Tokyo Ghoul :re

Spoilers soon edition

monday spoilers are the worst.

I love my wife Eto so much.

> Etofags whine about Talker having no deep chemistry with Kaneki, call the pairing forced, call every talkerfag cancerous and tell them fuck off
> Talkerfags spite Etofags by saying she's dead, she's no longer relevant in the manga, she didn't end up with Kaneki
Both sides are absolutely cancerous. Neither Touka nor Eto have proper chemistry with Kaneki and either way the pairing would have been forced, and they wouldn't have been able to cure Kaneki's mental issues. Bitching about the same shit every thread when the outcome is always everyone fucking right off makes no sense.

I continue living just for Touka.

Somewhere in the world, right now, there are people who are sitting in front of their monitors, posting posts like these.

The spoiler is that I am a VANCOUVER!

You are cancerous too user

Eto is in hell where she should be.

Why are you bringing this up again if you think that it's cancerous? also what the fuck is that spacing after the >?

You are wrong since Ishida stated he created both at the same time, the basically go in pair. You can say daddy issues but you know you are wrong, they are perfect.



lets get this fucking party started lads

You forgot this guy >>163480991



Behold! The Be Ghoul of Tokyo, The

Touka is the only thing keeping me alive.

I'm sorry user.


so is he actually dead?

Remote Controlled Kagune Clown


Cybrog clone from the future.
