20,000 scientists give dire warning about the future < 20,000,000 Religous Fanatics, Right Wingers...

20,000 scientists give dire warning about the future < 20,000,000 Religous Fanatics, Right Wingers, and Google Experts discrediting dire warning about the future.

"Mankind is still facing the existential threat of runaway consumption of limited resources by a rapidly growing population, they warned. And “scientists, media influencers and lay citizens” aren’t doing enough to fight against it, the letter read.

If the world doesn’t act soon, there will be catastrophic biodiversity loss and untold amounts of human misery, they wrote."


Humanity is going to destroy the world, oh fugg, stop the fugging presses!

It's almost like everything would be better if white people stopped feeding the world and just focused on their own for a change.

Scientist means shit these days.
MsM and political correct funding crippled science
Kill it desu


And fascist, monarchists and commies will fight in the rubble. God I can't wait

This thread will show you how stupid Sup Forums really is OP. Like lemmings charging off a cliff.

Yes goyim, pay for your carbon footprint while nobody touches China and South America for the shit they're doing to destabilize the climate.

Oil is replenished faster than we can consume it. OP is a faggot 1 post by this ID. Sage.

See goys we need to have the government mange the means of production globally in order to (((save the planet))).

Cringing for gibs. They aren't scientists. They're crybabies. Fuck them and their silly religious death cult.

Strange considering native western populations are dropping naturally. Almost as if that would remove the issue of runaway consumption...

1 post hahahaha.

tHis is now a grand solar minimum thread. If people are going to die in mass, it will be because of the upcoming crop losses/famines, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other weather coming from the loss of our magnetic shields and the increase of cosmic rays that modulate clouds and thus climate.

for some research on teh grand solar minimum you can go to Youtube and look at the channels:
Suspicious0bservers, Adapt 2030, oppenheimer ranch project, iceage farmer, and many others.

Lots of crop losses already last summer and now this year. Lots of cold weather records broken. The records were mostly from the 1950s which was another period of decreased sunspots like now.

See... what I don't understand is why people believe that White Genocide is about THIS. Whites are a world minority and we have the power to completely purge the earth of all Non-Whites.
Is it an apocalypse cult?

>1991: by the turn of the millennium the oceans will rise and there will be catastrophic changes due to climate change
>2001: by 2010 the oceans will rise by meters and many cities will be under water and biodiversity will be threatened due to climate change
>2011: by 2020 we need to cut down emissions or else the water will rise and biodiversity will be threatened
>2021: by 2030...

maybe they should stop shouting all this nonsense and try to figure a viable solution that the govt will accept instead of panicing and assuming the worst every ten years.
It's all I'm the word, assuming makes and ass out of you and me

Club of Rome propaganda


>the world is going to end from global warming!
>and the only way to stop it is to gut all domestic industry take in millions of brown people and support Israel!

So fucking true...

yes goy don't have any kids, don't you know we're running out of food for your kind,

The way I read this is that we have to kill all niggers to survive as a species.

>human misery