This kills the leftist

This kills the leftist

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Why do bootlickers on Sup Forums think casting a vote in a ballot box for some zionist is going to fix everything? Do you actually think sitting on your fat arse spurs change?

I bet you don’t even have kids

Not yet. We must prevent our young people from turning into anti-white (((leftists))) as is happening in other European countries.

I bet you're not even white you little chingchong.

> Why do bootlickers on Sup Forums think casting a vote in a ballot box for some zionist is going to fix everything? Do you actually think sitting on your fat arse spurs change?
Yes my bong friend, shitposting on Sup Forums is what is going to fix the issue. SHADILAY

(((Five Star Movement)))

Wrong, stay mad.

fuck the kike that put that img together

>policies that prioritize non citizens that have no intention of integrating with society are unpopular

No way

What is wrong with this area, italibros?

nice strawman

No one said it would "fix everything", but its obviously better when the kiked neoliberal/neo con center left loses.

(((urban))) area

>hurr voting doest do anything! Just accept your lot and do nothing!

Just another reason the alt-right is complete garbage

Marxist boomers. A lot of them.

You vote for two globalist parties over and over then you vote for the new globalist party when you get tired of that

Voting has changed nothing

How are Italian nationalist parties "globalist"?

No, they aren't urban areas, those are commie areas since WWII
There was the strongest communist party in all western world

(((5 star movement))) who share every opinion of the centre left but with anti Eu because it’s popular and they can’t afford not to

Then this right wing alliance with one of the old establishment, Berlusconi. Yes I’m sure this time things won’t be the same under different party names

Fucking retard

Stop replying to him he's a shitposter and I would bet 50 bucks he's never voted in any election nor has he canvassed or published articles arguing for his political views. I bet he doesn't even assemble the shitty ms paint info graphics, he probably just reposts them.

>same as center left

lol just give up, faggot

I have a hard time believing he isn't just some butthurt leftist

They are not anti immigation, they stated that they do not want to stop immigration, but only distribute them to countries that didn't take alread because they think it's unfair that Poland and Hungary closed their borders.

>I have a hard time believing he isn't just some butthurt leftist
Maybe, but there aren't really any true leftists here.

But dey r nationalist cuz det don’t liek Eu! Never mind the exact same policies they both share, and the inevitable shift in policy when they are actually in power

Expect more corruption, more immigration, more welfare, more of the same

>change one policy
>we’re nationalist now guys
*cucks citizens with corruption and wild pro corporate policy*
*pursues planned economy like the EU*

)))the five star movement(((

>south italy turned pro gay

>Casapound 3.8%

Five star Moviment it's a bluff

If they will form the government they will have to show their cards and the moviment will implode because it's too heterogeneous.
After the failure of a M5S government the far right will skyrocket

>almost all of Casa Pound's support comes from 18-24 year olds.

Italy you make us proud.

Look at this fucking nigger

Ignore these divide and conquer types Italy Bros they tell you that no matter what you do it won't change anything or that what you are doing is just as bad as the opposite but they never put forward realistic Solutions of Their Own. If you keep arguing and back this fag into a corner, he will tell you to attempt some one man violent revolution movement that only exists in his head. These people have been popping up so often that I screenshotted an easy reply.

The only realistic solution IS violent revolution. The fact you 14-25 year olds think you can beat groups who have been in charge for longer than you’ve been alive is hilarious. And beat them by voting one of the options they set for you? You are ignorant fools. I’ve seen so many elections that resulted in the same thing. We have not seen change in decades other than the type that destroys our civilisations.

You won’t beat them by playing their game. You can’t best them by being more moderate than them while they own the media. You can’t beat them while they run your courts. You can’t best them when they own your places of work.

You can’t destroy a system like this without smashing its rules.

Why did the southern right get replaced by 5 star?

Notice that this line of thinking doesn't lead anywhere he can literally jump into any Thread about politics or elections or the talk thereof say there is no point to anything you're doing we need a revolution as if this shuts down everything.
What you are doing essentially is the same as going into the video game board picking a random video game thread then screaming that video games are for children and you shouldn't be playing them then strutting around and acting like you were the smartest guy in the room, and no one else has ever thought of this before.

Go ask someone older than you what happened as a result of the last 10 or so elections. Go ask them where the positive changes came about by electing politicians


Migrants are sparse in that area.
You need postjudice to politic against migrants.

Should I read seige too?

Time to get off the bench boys.

Exactly. They always find new ways to avoid doing what the voters want

Democracy is for the weak.


>>hurr voting doest do anything! Just accept your lot and do nothing!
>Just another reason the alt-right is complete garbage

Really need a fucking roadmap for that one

Clientelism and rich foreign tourists.

Ignore the previous answers, they're all retarded.

Better version.

Attached: SI.png (1455x561, 56K)

This also doesn't change anything, a tiny group with some principles changes nothing realistically.

What does "SI" mean in this context?

Attached: mussolini-si-1934-755x515.jpg (755x515, 97K)

It means "Yes".

Attached: SI.jpg (500x417, 53K)

That's spooky

>orienting right-to-left

Jew detected.

Northern Italy should be independent and ruled by LEGA.


I've always wanted to visit Italia, any places I should go, any I should avoid?
I don't want to see too many niggers, got enough of those in Birmingham.

Attached: IMG_6620.jpg (450x505, 94K)

The truth is that the Leftist coalition had steadily more than 20% of the votes in the North and Centre of Italy.

Only in Terronia and Sardinia did they really got beaten the fuck out by receiving between 10 and 20% of the votes.

But the 5 star movement is also pretty leftist.
Although they might soon discover a way through Terroni Nationalism. We'll see...

