Kingdom Come: Deliverance Costed $36.5 Million According To Report

>36.5 millions
>only made 30 million so far
Racists BTFO

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Most beautiful game ever made tho

Waiting for a sale and a patch. Read in the reviews it was buggy. Gameplay looks pretty good, but until it's cheaper and patched I'll just play Path of Exile.

fuck, i should make games

I've already put 121 hours into it

I know your country is owned by the Chinese but please at least try to use proper English

Half of that is voice actors getting that money.

$20 million of that was crowdfunded you retard. Shill better

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Might this be because most people with half a brain will wait to buy a game until it's actually finished?
really joggin the noggin

They just released a patch actually. Bugs are fixed etc. I doubt it'll be much cheaper any time soon though. There's always pirating now and paying later if you want to be a douche.

Buggiest late game in existence though. Have you actually tried to play it all the way through? Everything from raiding Vranik on plays like it was never actually tested before release, just blindly scripted and hoped that it would all work out.

They had like 10 voice actors total... I doubt they're getting half.

The people behind computer games pay themselves wages while making the game. If there is a profit, good, if not, well investors do not get their money back.


How is it on PS4? My PC is too old to run it.

are you including EA games?
>had to reload once due to a horse gone missing bug
>once stuck in a dialog loop
>stairs are sometimes wonky


Get the fuck outta here, you illiterate shareblue faggot.

It's sold over a million copies at 60 bucks a pop. Steam takes 30% of that. So they've at least broken even, not considering that it was funded in large part by crowd funding

No, but fair enough. I haven't played an EA game in a very long time so my expectations are too high

To be fair, they are not just voice actors. They used motion capture too

They had sold 1 million copies one month after release, your math is off.

Its a good game. bugs and quirks prevent it from being perfect. I would reccomend it.

Is this shit serious, or just dumb niggers?
Not clicking it.

Wasnt the budget made predominantly off donations?

It's great, definitely needs some patches but it takes place in the "first reich" the holy roman empire, lots of fun, the combat is absolutely perfect IMO

They wanted to establish a series more than anything, big money will come with the sequel

It’s perfectly fine on PS4 - there are still some bugs but they rarely disrupt the experience.

Pretty good, I actually haven't seen the PC version to juxtapose, but it runs well. I DO get bugs, and the game fucked up once when my horse decided to exist in the city of nowhere when I ran into a wall while riding it accidentally, but overall no complaints beyond the standard "fucking long loading times holy shit".

Really? I thought this game was a huge seller. That's disappointing to hear.


The new mass effect really showcases everything wrong with AAA studios today. At least Ubisoft can execute their SJW garbage flawlessly.

When is Hillary going to prison??

Brian blessed doesn't come cheap

Thanks. I’ll have to pick it up after I finish a few other games.

Are you aware of the new patch from a couple days ago? Most of that is fixed. Not saying it should have released with it needing to be fixed in the first place, but at least they are working on it I guess.

On PC I'm 50 hours in and I've encountered a game breaking bug that made me reload a save game twice. Same bug didn't happen again when I got back to same place.

One of the bugs I got was real ridiculous though. I went inside a house and it was impossible for me to get out. When I opened the door the game thought it was still closed... when I closed the door the game thought it was still closed. NPCs were able to walk right through the doorway, I was not. Pretty ridiculous bug. I reloaded, spent 10 mins getting back there and it didn't happen again.

Their programmers should be slapped.

Anyways, new patch fixed a lot.

> over 1 million copies sold
>game costs 60 dollars
>60 times 1 million=60 million

They made profit u dunce leaf. saged

It got shilled hard and is shit.
Lock picking is shit
graphics are shit.
gameplay is shit.
pretty sure it was some kind of psyop
also wtf is (((kochmediagroup)))

It has. The author is a brainlet who can't even into english.

~70 hours and no major bug. I had one crash, and the few usual bugs (horse stuck on fence, this kind of stuff).
But it's a great game.

