
Anyone thinking about joining the catholic church?

Been reading and thinking about it a lot recently, the biggest thing holding me back is sex, why is the catholic church so autistic over sex?

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John 14:21
God bless

read Libido Dominandi

Christianity as a whole requires abstinence outside of marriage. Sex outside of marriage is inherently disordered and does not grant any spiritual fruits whatsoever. Fornication is purely physical gratification (similar to an obese man binging gluttonously on food) and anyone here who has regularly hooked up with women they were not connected to emotionally and spiritually will attest to the emptiness of the act

fuck off tribe of snakes, you shitty fucking cult of kid fuckers and scroll thief's.
but noooo your bible is so riiight! but the people who run the show are all fucking WRRRRONG


Yeah m8. The 2016 election madness made me accept God and he showed me his church.

God's laws are there for your protection and happiness so you can thrive and don't destroy yourself in degeneracy. Also if you believe it is true then you commit intellectual and spiritual suicide by rebelling against it. What exactly do you have questions about.

Take the plunge and begome, it will change and save your life. You won't regret it.

Thanks, I will check it out as soon as I can

What shocks me the most is that the church says sex must be open to life, yet I've read having sex during a wife's infertile period is ok (NFP). This seems like a contradiction to me, as sex during the wife's infertile period is basically not open to life, but this is ok somehow?

I can get behind no sex before marriage even though that's stretching it for me, but sex always having to be open to life... What's wrong with just loving sex? I'm seriously struggling to accept this, it hurts lads... Especially as it comes with the Christian God package, if you take the leap of faith then you have to take the whole package, and you know you can't go against it and you're just dooming yourself by doing it...

How do you lads manage to live a life of chastity? What keeps you together?

>Yeah m8. The 2016 election madness made me accept God and he showed me his church.
kek, it could be the same for me too

I appreciate the answers anons

Lot of misinformation from lukewarms about NFP. If someone uses NFP to stop or control how many children they have then they commit a grave sin. If it is morally acceptable to practice NFP (which is dubious) then it must only be used for finer timing (eg. Conceiving for an October birth so that the baby has a greater birth weight) or other extraordinary measures. Those who abuse this turn the marital bed into a brothel and den of hedonistic degeneracy. Marriage must be open to as much life as God intends and one cannot seek to control that or try to find legalistic loopholes.

I understand you, I was shocked and appalled by these NFP peddlers too but know that they go against the magisterium and church fathers.

The primary function of sex is procreation so it should be ordered towards that. Purely Hedonistic sex leads to selfishness, degeneracy and only viewing your spouse as a sex object to pleasure you. If you are not open to life then it is better to be celibate that to destroy your life in pair masturbation.

I know you may have lots of concerns about teaching or even non dogmatic interpretation of teaching but it is better to just accept the fullness of the faith and dive in. The universal truth does not conform itself to you but you conform yourself to it. And with God's grace you will.

Chastity is bliss, for with God's grace nothing is impossible. Imagine no fatigue, depression but just motivation to improve and get a wife and seek God.

Oddly enough, I'm practically on board with everything else in catholic doctrine, yet this is the singular and biggest roadblock in my way.

What about physical attraction? is it wrong to seek a wife you're physically attracted to? Do we have to ignore physical attraction?

Im thinking about how you need to be murdered for felony conspiracy.

genital mutilation of boys is a crime

keep killing if they keep trying to extort

there is no negotiaton

>Being concerned about not having sex
>not being concerned with the faggot pope and it’s leadership
I think you need to get your priorities straight

If you're honestly thinking about joining the Catholic Church, then take RCIA as seriously as possible. I was a person who wanted to join the Catholic church and got about 3/4ths through RCIA before my disagreements with the Church popped up. The Catholic Church is a wonderful thing on this Earth and you will meet some of the kindest people ever. Don't be afraid to find disagreements though. Your soul's prosperity is on the line and (as much as the Church will tell you) it's not up to them to decide whether you believe what you learn or not.

