What does pol think of Dipping?


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Faggot shit

degenerates take all shapes friend. be a decent human

What the cuck is dipping

I only like the original flavor

Sweden took over their country oldest match company when the owners died. Then, they bought most of all of American Tobacco companies. So if you dip,
you support Sweden!

its fun till your teeth hurt and your need it to get thru the day and then you wish you had more and now you cant quit, please help

It's like over 20$ a tin here, fuck that

Cope drives all the petty girls wild

A truly disgusting and trashy hobby.

I have never seen a lefty dip and personally I am a fan. Just as long as you're not a fuckbilly about it, with a golf ball in your mouth all the time

Just smoke pipe for fuck's sake

Is it becoming popular in the US and A?

I started dipping 3 years ago, but I haven't dipped for the last 6 months. Thanks, OP, for reminding me of this excellent habit.

I only dip 3 to 4 times a week, worried about my teeth

Required for life, desu

There's really nothing wrong with it, the people bitching about it sound like soyboy pussies. Grizzly wintergreen masterrace

Cigars are better imo, I don't like having to relight the damn pipe every 5 minutes


it is in the south for sure.

kinda gross

I prefer snus because I can do it at work

>The scene: an annual pipe-smoking competition.
>The challenge: to keep 3.3 grams of tobacco lit more than 2 hours, 55 minutes and 10 seconds--the world record according to Richard Hacker, spokesman for the Tinder Box International contest.
>(According to the 1985 Guinness Book of World Records, the record is 2 hours, 6 minutes and 39 seconds.)

You might be lacking skill, or the pipe's dodgy. You can smoke pipe for a looong time.

its always been popular here there have been spittoons in senate since forever

And they sell mud jugs now

I dip quite a bit. I work on an outdoor rifle range so it's nice not needing to carry a spitter everywhere. It's also the manliest way to consume tobacco.

>ommitting alcohol from the list
Enjoy soygut

Pussy boys smoke real men chew

Found the soyboys

Proper irrigation is key to hiding the headaches and stomach pains

my high school had fountains for spitting dip

Used to, quit. Nothing like finding weird bumps in your lip to make you reconsider mouth cancer.

only 3% of dip users are effected , I dip once or twice a day and still have almost perfect teeth

You can oppose carcinogens without being a soyboy

I dip. Its manly. Bitches love it

The pieces of long cut left floating around can get annoying

$6 in texas

I only fundip.

3.50 here

$2.50 in mo

Why not do both?

This. Anyone who says "but girls think it's disgusting" are cucks for caring what subhumans think of them.

Notice how i said kind of, i dont really care but its gross when people spit their used dip on the street i stay away from dipping smoking and vape

Everyone who does that shit is a redneck faggot

If you use fruity chew you are a faggot. Cope straight only.

>consuming the nicotine jew

nearly as bad as habitual weed smoking.

Including wintergreen?

I use mint am I a faggot?

A degenerate and horribly unaesthetic habit that makes you ugly, poor, and dead.

a dude i work with uses little snuff pouches but i never see him spitting

does he just swallow tobacco flavored spit all day?

It's great.

yee yee

with snus you don't need to spit

ur just mad because you puke whenever you try to use a pussy pouch

Mint is superior to Wintergreen, but well below straight.

There's skoal no spit and yea he might

I switch between that and wintergreen. Wintergreen has a nice burn to it. I prefer smoking but always have a can for when I have to work long hours

He probably uses snus, which is kind of like dip, but you don't have to spit. It gets a -3 in manliness because of that, but a +5 because some of them are strong as fuck

my nigga

Been snusing for a year now. Absolutely zero problems. Helped me kick 2 packs/day of American Spirits.

>ur just mad because

Aren't those supposed to be non-habit forming?

Why do you think they call them “dipshits”?

Mint is fine but I find it paingul if you dip too often.

It's where you got the bad expression on your bad attitude.

Just have strong willpower and dip ain't habit forming

It feels fucking amazing but you have extremely high doses of nicotine in your blood 18 hours a day. One can has as much nicotine as 4-6 packs of cigarettes. This shit will wreck you, I just quit and I'm functioning much better.

Used to love it when I was in the Marines. Very comforting to throw in a big lip. Stopped once I got out because no girl wants to see that.

What, snus or American Spirits?

I finally quit after 35 years on Copenhagen. Can per day habit. You can do it!

It's fun watching those hopelessly addicted

Wintergreen is fine, you country-blumpkin.

What do you guys think about girls who dip? I think its nasty and dipping is more of a masculine thing



Insect level 10

I've never witnessed one

I dipped cope wintergreen for 5 years after I quit smoking. I finally quit last November. It was hard but I could no longer be cucked by the tobacco jew. Feels goodman.

go south lol

The laughs :)

I know a girl who does that, it's disgusting to watch. Plus you don't wanna have to kiss that.

You must've had a cig in your mouth constantly you disgusting trailer trash piece of shit. Those things burn for fucking ever.

You sadist

delicious but horrible for you, do it for 5 years then stop.

Another myth proven to be true

Trying to quit, dentist says my gums are receding, and they already gave me a prescription for toothpaste that is supposed to strengthen tooth enamel


Half the males in my family have dipped their entire lives.

It's also a nice "I told you so"
Get neem

I don't recall

Oh yeah it'll fuck your teeth up too


I did it for ten years, can a day the last two. don't be a bitch. if you're so weak-minded you can't stop go to pouched then go to jerky dip. then realize all the great pussy you could buy with that money twice. a year at the strip club.


Actually dip became popular because of women in the south long ago. They’d do it more than men. I’ve been dipping for ten years. I cut down and a can will last me three or four days.

3.50 ga


>dipped from age 15 to 23
>quit for 4 years
>took one when drunk
>got rehooked for 3 yrs due to stress from work
>tried to quit every week for a year and failed
>currently two months sober and never want to go back

I used to love getting a dip and fapping

If you need help quitting try reading the easy way to stop smoking by allen carr

>tobacco use is manly

Where do you buy snus in the us? I've been looking around but all I can find are the shitty camel pouches

Wolf is like. 99

lolno. "additive free" doesn't mean shit when your cigarettes still contain nicotine and are actually packed about 75% more than other common cigarettes. I liked 'em, but they fucked me up HARD