What is Kaiba's tax policy?

What is Kaiba's tax policy?

This guy is a billionaire, best chess player in the world, owns one of the most powerful corporations on the planet, a genius who understands quantum mechanics and can perform quantum analysis's and he even has a 6 pack.
How does he do it? What's his secret?

Kaiba is okay, but he isn't the KING. He isn't JACKED ATLAS.

Jack Atlas wishes he could be Kaiba

A tax on being shit at card games
That's it

Fuck off.

*former king

he completely disregarded women

>but he isn't the KING.
Neither is Jack, buddy.

Jack Atlas ditched best girl. He is a complete faggot and should be shunned.


You got 9

Try again


Kaiba's Tax Policy: You can challenge the Tax Collector to a duel. If you can beat the tax collector in a duel, you don't have to pay taxes for the month. If you lose you pay double the amount you were suppose to pay for the next year.

I mean. I would still duel.

>be born rich, work out and spend your time playin games and reading books

wow that was hard

Is this the ideal male figure?

You've lost Anons. Now I banish you to the Shadow Realm with this 5.


What does it all mean?

>born rich

Doesn't he only own a city?

He only controls some minimal taxes.

Really makes me think

He gets any Blue Eyes cards, and first pick at any new booster packs.

It means he will return, some day.

He was a fucking orphan and went to a public school, for some reason I don't understand.

Blue Eyes F'oreal

>tax policy
Dripple down economy with flat tax 5% and insurance-only healthcare system tied to minimum 5 years contracts.

>born rich
Read the fucking manga you secondary cunt

>still can't beat a midget at a card game


actually, he's completely infatuated with his waifu

This. Kaiba is forever enamored with his waifu at the same time being totally gay for someone who gave him his sweet taste of defeat.

>Kaiba has been into Monstergirls since the start


>born rich

Dumb redditor



Jack Atlas successfully defeated his rival once.
Kaiba had to threaten suicide to beat his.

I don't like the idea of the Pharaoh losing.

Good thing waking the dragons never happened.

Only because for some reason he had to wait a turn to declare an attack after using Monster Reborn

Also DK Yugi making up bullshit rules like fusing a monster with a magic card

And yet still cant get over losing to a wuz a kang in a children card game.

He is Not real

Is Kaiba a masochist?

can we stop this bullshit meme about yugi cheating? rules weren't official in duelist kingdom

I never noticed but Kaiba is ripped. Oh my.

Kaiba's rival is a fucking ancient Egyptian pharaoh with magical powers.

30% minus 10 for every aryan dragon in your deck

>born rich
Stupid cunt.
He was an orphan until he beat his adoption father in chess. Even then his father would fuck his shit up because he was angsty he lost to a child in chess.

12-year old Seto rekt Gozaburo in chess, and Gozaburo was a world class champion. Later on he outkeikaku'd Gozaburo and stole the company. Kaiba worked like hell.


He was born with a normal family until he and Mokuba's parents died and the relatives took their inheritance. They got pushed to an orphanage until their foster father lost to Kaiba in a chess game and adopted them.

Even then, Gozaburo was nothing but a shitlord to Kaiba which is partly why he's the way he is now

And Jack's rival is Jesus Fudo so what is your point?

He's only swole in DSOD aka Card Game Kino.

Sex cults fucked with his relationship wirh Carly but if none of that shit went down Jack would have successfully defeated Yusei and married his waifu.

Wow you got fucking destroyed commie dumbfuck

>finally rewatched Pyramid of Light but as subbed
It's still not any good but there were a lot of small parts removed from the dub version. The friendship stuff is as corny as ever,

Kaiba is nuts.

Probably like every other billionaire, Kaiba support neoliberal economics. That mean billionaires like him shouldn't pay taxes while most of the government budget must be taken from the 99%