Spirituality Thread

What are your thoughts on the spirit realm?

Does good and evil exist?

How about demons and angels?

Is the spirit world all around us, invisible to our senses? Or in another reality?

>Is magic real? How about shamanism?

>Does free will and fate exist?

Whatcha think Sup Forums?

jews are lizard niggers

i believe there are beings outside of our perception that we label as angels and demons. nothing particularly supernatural about them though - they're just a bit more higher on the evolutionary ladder than us

And what do they "do"?


yes to all of these.

I have seen demons as a kid. They exist in the spiritual dimension.

Is the spirit world a layer on our reality? Or a realm removed which requires travel?

I don't know what you mean by 'spirit realm'. Be more specific.

Good and Evil exist.

Demons and Angels are extensions of Good and Evil. You can try to define their physical appearance all you want, it's unimportant though. Is there a huge difference between saying you've been acosted by a demon of lassitude and being clinically depressed? I'm sure some people would argue there is, I'm not convinced it matters.

I doubt there is a separate reality just out of sight, but I'd be interested to hear if you think there is one and why OP.

Magic and shamanism is pagan bullshit.

Free will exists, fate doesn't.

I'll add an extra question - who believes hell exists? I've recently been stupid enough to take a massive dose of potentiated dissociatives and wound up virtually timeless. I could no longer perceive time at all, and I have vivid memories of about a year just being trapped in a silent, neverending grey hell. I would scream at my phone's clock for what seemed like days and one day I got lucky and a minute went by. Until I saw that, I knew I was in hell. I may still be there.

No need to be specific, the interpretation is up to you

>I'll add an extra question - who believes hell exists? I've recently been stupid enough to take a massive dose of potentiated dissociatives and wound up virtually timeless. I could no longer perceive time at all, and I have vivid memories of about a year just being trapped in a silent, neverending grey hell. I would scream at my phone's clock for what seemed like days and one day I got lucky and a minute went by. Until I saw that, I knew I was in hell. I may still be there.


You've done dissociatives, how about hallucinagins?

There's a lot of tradition around the world with what you dismiss as "pagan bullshit"

Alright. When I hear the term spirit realm I think of a new-age sort of thing where the deceased, undefined beings of energy and powerful metaphysical forces exist close enough to our reality to influence us. At least everyone I've talked to about such a thing said something to that effect.

I don't believe that's true, because I think almost everything related to spirituality is seeded deep within our psychology. Ghosts can appear visually right there in front of you because what is a ghost but a memory of someone who once was? We're so amazing at extrapolating and abstracting ideas as humans that even if you've never seen someone that looks like the ghost, it can still be a figment of a deep need or even a defect within your own mind. Just like dreams, but more emotional and with sometimes tangible results.

congratulations - you've not only discovered that hell is real but that it's a state of being

Alright I was a bit harsh, I'm just not a fan of paganism. Doesn't mean their traditions are bullshit, I just want a belief system that aims to transcend nature, not derive meaning from it necessarily.

Yeah I've done hallucinogens as well, pretty much all of them at least once. At one point I was able to pinpoint the exact dose of LSD I would need to meet God, or at least have that feeling of being in the presence of God. It was an experience to be sure, but I'd rather try to have that without the use of drugs. I've done it once.

Theres nothing. Just black. Was legally dead and I saw nothing.

God isnt real. Theres no heaven or hell. Just energy. Manipulate energies live your life then die.

Next time you feel a dark presence lurking around you at night when you are alone, pray for Jesus.
Next time you find yourself raging with anger and you cannot control it, pray for Jesus.
You will see He is King.

>a leaf

>a burger

What do they look like and are they friendly?

i donno man but check out those guns on satan, i dont think my boi jesus got this one


dr chuck missler deals with these issues including quantum physics, dimensions, and these concepts
i once heard him explain the dimensions and it opened up my mind to the possibilities

>You're living in it you just have your 'eye' closed.

>Of course and at the same time no. There are many levels of this question, short answer yes so be good to yourself and others and work to make a better place.

>Misunderstand history,advanced beings from another civilization came and interacted with our ancestors. This is where religions with mythologies containing gods from the stars who made humans,had a rebellion etc come from.

>Yes, Yes&No, No&Yes.

>Yes, ideas are magic. Literally. Why do you think it is called spellcraft? A bank,government,repo man with a piece of paper and some words can take your house etc. Shamanism is real and a primal form of spirituality that reconnects humans to the cosmic and planetary consciousnesses and a return to pre-modern thought, animals experience reality differently because they haven't taken 'the fruit of knowledge', the next step in evolution that includes concise communication,abstraction,reasoning,morals/ethics.

>Both, there is an infinite number of timelines possible, all are determined but you choose which timeline by your actions,routines,thoughts etc. Short answer everything is determined and free will is real and your actions echo into the aeons.