Blacks are fucked if they start a civil war with whites in South Africa

The white South Africans are beyond prepared. At first I was worried, but after watching this video I know they will win.

The only thing that will beat white South Africans is if America or Europe cuck out and declare white South Africans as ISIS style terrorists and bomb them to hell. Which I am afraid might happen, which is why we need to be prepared to pressure our governments to make sure they don't interfere with the civil war.

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In before Lauren hate.

>if they start a civil war with whites
What needs to happen to say the war started? Would niggers have to deploy tanks on white farmers' land? Because systematic slaugher seems so peaceful no one even bothers to report on that.

it hurts to see white people living like this...

Can I openly participate in this war? I'll just camp with my sniper AR-10 then go back to my waifu antifafu

blacks already won.

1.1 Million whites against 3.5 million blacks. May God help the whites.

whites are way too good at war to let a 3.5-1 ratio bother them lol

One of the few not bad Lauren Southern videos. I was worried about SA aswell until this video. It's possible that they are tricking us into a false sense of security, however.

Same.... It just looks so wrong

you just know 80% of them will side with the niggers.

As long as whites have portable farming platforms, and they can commandeer an airport, blacks are fucked. The British had no issue fighting starving retarded cannibals against disadavantage numbers when establishing colonies.

Are you implying niggers can win a war against whites? Are you retarded?

lol and then what, they get lynched after?

They'll be raped to death and their assets seized, they won't be much of a threat and the rest will turn

At the battle of rourkes drift they lost 17, killed estimated 350 Zulus, if they are only outnumbered 3 to 1 they're gonna need more zulus

dance battle challenge kek niggers

has anyone of you actually thought of the consequences an actual civil war in South Africa might have? the kind of images that will be broadcast live on all western media nonstop in case the west is forced to intervene in one way or another?
they are literally marching the streets in outrage because some drug dealer gets shot; imagine what will happen if they get to see white people actually killing them on the field!
a South African civil war would immediately translate into a full blown civil war across the whole western world under current conditions...
forget islam; maybe THIS is the zero hour event to which the communist propaganda is leading up to...

they'll be apologists for the kangz.
maybe but they will welcome it. because of systematic racism.

BPS come back home we have a fight to win.
Is it possible that neighbouring nigger countries will side with SA niggers?

So who is arming the blacks in this profitable conflict?

no one cares about this kikess

Btw, I noticed that Japan also has problem with niggers and their violent crimes recently, especially in Roppogi.

The worst that will happen is the US playing police and stopping the evil white people terrorizing africa.

Fuck, i thought that was real.
Italian reporter has also been attacked like this

Nah, its from a JAV (: But I watched the video with reporter, it send shivers down my spine.

when they are at the least equally as armed, yes.

they'll send notices informing you when you have to leave, if you are not gone, the police will remove you.


it would be stupid to try any organized resistance, that will open up the options for how to deal with you. (military response).

>White people being slaughtered every day nonstop
>Whites protest against it
>Gets called racist and is dismissed

What happened to the reporter then?
Also Tommy Robinson (not a big fan) punched a nigger and that was fucking satisfying. good for Tommy for standing up

She was fine, she did not got hurt fortunantely.

This is 100% WHY you don't get your information from Thots. First off she says if you talk to ANY farmer.. This is bullshit. No farmer is talking to the suidlanders. Then she mispronounces the name 100 times. It's SUiD-lanndas.. Anyway. Don't fall for this please. It's a money grab and she got sucked in because she knows nothing about this subject.
The Suidlanders sent out this DVD to everyone in 2007

Watch these videos before you give a cent to the suidlanders.
Suidlanders are helping no one but themselves.