Just remember that glory is for God alone. You will encounter veneration of Saints and hyper-dulia (SUPER DUPER CATHOLIC VENERATION FOR MARY, but it's totally not worship ;)..). Don't let this get in the way of your zeal and love for God.

souls dont exist retard

Dude seriously. Some dude born 2000 years after Christ is infallible? Not with me. And then look at their snake building.

>that showed him!

its bs...... HOGWASH EVEN my brother. just read the bible and apply it as best you can and have faith in the big man on the cross Yeshua

Are you stupid OP?

FIND a beautiful white Catholic wife.
CUM in her pussy without birth control as much as you want to make more white Catholic children.

It's that easy.


>not being orthodox

Pope is only infallible when he speaks in "Ex Cathedra". When outside of that he's just a normal human being. The pope has only spoken in Ex Cathedra once in all the years the church has existed. So he really isn't all that infallible.

t. my mom who goes to Mass twice a week and whose entire social circle is from Bible study

The thing that lead me to seek the church was its community, I'm sick of the degeneracy and madness that surrounds us.

Where else can we find people that aren't complete degenerates?

I'm a recovering lapsed catholic, and the only thing keeping me from embracing it fully is that faggot globalist of a pope

Have fun going to church and sitting behind a 20 something hotty who thinks its cool to wear booty shorts to Church.

That was a lot of my experience going to a Catholic Church.

I'm already apart of the Catholic church. It's pretty ok.

Orthodox christianity is calling, brother

I'm contemplating the same. I want to ditch Roman Catholicism all together though. The pope is a degenerate. I want a branch of Christianity that is more focused on the doctrine then making up their own rules.

this is what god supposedly looks like

Practicing catholic here.
Yeh the church is pretty strict about sex. And premarital sex/contraceptives and all that is sinful. But God loves sinners.....

I find Orthodox Christianity just as appealing, but there is a lot in Catholicism, in the roman tradition, that is beautiful and worth preserving. Just like America, the right pope could make the church whole again.

Ex cathedra: “you can buy yourself out of hell”

Are you really from Vietnam? How is that place degenerate

>yet this is the singular and biggest roadblock in my way.
It is for many inside the Church too. The problem is with ourselves, we are so used to the idea that we should have a lot of sex that it's hard to us to fathom it's just the byproduct of the "modern world".

>Is it wrong to seek a wife you're physically attracted to?

>Do we have to ignore physical attraction?
No. God still wants us to enjoy sex, just in the limits of a rational use of it. He doesn't want you to turn it into a punishment

>just listen to yourself goy, don't let the Church teach you sound doctrine
fuck off

I wouldn't advise it. Sola scriptura and sola fide are the path to biblical understanding and, by extension, paradise. By becoming catholic you willingly accept that a socialist, Muslim-pandering faggot enabler is Christ's vicar on earth. In short, you embrace blasphemy by doing so.

I was thinking about becoming a Calvinist, actually.

The doctrine of justification presented by Calvinists is much more convincing.

I suppose I will just take the anglican middle way.

>using the Sup Forums flag as this and not a swastika outside "general" threads

It's time to stop there, lad.

Also for "BASED" orthodox church that always cowered to muslims, to the point of their "patriarchs" even today having to be born in Turkey...

Whatever your beliefs, these churches are not our allies. Take this redpill over your "denominational identity"...

Just join m8 :)

>the vicar of christ is infallible
>yet we're always changing our doctrine

Tell me, if the Catholic Dogma was so sound, why isn't everyone Catholic? It's a Universal religion afterall!

I have a whole folder user, I want to keep them alive on the boards for other anons

believing in the abrahamic god is tantamount to believing in this

no evidence for both

Shame on you all for perpetuating this lie
you will curse your children with misery because you were born a miserable wretch and will gladly give that cancerous gift to children. Go on, enslave your children to this garbage because the kikes who created need more victims for their sacrifices.
Stupid cattle