Erased - Boku ga inai no Machi

Why exactly was Sup Forums so upset with this outcome?

Satoru only became friends with her about 3 weeks before the kidnappings and then fell into a 15 year long coma. She had 15 years to get to know the other guy better.

Because I hate Hiromi's faggot face.

I never got it either, since he ended up with pizza girl

I guess they thought friendship between elementary school children was a life-long romance.

because Hiromi is a stereotypically gay name


What was the meaning of the spider threads?

Buddha decided to help a criminal condemned to hell called Kandata because Kandata has once spared a spider even though he could've crushed him

A single spider's thread extended from the heavens reached Kandata for him to climb and achieve nirvana

Other sinners saw Kandata climbing the thread and started climbing it too since everyone dreams of salvation

Kandata anxious that the thread will rip kicked at other sinners trying to shake them off

The thread ripped because of that

Yeah, they explained that in the episode. But what did it have to do with the children he chose? Did he appear to him as sinners?

they were his own chance

Some Sup Forumsnons are faggots. You know this.
What's the point of starting this old argument again?

he got his waidfu taken by his friend

I wasn't upset, the pizza chick is better.

He went to the past to save children lifes, no to get loli puss.

Because she choose the aspie bowl head friend instead of the alpha one, and the simple fact that she was willing to wait but worst mom decided no it wasnt her decision even though it wasnt effecting her life in anyway to visit him once a day. Its like the author was self inserting getting her to marry the most garb individual of all the friends.

It is associated with the killing of children.
However, animation almost eliminated most of the information about it.
(the cause of many complaints about erased is mostly in animation)

I can tell you if you're curious about it, but it's complicated.
This is because you have to explain the part that has been deleted from the animation.
I will let you know if you are curious.
If you are really ready to listen, tell me.

Because, in the animation, the process of parting has been removed.
Her original junior high school student episode exists.

And it made it difficult to grasp the meaning, the lessons, the message
I recommend the original.

Many of the animations have been removed and changed.
For example, a scene where Satoru escapes from the police.
He runs away for no reason.
In the original, however, he falls into the trap of the perpetrator and becomes a suspect.

And the final confrontation with the perpetrator.
This has become a whole new scene.
And the new scene is a silly story.
The original is composed of much more interesting and meaningful stories.

In many other things, the original is good.

Briefly describing her farewell,
She goes to the hospital where she has Satoru every day.
Thanks to her, Sachiko is saved.
However, despite her being a young, she was obsessed with Satoru,
Her middle school life was a mess.
Sachiko sneaks away for her (and for what Satoru wanted) with Satoru
She cries alone and goes to the promised Christmas tree and accepts the farewell there

And most importantly, what Satoru wanted was not 'romance with her' but 'her happiness.'
It has been implied from before this scene, and is supplemented in more stories later.
And because it matches his character, it becomes a very convincing and deeply meaningful story.

Because in a show where there was a ton of build up, there's no real payoff

because I watch anime to escape reality, not to be reminded of it

Because Sup Forums taste mostly suck, they will simply try to find plot holes and shit where there isn´t just to criticize somethign that shouldn´t offend them

Not him, but I'd like to hear.


They were fucking elementary schoolers, it isn't healthy to obsess over someone just because they saved you as a child. Doubly so to visit them every day when there are other things that you should be doing. There was really no reason for her to wait for MC because they were just kids. That's like trying to hold someone to a marriage proposal they made as a child (and even then, what they had was just friendship).

the ending makes it out as if it wasnt worth it for him. all that effort went without reward. is it selfish to expect reward? no, its what ultimately drives us.

Stop projecting.


And it's better and more interesting if it does. There's no logical reason for her to wait for him and she shouldn't. It's not what he would want anyway because it was never about romance. He has another girl waiting for him anyway.

Therefore, in the original, it is mentioned that saving people is not for compensation.

If you save someone from being stabbed, do you expect them to kneel down right there and suck your dick? No, but you might get a thank you. Your reward is knowing you helped someone when you didn't have to. She wasn't a romantic option for him to begin with.

Yes, I will.
Its writing will take a long time
30 minutes.

Thank you, user. I'll probably be off to uni classes by then, but I'll make sure to read it afterward.

the original being the manga?

she was built up as a romantic interest, what are you on about? between the gloves, the camper and everything else its what its building towards, you are still driven by reward if you save someone being stabbed

astral, you are the projection

>the original being the manga?
yes original is manga

It's all just bonding, but not romance. They're young children and he already has a romantic interest waiting for him back in his own time. From the very start it was about saving them and helping them find happiness. Saving someone is meant to be a selfless act that ultimately does nothing for you beyond being able to feel good about yourself. The anime builds it up this way too.

If I remember correctly, its probably a classic case of fanboys delcaring it AOTY, when it was mostly forgettable shlock. The cuck memes are what they are, but on a whole, people enjoy good storytelling. Erased is something that you can watch with no problem, but its not good storytelling, at least that was my reaction as an anime only fag.

Good luck trying to live on the same planet as anons like which to me sounds like clear bait, but who knows in 2017. Maybe people genuinely connect with an anime like this and find it to be compelling enough to recommend it to their friends.

Forgettable anime full of tropes that have been done before, and with more care. An anime that tried to be more than it was, which was a simple melodrama.

