it.

It's good
Of course

The evils of the production committee model has currently shelved season 2.

because its not a power point presentation of good looking backgrounds

It's got heart and that counts for a lot. It's like the underdog you want to root for.

It's a multi-tiered meme from the cesspool of japanese social media.

i have no idea user.

You're literally-- unironically, non-memeingly, no joke-- too young to appreciate it. I mean it. Watch 15 more years of anime and you will start to understand why Kemono Friends did so well.
There's no other way around it. This sounds like a typical "le 2DEEP4U" meme and yet it isn't. You really need a much more in depth experience with anime as a medium to properly understand what this series did right and why it was received with such overwhelming enthusiasm.

The story telling and story transcended the limitations of the very low budget 3DCG medium.

>Is Sup Forums memeing on me again?

It is far far FAR more popular overseas then it is on any English speaking website. Like, biggest and most popular anime in years popular.

It just works

The payoff must be pretty fucking big for it to have transcended that absolutely disgusting CG.

Kill yourself, retard.

>he payoff must be pretty fucking big for it to have transcended that absolutely disgusting CG.
It was. This is a decent story told well by a small and passionate staff. It's a story aimed at the kid in tired adults, which hit the bulls-eye, at least in Asia.

The cg gets less noticeable after the Serval drifting in the first couple of minutes

It's not that popular on Sup Forums though.

You're retarded i have only watched like 31 days worth of anime and I enjoyed it

>The payoff must be pretty fucking big for it to have transcended that absolutely disgusting CG.
It really isn't, people just have shit taste. I hope Kadokawa kills it for good.

Sup Forums's KF fans were willing to keep it to one thread at a time, which while violating the core tenants of Sup Forums, did have a hundred or so unique IPs per thread, so it isn't completely hated here. It became absurdly popular in Japan, though. That popularity was despite the low poly-count and low frame rate CGI, because the characters were endearing and the story interesting.
>template 42

The same reason MLP got popular

For god's sake, if you're going to troll at least do something original.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Kemono Friends. The 3D animation is extremely limited, and without a solid grasp of evolutionary biology most of the taxonomy will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Serval's genki outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization - her personal philosophy draws heavily from archetypical characters such as Toradora's Kushieda Minori, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about JAPARI PARK. As a consequence people who dislike Kemono Friends truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Kaban's existential catchphrase "Tabenai de Kudasai" which itself is a cryptic reference to Solzhenitsyn's Russian epic The Gulag Archipelago I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tatsuki's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes by the way, I DO have a Kemono Friends tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the Friends' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>template 1
One finger forward is three fingers back, user.

Where do you want that finger to go?

You can use one finger on my ass if you'll jam the other three up yours, user.

Certainly newer viewers can appreciate it too. It all comes down to having a mature ego.

>The payoff must be pretty fucking big for it to have transcended that absolutely disgusting CG.
It's decent but not worth the eye cancer.