I work on counter-intelligence for a top American think tank

We also perform information gathering and analysis for various different projects. AMA

no you don't. FUCKING KYS FAGGOT.

How many layers of mental illness are you on right now?

I'm a girl btw.

On DOTR would you prefer an open or closed casket? Just kidding. You don't get a casket.

I am advisor to the king of Norway


How many massive cocks do you swallow on a daily basis?

kill yourself newfag

who is the bigger threat putin or Sup Forums

How long has Above Top Secret been run by the Tavistock Institute? Also, who's or what is the biggest smokescreen/disinformation site out there?

im the king of everything that will kill you in australia


Kali or Backtrack?

how many niggers have you touched

Art Bell pepe? That shit is going down my load

Nice scif

I am the King of Norway AMA

Was "The Thing" based on a true story?


Hey Jesus Christ here, AMA

My sides

we are currently unregistered
current focus is moving onto the Emirati influencers in the administration.
I'm not sure on this one you would have to ask around

stop larping

Which kind of slugs in Australia are deadlier? Garden or shotgun?

Do it!

I am the advisor of the King. I am sorry, but that is classified.

You are going to die very soon. Better watch out.

Fuckin slippery norge bullshit

do they tell you that literally every single person with the exception of three in the senate and congress are all related, and every single president with the exception of one is related as well?

or do you work on more _important_ things like "where the terrorists are" and "where has that damn (insert terrorist 'leader' here) has gone"?

Ok. I'll bite.
What think tank.

...and i can't get a job at the local kike call center.
Whats your secret sly ally ?