ITT: Worst asspulls in manga/anime

ITT: Worst asspulls in manga/anime


What am I looking at?

O my rubber nen


a HxH fan



Literally a carbon copy of Alluka

>QT damsel in distress
>can rewind time

Where have I seen this before..?

Wouldn't her own blood disable her quirk?

How does this ability relate in any way to producing anti-quirk serum?

Why can't even one jobber villain be allowed to die?

Literally nothing like it. Wtf.

The end of Panty and Stocking.


Bites the dust?

nah this was worse

Forreal read this chapter for the first time today. Very disappointing

Also, Diavollo was a shit villain compared to Yoshikage Kira

That wasn't an asspull though.

Requiems were foreshadowed and established to be absurdly powerful since they bring out the absolute potential of a stand.

Still a pretty bad deus ex machina though but the same could be said for most things in jojo.



>Stabbing a stand accesses troo pawah



I'm still mad

the only reason I don't like this is the possibility of invalidating any events that have transpired within the arc. Making it all relatively pointless.

Worse yet if she's available in the future to do the same.

on the other hand, reversing the samage on Deku's arms for some high level punch action would be pretty sweet.

context please?

Is there a new chapter?

Is that actually time control?

She can only destroy shit, not heal shit. Everyone else is still fucked.

Can't wait till it's revealed Deku's quirk is literally changing the future

even though Anshin'in is my waifu, I was fine with that. She's 2stronk

After getting his ass handed to him for 7 rounds straight Miyata pulls a REDDDD LIGHTNINGGGG counter out of his ass and KOs his opponent, Randy Boy Junior.
This counter punch isn't foreshadowed at all, Miyata doesn't practice it or anything, he just pulls it out of his ass to win the match.

he punched faster than lightning with broken ribs and after being knocked down twice r three times

Guess the bullets rewind a character's quirk to before it manifested or something.

Oh please, that's far from the biggest asspull in the series.

Extremely localized time manipulation that only works in one direction on a micro level, yeah.

I remember the loss to Gomez being perfectly fine, it was the bullshit following the defeat that was problematic.
>Ippo, you lost because you didn't want it enough!


Jesus Christ. I haven't seen overreacting like this since people were so sure Bakugo would go the Sasuke route.

Ippo losing to Gonzales forced us to be subjected to absolute fucking hell. The Guevarra fight is so unbelievably bad that at this point, I don't think anyone's rooting for Ippo anymore after how much of a fucking retard he outs himself as.

I want to fuck Eri so hard until my nuts go dry. Eri leg locking me before I creampie her would be pure heaven.

This would make the arc even better than it is.

Hes gone down officially for the 2nd time in the latest chapter.
It's going to be hilarious if Ippo loses here and Morikawa ends the manga.

Requiems bring out the will of the user, they have nothing to do with the stand itself. If Giorno wished really hard to eat omelettes his Requiem would have turned diavolo into one.

Honestly that image alone gives me the feeling of blue-balls. A part of me really doesn't want to see it end in such a pathetic way, but it might just be for the best. Ippo did this to himself when he decided to stop jabbing once he became the Featherweight Champion.


I stopped reading Ippo after that fucking monkey started jumping on the ropes. Did the series pick up after that?



It got better immediately the fight after that, and then since that fight its been going downhill really badly.
Ippo's currently fighting another Filipino national champ, and he was expected to maul the kid, but hes been down twice because he fucking sucks.

pls stop

>Bullet proof skill [guilty stream]
>Judgment manipulation skill [cell fusion bias]
>[Clinical bus]

I didn't even notice [High risk unicorn]

I would have bought him saving her a lot easier if basically everyone from Soul Society's top brass weren't up there.

she already has the heart shaped pupils, shes begging for it

But HxH fag, she never said that.

While you may think that's 100% bullshit, the rules allow you to do it. No one would though, it's just a loophole in the semantics of the rulebook.

>ITT: OP didn't even see 20 anime shows because he's summer's leftover from Sup Forums

Fucking nigger stream, they got it fucking wrong



So her power is All Fiction?

>become pregnant skill

You go and think 12,858,051,967,633,865 skills

>Make passionate love to Eri
>Cum inside her
>She rewinds your body
>You are ready to fuck and cum again
>Repeat until she passes out


You must not know what the word "rewind" means.

Fucking this.

Diavolo is by far the worst villian, only even being mentioned because King Crimson is a completely broken stand that required an even more broken stand.

Wanna know the worst part?
No Doujin artist has used this skill

King Crimson is still the 3rd most strongest stand
And the most strongest non buffed stand

Everything about this faggot was an asspull even for 80's

The Arrow with the beetle is the only one that creates Requiem stands, speedreader-kun.

>Auto Rhino

>Because it's Erza

I don't get how the ability to disable any superpower with a stare is perfectly fine but somehow this is not.

Couldn't Overhaul do that?

I don't see how hers is any better than Overhaul overall.

She's limited to rewinding, from what we know.

Overhaul can rearrange shit in addition to putting things back together in a different order, effecting the terrain.

His is better.

So, who thinks all of this arc is to foreshadow that Deku has a mutation himself and has a power that is completely unrelated to his parents, which is why he couldn't manifested it?

It's almost like the fucking stand is based on the will of the user!

>Tfw niggerstream causes Sup Forumsutists to rage over a shit tier translation.
>If it was just a time reversal quirk, then that would mean Mirio and others would just gain their quirk factor after a long period of time.

Except it's not attached to a character as entertaining as Kumagawa.

the worst asspull in any anime is Sword art Online. Kirito, Come-out-death move to defeat the creator of the game after dying

>>Tfw niggerstream causes Sup Forumsutists to rage over a shit tier translation.
This sounds Ofully familiar.

Naw nigga, my boys back next chapter

>Random fuck without a source says it's wrong
Her quirk is to rewind, not fast forward. He's not getting shit.

It makes complete fucking sense though. If you were to rewind time he would eventually get his quirk back anyways.

Then he's gonna get it back eventually by your logic? Can't she "rewind" to before he was hit with a bullet?

Yeah in 4-6 years. Until then he's going to be on the sidelines so Izuku can become the Number One Hero right out of High School.

This entire arc Overhaul has been boasting that she can erase quirks without anything happening, and considering he knows completely what her power is then it's definitely more believable that rewinding time.
I don't really trust Manga Stream, so who knows.

Wasn't this foreshadowed heavily? How is it an asspull?



Hisoka's was also foreshadowed many times throughout the series, but you can't reason with shitposters.

Blame niggerstream for being niggers.

And blame Sup Forumsutists for being Sup Forumsutists.

>Name literally means revert/destroy



Pretty sure that's a wrong translation. Her quirk is to Undo. Not rewind.

Also this was foreshadowed for the whole arc. It's not an asspull as you guys are making it out to be.

When will this meme die. Polnareff summoned SCR way before his fight in Rome and it had the same effect even if it was useless for Polnareff at the moment.

Making your heart and lungs pump doesn't magically resuscitate a dead brain. Shit posting is perfectly justified.




It's largely implied, just up the point of almost being directly stated, that whoever gets the arrow first is going to win the ensuing encounter in a god-stomp. Giorno gets the arrow, wins the ensuing encounter in a god-stomp. That's why they wanted the arrow in the first place. It's stated from basically the beginning of that arc. How could something acknowledged from the beginning of the arc be an asspull?

It's not tremendously good writing, the good writing leads up to him getting the arrow and from there it's kinda shit, but it's still not an asspull.