"their" assets

African countries are a continual net loss to global economics.
South Africa under black rule and without whites is just another basket case that will cost trillions to sustain.
It wouldn’t surprise me if things are being set for white rule to be reestablished. There is no profit in blacks.

they're not fighting blacks

Send SA whites aid and weapons starting now. They are capable of defeating blacks at current ratio. Whites have chance to take back SA and eventually any other African nation. Whites from around the world flooding Africa, destroying the land of literal retards. And turn it into paradise on Earth, like everywhere whites go, and finally proving once and for all how whites are the best human species, the most adapted species for and on and to this planet and directing our own damn evolution to further superiority. From there, the rest of the world is a cakewalk. The Jewish and white and Asian and Slav elites know this. They cannot retain power on a white planet. S white planet means they get roped and men like Trump are our leaders.

Why do you think (((Commies))) and the $tinkin' rich let Africa revert back to black natives? They did the math and saw what was coming.

White ethnostate in Africa when?

South Africa will get reinforcments, no doubt.

Response to Simon Roche and the Suidlanders from the Boer

Pretty damning

sure will

Good. Time to clean house.

>helping no one but themselves
So? What's wrong with that?

Chinese are taking over Africa dipshits. White countries have given up their power, China has no such faggotry

This. Fuck the defeatist attitude and running away that the Suidlanders are promoting and only if you can pay BIG BIG bucks to them to help you flee.

Why they will sit comfortably on the Western Cape after they evacuate you to the Northern desert.

Listen to the videos PLEASE. You comment and know nothing of who these people really are.
Listen to Just this one. it;s short.
Did you know that Simon Roche was an activist for the ANC for over a decade ?! No one in South Africa takes these people seriously. It's only American right wingers sending them money, when they are already well financed, by who ?!

Let the global race war against blacks begin. Maybe if all races work together to rid the earth of Jews and Blacks there will be world peace.

Wrong, China's faggotry is literally China. Not even the Chinese want China to rule the world. What a joke.

I don't know, but you could tell me, instead of wasting time, and trying to waste my time with some videos I'm not going to watch.

The videos are like 40min each of rubbish. People just trying to divide each other. If another activist has problems with the Suidelanders, then go to their events. Combine numbers. If the Suidelanders ideas are bad, then the people at that event will join your group instead. It's that easy.


That Suidlander dude is a kike. The Suidlanders cannot be trusted.

Both sides are fucked, let me explain.

Whitey has no ability to hold territory in this, traditional bush/desert asymetrical war won't work because Africans don't have any problem just murdering and raping (in that order) everything that moves outside of their zone of control. To go with this they don't value the lives of their comrades at all, it's like trying to bleed a Mushroom, it just doesn't care that you lopped off a piece of it, it's unfeeling and that part you destroyed is the same as any other part anyways.

>The only thing that will beat white South Africans is if America or Europe cuck out and declare white South Africans as ISIS style terrorists and bomb them to hell
I guarantee you that's going to happen too, even if Trump keeps us out I'll bet Germany tries to aid the fight against "racism" with jets and tanks.

The blacks won't "win" this war because whitey is going to scorch those farms when he leaves and poison the wells. Complex equipment like pumps and power substations will not be maintained or repaired and we'll see Zimbabwe on a greater level in a few months. If whitey is smart in this war he'll target infrastructure, a roadside ambush will kill 20-30 replaceable retards with AK-47s, destroy a single water treatment plant on the other hand and you've just killed thousands and caused civil unrest in their occupied territory. The Boers need to completely re-evaluate everything they know about war to beat this and so far I don't see anyone doing anything but talking about a traditional bush war.

Nippon, whites outnumber blacks in the western world. Very disappointed. First time in over a decade here to see an illogical case made by a Jap. Good work ruining the unblemished track record of your fellow gooks.

These Suilanders have already shown that they are cowards and full of shit. They were no where to be found at Coligny. You can't even be part of their little group if you don't have a newer SUV and tons of supplies, to run away and allow the blacks to take your house aqnd belongings.

WHILE the suilanders sit in the Western Cape, with your money.. Jesus man. Either don't comment or learn about these people.

The Suidlanders are a scam.

They already know this. Cut off the logisticals support and infrastructure then they all starve and die.