Gtfo my country you retarded shitskin

I plan on buying it soon gay leaf.

that doesn't sound right
they made like 1 million on kickstarter and afaik the only other funding was some rich guy

The day after Podesta an hero's


>I went inside a house and it was impossible for me to get out.
They're going for realistic emersion.

Eh, I'll just wait for a sale. Haven't pirated a game in years lol

To be fair, the graphics are really amazing with a high end PC (i.e. an Nvidia 1080 and fast CPU etc). The graphics get considerably worse going down the totem pole enough though and on consoles.

Also, what game have you liked lockpicking in? Is there some sort of gold standard?

I can't wait to play it. I always dominate every game I play.

It's hard to afford movie tickets when you're overtaxed to subsidize niggers and beaners having 10 kids that they can't afford. Kill yourself, you nigger loving faggot

What a pathetic brag.

Too bad the developers already said the game paid for its development after the first week.

and yet it's only been on the market for what, a month? two months? this isn't a fucking movie, it's a game. besides, couple that with an expansion or two, and you have several years worth of income on that game.


Whiter than you muhammad.


Anyone here know how to become a game designer like Daniel Vavra?

I run on a 1080ti and I"m not really impressed. Can't get decent draw distance (Super obvious when you're fleeeing skalitz).
As for the lockpicking it's buggy and broken dude. Especially if you're playing with a controller like I do. The tutorial chest is supposed to never break your picks but it does and then you're stuck with the miller staring at you gormlessly with no lock picks.
I'm pretty forgiving of bad gameplay mechanics. I even liked the hacking and lockpicking in Alpha Protocol. This is shit.

My PS4 has severe graphical problems at times, textures failing to load, geometry disappearing, and the pop in is horrendous when riding the horse at full speed. I have put about 60 hours into it so far but all the graphical bugs are really taking me out of the experience. Waiting until a major patch that addresses the visual problems until I play any further. The worst example of graphic problems I have had so far is when leaving Rattay to the northeast, the bridge was straight up not even there, and I airwalked across to the other side, and also entering buildings where you could see through walls once you got inside, etc. I also changed the in game audio to French because I couldn't stand the English voices.

>1 million copies within 1 month
>this is bad
wasn't the budget $5,000,000 + whatever they got extra from the extended kickstarter?

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Serious rendering issues on xbox. People clothes wait till you are two steps away to appear.

Lockpicking is fuckin awful in every game that has it.

Game is buggy as hell and yet I still love it

A million spread out over PC, PS4 and Xbox. Not 1 million on Steam. That's also not counting people who bought it cheaper on third party key reseller sites.

I plan to get it, but it needs a patch or sale first. I can't do $60 all the time.

It's very close to a masterpiece game. Literally one bug patch away from game of the year and that's with the left shitting all over it and calling everyone that likes historical accuracy a Nazi.

>36.5 million dollars
>Never even heard about it
Did they even spend anything on advertisement?

>they fell for the mocap meme

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I got an 8gb patch download last night. Not sure what was fixed though as im pretty far through the game lol. The scenery is good to i went for a long horse ride looking for bandits and shit.

A game keeps selling for years after release tho. They've broken even on release day indeed, which is considered success in the industry. Every penny they make now is pure profit. They did well.

They just made it easier. Yea controller picking is hard af.
there is a couple draw issues.

That's right,a lot of that cost is already covered from crowdfunding.


>t's very close to a masterpiece game.
Dude I'm telling you I own the thing, they're taking advantage of the left vs right thing.
It's buggier than roach shit.
For example
>walking to get a ring for faggot miller
>come upon a box in the ground
>a wild cuman appears
>beat the shit out him with an axe
>he runs away
>check his campsite
>HUD indicates I'm still fighting
>look around for 2 minutes irl
>find a faggot in a gnome cap with a bow
>hit him, he runs
>spend the next 10 minutes chasing after him
>tackle is borked, won't work
>he never switches to a melee weapon, just runs away and occasionally fires an arrow
Like i said. 10 minutes!

>60 bucks a pop.