Also a leftist Portuguese style coalition of the Leftist Coalition with the 5 stars movement would have won in all Italy except rural Padania. And by Padania I mean only North of the Pó River.

(((Corbyn))) speaks to pol...

Former commies stronghold, btw correct map is pic related.

Attached: Italia a 5 stelle.jpg (524x619, 46K)

Right in italy is the equivalent of democrats in the US

Avoid big cities then.

Attached: non Italians in Italy.png (600x708, 102K)

See Venice, but go in the off season. Rome is filthy and full of niggers but is probably a must-see too, after that head to Naples, the GOAT Italian city.

>I don't want to see too many niggers
I don't want to see ANY niggers.
Also stop posting under that fucking meme flag.

Then vote for them next time, they will fix your problems!

Attached: Memelord on Soros the kike.webm (928x522, 1.48M)

Jesus, I hope y'all elect those 5 stars.

From what I could gather, it is the following:

That region in Tuscany - Emilia Romagna had lots of peasants and his the birth region of the Italian Communist Party. Also, in Emilia Romagna, around Bologna, there is a big University which attracts leftist scum from the entire country. Antifa types and regular lefties alike. Literally, Bologna is made fun of in Italy because of it.

Anyway, do you remember those Italian Communist Paisanos? The Brigatti Rossi? It all originated and spread from that region.

Also Renzi, the leader of the Leftist Coalition was a huge star as the mayor of Florence, capital of Tuscany, around that region.
Italians still tend to be swayed by the idea that the guy running to rule the country is from nearby:

Centre Left only won in Tuscany -> Renzi, the leader of the Centre Right hailed from Florence, the capital of Tuscany;

Centre Right -> Il Cavaglieri and Il Salvatori, Berlusconni and Salvini, both hail from around Milan and the Lega-Forza coalition panders to all the North of Italy mostly, which they won.

5 Stars Movement -> It won in all Terronia like no one remembers. Di Maio, the leader of 5 Stars Movement hails from Napoli, the capital of Terronia.

>campania 48.74

Well obviously I don't want to see any, but we both know enough about modern Italy to know that is impossible.

That map is for "one party" only.
They notoriously run in coalitions so...

Also, when will the final results for Lazio and Rome come out?
What the fuck happened?

Five star movement is a leftist party

Blackpillers are a lot like faggots.
It's not enough for them to simply exist
They must spread their infection

>See Venice
Overhyped IMO and smells god awful. Amsterdam is full of canals but doesn't smell like a sewer. Paris Seine smells like shit too.

Must see for all of Europe but holy shit is the infestation bad.

Not been. However don't forget about Florence! Leading city of the renaissance with some of the most important works in art history in a gorgeous city.

Finally they stopped voting for mafioso di Arcore.

>a city isnt leftist
hmm? how?

Not necessarily. They were fooled but the 5 stars movement really pandered to Terronia once one looks at it in the "What if I was Terroni?" way.

But let's be happy for the South who voted significantly less for the Globalist coalition than the North. And that by a ratio of 2 to 1.

it does my friend it does...

But our system is still a parlamentary democracy, it was only the retarded law made by globalists to stop "populists" who forced parties in forming coalitions. So you need to address parties not coalitions.

not really they are like centrists with an unstable ideology that changes very quickly they just LARP with "MUH POPULISM"

>smells god awful. Amsterdam is full of canals but doesn't smell like a sewer. Paris Seine smells like shit too.

I don't know what they did but some regions of Lisbon really do smell ... but only at night!
What the fuck!?

If this isn't made up subtitles that's a hell of a speech, Jesus.

I never saw a word on the tracking that was done on these ships "helping drowning people in the mediterranean". Not a fucking word other than them being humanitarian.

Of course when you see the map in action it's straight up trafficking. There's a reason they put people on rubber rafts that fall apart after 100m when the "rescue" ships are just sitting there visible to them.

Attached: Human Trafficking .webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

I really think one needs to adress both.
Weather we like it or not there were three big blocks up for vote.

Still, don't you guys know what happened in Lazio and Rome with the votes?


Its not made up he even want to ban islam. Woke as fuck.

Attached: Memelord - si vis pacem, para bellum.png (667x922, 563K)

How do I donate?

Damn. Just by looking at this map you can already tell most of Italy's major cities are still white.

America used to look like this.

These are results for Rome (Chambers and Senate)

Fuck me, the Clientel system is still a thing?

is Sup Forums the only place in the world where people eat up any bs propaganda

>25-34 have the lower Lega support than both 34
Wtf happened in the '80s to cause this?

We had these vids during the election on Italy/pol/ if you're interested in Italian political situation
1) Italian Election: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

2) Black Pigeon Speaks vid:
Electoral New HOPE: Italy STRIKES BACK at the EU

3) The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018

Attached: ItalyPol - Vittoria.jpg (810x987, 343K)

I am still waiting for actual results

make smug threads once they have deported even a small share of all the rapefugees

I kinda want to lick a cat now


Lots of darkies in the cities, any european city is full of then. Paris is probably the worst I’ve seen but I haven’t been in Rome for quite a few years. Some northern cities can be ok especially the further east you go with less welfare means less niggers. Florence was pretty wholesome but then again I only saw tourist areas.

Rome isn't that bad yet.

>calling out kikes is wrong
>stop telling everyone we're jewish. just let us trick everyone in peace. keep calling us jews and we'll have to shut it down
your pic related is retarded. typical jew crying about being found out.

Attached: 1499471313540s.jpg (125x91, 2K)

Thank you Italianbro. Really.


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