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That's why I don't watch them, I see no reason to give more credit to one video over the other one. All I care about is that there's a nigger problem and it needs to be solved. If the war is coming it's obvious people divide into different factions, because they want to be at the top to take the power. Smearing competition is nothing new.

Maybe they need some polandball.

and worked for the ANC for YEARS.
No South Africans are joining this. Only US right wingers are giving money to this bullshit.

>You can't even be part of their little group if you don't have a newer SUV and tons of supplies
That's reasonable, why would you take dead weight with you in survival situation. I think you are a loser or an idiot. I get you don't like Suidlanders, it's ok, you don't have to.

user is just a sad discordian jew trying to atomize whites. Ignore and report

>start civil war.

Thats where you are mistaken bucko. Civil wars dont start in genocide scenarios.

Look at the jews in Nazi Germany. They were lied to until the moment they walked into the gas chambers.

>"were relocating you"
>"we will be moving you to another ghetto"
>"this is a shower facility"

Thats how they got millions to march quite literally to their own deaths. Whites in south africa will experience the same.

Thats why even the hint of racism justifies extreme violence. Every Jew was totally justified in assassinating hitler or killing all Nazis as soon as they opened their mouths.

Likewise whites in south africa are 100% justified in killing every member of the ANC.

But people are stupid.

They will run out of bullets long before Africa runs out of fodder

yeah i was worried for them before i realized they had a little hydroponics going and 5 trucks.

Or listen to real South Africans that have been fighting this fight since the 1980s and 1970s.
Like Dr. Peter Hammond, Jan Lamprecht, Karin Smith, Monice Stone and Mel Ve.
Karin Smith posted a Video almost everyday from 2015 till 2017 when she went into the hospital and no one ever commented.
Or give your money to Simon Roche to sit in the Western Cape and laugh at your demise. It's a money grab.

and your fucking thot fell for it.

The suidlanders did this same shit back in 2006 and now NO ONE In South Africa listens to them.

Jews were not genocided in "Nazi" Germany. Also, FUCK YOU.

Want to know how I can tell you're a kike?

Blah Blah Blah.Fuck you.

In the words of the Boer themselves. The Suidlanders are Cancer. Real Boers support the AWB

i really fell for it by doing nothing. it's my secret plan to win the uprising.

Basically. Once the farms are emptied it'll be a matter of time before the food situation detiroates, and the country starts running out of food.

Now, Zimbabwe was a slow burn so the food situation took years to take it's toll. S.Africa on the other hand will have it's hands tied fighting an enemy in the countryside AND a rioting population in the cities.

The first rounds of the war will be sanctioned by the government, but it'll soon have to pull back as the capital and resources drain and they have to actually govern.

plan approved by white command.

All Roche is pushing for is an escape route. He's dumb and very naive because he underestimates the kaffir and their ferocity and thinks there is a peaceful escape.
This same man pushed for ending Apartheid as a White idealist.
During the mean time Peter Hammond was in the Bush tending to the boys and Jan Lamprechts brother was in the Rhodeisan SAS and Jan was in the South African Naval Intelligence. Fuck this Roche guy.
Listen to people that have fought this war their entire adult lives, not some huckster raising money for his run and hide org. Where they gonna go run and hide ? WHERE?!

You're a kike, admit it. Until then nobody respects you for attacking whites who are preparing to defend themselves against a genocide orchestrated by your tribe. You've started the fight, we're going to finish it, and finish (((you))) for good.

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>whites farm all the food in South Africa
>niggers don't know how to farm
>niggers want to fight the men that feed them

Niggers everyone

>. Until then nobody respects you for attacking whites who are preparing to defend themselves
That's the fucking point WHOOSH
The Suidlanders are not about protecting. they are about running away BUT only if you are rich.
They showed in Coligny that they are spinless while the AWB showed right up and fought back!
Fucking wake the fuck up. The SUIDLANDERS are not going to save anyone. the ANC doesn't want a fight. they want whites to run off into the velt while they take thier homes.
Jan Lamprecht and the rest of the real Boer will stand and fight. He faught at Coligny. What did Simon Roche do ?