Jesus Christ, people will pay such exhorbitant prices for a fucking button-masher? 60 goddamned dollars, are you kidding me? Where do they get the money?! They can't have jobs! If somebody was paying them for their time, there's no way they would drop that kind of money on a time-waster.

Is it actually racist to make accurate portrayal of medieval Europeans being white though?

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Nope, they said they only need to sell 500,000 copies to break even, and they were over a million a couple of weeks ago. So Canadian cuck BTFO


You have draw distance issues with a 1080ti? How? Do you have a shit CPU and RAM or something? I have a 1080 with 16 gigs of somewhat slow RAM and a 6 year old Core i7 and my draw distances are completely maxed out without any performance issues at all.

Now... on consoles, there's some serious rendering issues and draw distance crap for sure. If you have an Nvidia 600 series or something you can't max draw distance smoothly at all and probably won't be impressed in general but with a 1080ti you're having problems? Da fuk? Are you doing malware scans and burning DVDs in the background while you're playing? Have 100 tabs open in a web browser? I don't understand.

I had this trouble wearing full plate armour but not before when i had budget armour. I also had trouble in one specific house in the town that gets plauged. I had to call my horse right up to the door on both occasions and jumped on my horse to override the door stuck glitch lmao.

yeah the game is one buggy unoptimized mess
i play at 4k on a titan x pascal and get anywhere between 10 to 80 frames on ultra
even looking at the skybox or a wall can drop fps by 50% for no reason
this really is about the gameplay
one of the most immersive non VR games i've ever played

according Vavra the game was payed when they sold 500000 copies


My cpu is decent the game only uses a third of what it can do. 16 gb of ram. Don't get me wrong I can turn the sliders up all the way. I can even run in ultra if I don't mind running low fps.
However I can literally see horses and trees and shit pop up on the horizon. So no it's not a pretty game.

60 bucks is barely enough for dinner and a movie. Video games are great value for entertainment if you get more then 10 hours out of it.

How is this game racist?

>a game about medieval Bohemia, a kingdom in the middle of central europe
>fairly accurate depiction of medieval life in the HRE

I don't understand

Creative way of getting around the bug. I feel like a brainlet for not thinking of that.

Barely hit 30FPS on low/720p - why bother?

Must be from Quebec. a common mistake

I don't know if it will help you but switching your vsync to fast fixed the stuttering for me. Especially in cutscenes. Went from occasional skips and stutters to buttery smooth 400 fps.
As for the immersion I don't see it. Too many bugs.

No (((diversity)))

Try not running it on a potato

>depicting the true, strong, based Europe
>not ractist

Cmon, its 2018 m8

R7 260X is not a potato, yet, 8GB RAM and Xeon E5450. Even Project Cars 2 runs perfectly
GPU prices are shit beause of cryptoniggers, don't blame me

I've seen a few threads about it, but not as into gaymen as I used to be.

If I loved the TES games, would probably enjoy this as well it sounds like? Will it run well enough on 6-7 year old hardware? I still have an HD 7900 and 2500K.

So depicting a game in medieval times without tyrone is racist? No, it's a beautiful and fun game that has a ton of bugs and rendering issues. Also it's fun to see the brainlets struggle with lockpicking and archery.

Theres some jews, everyone low key hates them

there's plenty of diversity
You have the Hungarians fucking your shit up like the scum they are.

Granted there are no nogs and arabs, but honestly how would they end up in bohemia at that time? From their perspective it was literately in the middle of nowhere.

But it's a historical game. It's not like there were any noteworthy black people in that part of Europe at that time (or now)

visual glitches are actually extremely rare and cut scenes are butter smooth
installed on a SSD raid with 32GB DDR4 quad channel
and the game will easily consume +12GB memory after a couple of hours
as i said, unoptimized resource hook
its the new Crysis

That’s 30 million in profit retard
>sold over 1 million copies
>$60 a piece

>videogame """"""""""""'''journalism"""""""""""""

Oblivion lock picking was pretty fun

1950's called, it wants it's old man's rant back.

I had it happen twice I believe. I don't know if it was a certain area of the map of what. didnt bother me
i7, 16gb ram, GTX 965m.