








Where's Mexico


A graph just for Portugal and Angola.
I wonder what does (((this))) mean?

It's time to let them starve. We are literally feeding this problem.

The UN wants Portugal to get blacked by Angolans, obviously.

Jesus Christ.

>implying arabs, asians and latins are black and not actually white

I have no hope left for the white race.

Africa's economic position is not exactly on the rise so this could be very bad


What he means is... You can double a penny, but those 2 cents still won't get you a loaf of bread...


Sure... but its not as if high African GDP growth is a one off thing, this is a decade average and I don't see why they'd suddenly stop growing

They forgot to take emigration into account.

Blessed image

why are we feeding them. Wtf literal world suicide.




You're correlating the GDP to generic economic growth. How's the wealth distribution looking? GDP includes government spending, which also includes borrowed money. Sometimes GDP masks an actual liability, rather than actual exonomic progress...

don't worry. You'll get to house and feed them

>not also taking into effect the people that actually leave their continent more and shit up the world

Gonna be a lot of poopoopeepee and dog carcass on the streets everywhere.

External debt is pretty low or at least certainly not high enough to produce >5% GDP growth consistently. Government spending is a component of GDP but for the bulk of countries consumer spending and exports make up the bulk of GDP. I'm sure the growth isn't distributed equally but there's good reason to believe that people in general in Africa are rapidly becoming better off .

they'll kill each other before they reach anywhere near 2 billion

Just wait until all that South Africa shit goes down and they lose any and all ability to feed that shithole continent. All that growth paid for by the white man in the form of (((food aid))).

I hope to God a war starts soon. We can rebuild from a war, and while we are busy killing each other we will forget to feed them and hopefully they will return to a more sustainable level. I would rather have a thousand years of brother wars than having no brothers left because we allowed ourselves to be overrun by jungle niggers.

Mouse utopia...

This is nothing more than a sneaky plot to eradicate them within a few generations...

Give them everything they need, no strings attached...

This won't end well.

This is much more important graph.

That's right goy, don't worry about the future. AI will wipe your ass for you

>being nuked is better than being a nigger

I trust liberals have a plan to stop this disgusting trend of non-diversity?

Let them starve, let them rot.
I don't care what the nigger fate is.

>what is genophage

Someone still has to develop seriously sophisticated software before AI can surpass human intelligence. Processing power alone won't do it.

The only thing in this whole thread that makes me feel better is seeing Italy at the very bottom in the end of this one

the world is going to get BLACKED
We are literally going to collapse from too many demands for gibmedats

AI will program itself with self organizing genetic algorithms. It won't take long. $1000 buys a computer with more raw computing power than a human brain in 2023, by 2029 a computer will pass the turing test and literally be imperceptible from a human.

nah, more like AI will kill us all, especially the useless subhumans

Either Russia, China, or the US will find a way to wipe out most of africa with a disease in the next 20 years. Even globalist dog shit doesn't want that to happen.

Having stupid complacent sheep =/= Having 10 billion apes roaring through europe, asia, and then floating to more desirable places.

Time to atone for colonialism, Portugal! You need to do your duty and embrace your former subjects in the name of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

The idea that the globalist cabal wants a bunch of 60 IQ niggers around because they're easy to control never made sense. 5-10 billion literal retarded niggers won't be controllable, and if they were, so what? Would it make the globalists richer? No. It would destroy everything, leaving the globalists without a world worth ruling. So, what if the globalist cabal has been working to make tens of billions of niggers so that they can kill them all in the largest blood sacrifice in human history, because they need that much death to accomplish their ascension or whatever they want to do? Seems like it would be great. The Jews would kill all the niggers, then I guess use the Kaaba cube to open up a portal to Saturn and leave Earth forever.

I'm skeptical

how can we have the singularity if we are diverting all research funds into gibmedats

Only reason africa is even rising is because of foreign aid and gibs. Do these chucklefucks at the UN actually think people around the world will support even 2-billion niggers in Africa as they themselves are still having poverty problems? Let alone let the reach 4-billion off foreign aid?

UN as incompetent as ever.

they just live in enclaves with private security

The people who wrote Star Trek in the 1960s thought hand-held communicators and doors that open automatically were far-fetched science fiction too.

We don't. We pay for endless gibsmedats by just taxing every dollar in existence via inflation. No big deal. Just don't pay into social security, it will never be there to get out.

this graph is so unrealistic, there is no way African population doubles without huge increase in starvation and mortality and genocidal wars that would then cause a crash in the curve

>this graph is so unrealistic, there is no way African population doubles without huge increase in starvation and mortality and genocidal wars that would then cause a crash in the curve
wishful thinking


AI is not possible without quantum computers, consciousness is not an epiphenomenon of algorithmic processes, that is the Ultimate Scientistic Dogma

>be sad all your life that you weren't born 300 years later so you could explore the universe like in Star Trek
>grow up and realize that, in reality, 300 years from now we'll be back to living in mud huts

To clarify: I'm not skeptical that it will happen eventually, only that the human-intelligence surpassing software will come at nearly the same time as the brainpower-surpassing hardware. I still can't find a chatbot that's a decent conversationalist. Not even close.

Not if we stop feeding them.

Good point. Kids think the world will be like the Bethesda Fallout games but it will actually be Fallout 2.

Mobile phones used to look like this and cost $3999 (1983 dollars). This was only 30 years ago. Now your 2018 Iphone has more computing power than all of NASA during the 1969 moon landing.

Automatic sliding doors existed a decade before Star Trek, walkie talkies for several decades, and cordless phones were just being brought to the market when ST premiered.

Except AI isn't a hardware problem.

Yet Siri is still a moron who has to google everything and Alexa babbles randomly and cackles at random for no reason.