Sup Forums please.

moreso, i mean how is it different in the manga, anime always tends to strip a fair bit out

*shes a young child. the thing is the ending doesnt reward you as a viewer, only if you feel happy that she could live a normal life, even the exclusion of her child and relationship would have been a better ending, at least that way were not left with a cripple whos not going to have any relationship outside of the one he has with his mother

He was lonely. He lacked an obsession with life.
(Surprisingly, it matches Kayo and Satoru, they were lonely)

He was interested in the hamster who showed his "obsession with life."
Then he kills his brother for a special reason.
And killing people, he begins to cling to the image of the children who are obsessed with life.

He says that his actions are right because it is 'life' to fill the 'hole in the heart'.

At the same time, he also kills those who interfere with him.
("Kandata" trampled on another person and headed to Nirvana)
He's like Kandata.
He to fill the hole in his mind (to kill the children).
He tramples on others (kills those who interfere)

Satoru also acts to fill the 'hole in the heart'.
However, Satoru is different. He does not act for only him.
He wants to fill the hole in his mind and everyone's mind.
(This is why he saved Kayo. not only for him)

Satoru is another choice of Kandata.
Kandata, who was trying to live alone, eventually fell into hell,
Satoru who tried to fill the 'hole in the mind' with others.
Satoru's heart was filled by their friends,
Satoru was filling in the hearts of his friends.

They tried to fill the 'hole in the heart', but this difference makes Yashiro finally defeated

Didn't expect it so soon, but thanks anyway, user.

Not like that.
Satoru is pleased to see her marriage.

That means this fact (manga are more detailed)
'What Satou wanted was not a romance with Kayo'
'She grew up in an unhappy and unhappy family, now she is not a loner and has a happy family'
'What he wanted was her happiness only.'

yes thats what he wanted, the issue is nothing changes for him, well it does; he becomes a cripple with no shown future. its not satisfying to follow a protag and not see them rewarded

Not like that. The most important thing in this story is to fill the hole in your mind.
About the meaning of the animation, it was completely cryptic.

Anyway he got it the most important
And he succeeded in rehabilitation, gained his education with the GED, and kept his friends and his mother. Finally, he is reunited with his benefactor, who saved himself.

Most importantly, as mentioned earlier, the original emphasizes the fact that 'helping others is not for compensation'.
It is natural that a person who does not see such a comment does not understand it.
On the contrary, it is not right to talk about it without looking at it.

I hate animation too.
It is a complete crap.

Isn’t Yashiro just mainly sadistic? He learned to enjoy deceiving people in the worst way possible thanks to his brother because it added a perverse sense of excitement and corruption in his otherwise dull life because he was devoid of emotions thanks to the abuse he endure.

He probably preferred children because the purer and more innocent they are, the greater his satisfaction is in betraying them and breaking them. The more perverse the crime is the more exited he got and to cause max suffering he will pin the crime on an innocent person. His elaborate plans also gave him a sense of accomplishment and allowed him to continue. The whole Kandata story just adds to it but is not the main reason.

What really destroyed Yashiro is that all of that lost meaning when Satoru showed him what real emotions and devotion is like and what it can accomplish and in its wake Satoru became everything that Yashiro ever wanted

When did you realize that the story was all about the author's self insert to comfy himself with a generic get-the-victory-against-your-trauma-and-win-a-fresh-wife type scenario?

Kayo was nothing but a plot device for that purpose, unfortunately.

I can not explain everything.
Because it is too long.

I wanted to explain the whole meaning of this story.
I wanted to talk about not only Yashiro's story but also what he got from Satoru.

Above all, the first question of these explanations was the meaning of 'Spider's Thread'.
I wanted to explain it.

I wish you could explain, ESL-kun, truly, I want to read your thoughts. Unfortunately, you are just another LNfag claiming that everything is explained in the novels and I have been burned too many times to trust such a sentiment.

novel? I did not read the novel.
It is a sham.

And unfortunately, there is a problem with your opinion.
Yashiro stopped the murder for the "little ones".
Because 'the person who shows an attachment to the life of another'(Satoru) appeared.
And it obviously has to do with "obsession with life."

However, the adults continued to kill.
According to your opinion, there is no reason to stop murder for pleasure.

I feel like what Yashiro likes about the Kandata story is how much power and control you can have over someone’s life and how easily it is to doom them. So basically he is playing God with their lives. He likes his hamster because despite all odds it managed to say fuck you to it’s fate by not drowning. He likes Satoru’s defying and fighting spirit that’s why he goes on and on about how he was captivated by Satoru’s eyes.

right. It matches my opinion.
This is consistent with my comments.
(Although I did not explain all)

I do not know how to edit my comments.

Anyway, he is in the same position as Kandata.
I can be sure about this.

His head also has a spider web.
Satoru filled up the 'hole in the heart' by meeting with other people
And Yashiro attempted to fill the 'hole in the mind' through 'murder'.
(also, Killing the person who interferes with himself)

The difference between the two is that "with others or not"
This is consistent with the Kandata story, "Kandata is climbing like other people or climbing alone."


I guess they had bad enough taste to not only self-insert and take it personally, but also not prefer the other girl over this one.

The only aspie here is you user