As if niggers could conduct something like that when they can barely feed themselves

Problem is once the niggers kill off the whites that feed them they'll be poured over into America and Europe.

What if we started spreading lies that whites have started killing blacks and are getting ready to take over the government.
Essentially we will be spreading up the process by inciting black ppl into violance.

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You want whites to be slaughtered by niggers instead of making a tactical withdrawal then retaking the land after the niggers starve and implode. Until you are ready to pick up a rifle and fight you get no respect you little Jewish twerp. Go back to Israel and never post here again.

Battle of Jadotville had whites outnumbered 20 to 1 and they didn't lose a single man.

Someone has done a poor job of learning their history lessons...

You really don't have to lie about it.

No, but we're going to send niggers to serbia to fuck inferior serbian woman. Dumb fucking goyshit.

Are you fucking retarded ? A Tactical withdrawal into the Velt by Soccer Moms and Simon ROCHE? Are you fucking insane?!

Listen to Jan Lamprect. He is friends with almost all the high level military leaders during Apartied and their plan includes the troopies and is not the plan of the Suidlanders. Those following the Suidlanders will be hung out to dry.
Why would you trust a guy that worked at the highest level of almost any white, for the ANC, for a decade.

fake af

They're evacuating to women and children to safety. Why stay where the enemy knows where you are kike? Once the safety of your group is secured the men can go on commando raids and take out the infrastructure. Then the niggers starve and start killing each other. You teenagers think you know it all but in reality you're dumber than a box of rocks.

did you absolute MONGOLOIDS forget what happened to Rhodesia?

There's no chance at victory, South Africa is doomed.

AM I missing something? South Africa is 8% white (4,500,000 white people) and about 80% black with the rest being mixed race, indian, etc. It's not a 3 to 1 ratio, it's a 10 to 1 ratio. Good luck guys

>They're evacuating to women and children to safety.
Then where were they at Coligny when they mass SMSing everyone about it ? Why did they not show up to fight or evacuate ? BECAUSE ITS A SCAM!

You obviously have either bought into Simon Roche or that Lauren Southern character. The Suildnaders will not save anyone. That is a fact.

Support the fucking AWB or Monica Stone or Dr. Peter Hammond or Jan Lamprecht.

So who on Sup Forums would fly to south africa and join the south africans if a war did start?

They can't win without weapons and our fucking CIA has gone rogue and is currently trying to destroy our republic.
Sorry SA whites, we'll take you as refugees but we have our own problems right now.

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Yeah ok but you're still a Jew.

I'm planning on it.

You better have some sort of organized unit and proper uniforms, as per the rules of war you are an illegal combatant otherwise and can face summary execution if captured.

The niggers won't respect rules of war and neither will I.

I'm not a Jew but Lauren Southern, Ezra and Simon might be. Start Watching Jan Lamprects stuff and stay away from these people diverting money from the Boer who need it.
Also ask yourself. What are Simon Roches plans for evacuating the 100k+ people living in these squatter camps ? *CRICKETS* man.

1. Munsieville
2. Blikkiesdorp
3. Diepsloot
4. Freedom Park, North West
5. Joe Slovo, Cape Town
6. Kennedy Road, Durban
7. Kya Sands, Johannesburg
8. QQ Section
9. Symphony Way Pavement Dwellers
10. Wallacedene
11. Joe Slovo
12. Khayelitsha
13. Delft

They all get to die in Simons scenerio. Not in Jans or the AWB's who actually SHOW UP when there is trouble. EVERY TIME.

How many times have the Suidlanders shown up ? ZERO times. ZERO EVER!

but they are the first sending out SMS's freaking people out and panicking them.


You also don't want to be tried as a war criminal.

White men were always outnumbered.
White men were always the true minority.
White men still are still feared.

Are you trying to frighten me? War is hell faggot, and napalm sticks to niggers.


Niggers seem like literal aliens from another place. They're so animalistic in nature. It doesn't matter where they're from, they all basically act the same.