What the fuck is it with teachers being weirdos? I don't know what other board I can discuss this on...

What the fuck is it with teachers being weirdos? I don't know what other board I can discuss this on. I was recalling my history at school and realized every year after starting middle school, I'd have a teacher or teachers who exhibited bizarre personality disorders. Long tirades about their lives, extremely emotional outbursts, lamentations about the state of things. Trying to teach life lessons they clearly could not adhere to. That or just a strange flightiness towards their job in general.

When I asked others if they'd experienced anything similar, the answer was a resounding yes. Yes, I asked people who didn't go to school with me. So what the fuck is it about a job in public education that attracts such histrionic people? Why are teachers so fucking weird?

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>What the fuck is it with teachers being weirdos?
They're stuck raising cunts who have nonexistant parents in the household because no one wants to take responsibility for their actions anymore.

The problem with public schoolteaching in the US is that in most places it pays too well, the benefits are too nice and the pension is too good, so you had a whole generation of teachers who aren't cut out to be teachers. They don't like kids and can't handle stress, they just wanted the money. It's the same with nursing and video game design. industries flooded with the unworthy who just want to get paid.

In today's society the standards for getting hired are low, the pay is low, status is low so it attracts losers. The woman who used to cry in class all the time at my junior high is now the principal.

You'd have to have something wrong with you to be a grown adult and work as a teacher for 35k a year

I've never met a teacher that would be able to make a living doing anything else. As an adult I see the people I knew growing up who became teachers and they were all fuck ups or half retarded. Yet they love patting themselves on the back for having such a "noble" profession.

I know a guy that’s a teacher and I would pull my kid out of school if he was teaching there.

sadly, teachers are almost always in the top half of intelligence. Intelligence leads people to a bit of weirdness I've notice. Add to that, they are frustrated because the pay- initially attractive to a 20 year old- is shit, and as a middle aged person of moderate intellect you are way, way behind that of professionals with not much more education than you. On top of that, the working conditions are pretty crappy, with limits on when you can go take a piss, and you are constantly beholden to entitled parents and their whiny bullshit, and spineless administrators who indulge their complaints against you. Your ultimate reward is a pittance of a retirement check.

Add to that, said embittered middle ager is given a relatively large amount of power over his students. So, if you want to be a prick, or whine about your life, you can get away with that within large limits.

Watch out we got a tough guy over here, skipping school as he please.

Its a job for mediocre, platitudinous do-gooders who say stupid shit like "I like helping people" but really just don't know wtf else to do with their boring lives and probably wouldn't pass muster in any other profession.

Also they probably want to fuck kids.

being paid to be around barely pubescent children is a thankless job but, dammit, somebody's gotta do it!

crypto kikes and kike bastards.
last names usually a giveaway.

How do you know it's weird people becoming teachers and not teaching turning people weird?

A lot of my friends who turned teachers told me the job drove them insane. Also I hear you need to overtime which is fucking rediculous.

It's not they're overpaid, it's that other workers are underpaid because they refused to unionize.

they get to monologue all day about whatever they want, and have a group of people listen to them, they feel like they are famous, and have an effect on peoples minds

kek this is so accurate

Teachers get tenure in America and can't be fired right? Or is that just professors?

>Top half of intelligence

Really? I figure you just have to be blue pilled as fuck and willing to bend to whatever progressive doublespeak the administrators decide to shit out that week.

Either that, or a roastie on the prowl for some under aged black dick.

>implying professors in non-US universities don't have a tenure system
Back to your tutor session, Japan

most of my teachers were mean old bull dykes but it was my history teacher who got me into books n sheeit who was a pothead

Because you have made the most important part of any country an underfunded joke, where people who start out with a passion and idealism and optimism about sharing the future generation are instead faced with having to wrangle immense classrooms into memorising arbitrary shit so they can compete for sparse funding against their fellow institutions in standardised tests that ensure nothing of value can ever be explored while also having the added benefit of being hated by the children themselves to ensure as many of them as possible are pushed out.

It's essentially a barely funded government program designed to produce mental breakdowns and swaths of easily manipulated serfs

>sadly, teachers are almost always in the top half of intelligence.

lmao, anecdotal but everyone I've ever met in a teaching profession was borderline retarded or at the very least, had a touch of the 'tism

pretty much this

Because nobody wants to be a teacher Sherlock. That's why. People only go into the profession if they have no other choice. Every one of my teachers seemed depressed. I don't blame them. It doesn't have to be a bad profession, but especially for high school, it's a mess. Hanging around with little kids who scream and holler and run around like puppies isn't so bad, but acne filled moody teenagers is nto anybody's cup of tea. Same for College professors. No idea why anybody would want to do that.

Hi rich or sam

Probably because they're stuck in a high school for their entire career. They have to deal with students, and are unable to discipline them in an meaningful way unless the students literally stab them or some crazy shit. Plus they have to deal with all the politics within the school, combine that with brutalist prison architecture, and all the other hellish aspects of high school that make even the students go crazy.

>it pays too well

volunteer to be a teacher's aide for half a year and then express your opinion.

Attached: jeez mang!.jpg (402x559, 65K)

We expect 20 somethings fresh out of school to have enough life experience to not be what is essentially overpaid babysitters. The system is broken and nobody with the power to fix it gives a shit because they got theirs. Let's start with a reverse draft with required community service from our elders so we can learn from their lives and work experiences rather than overgrown children who've never left the system.

>female teachers

>>pays too well
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

I was asking if teachers in usa can be fired or if they get the tenure as well.

Same in France.
Low salary, boring, poorly considered within the population, but life-employment is guaranteed whatever your performance is: it's a magnet for the lazy and incompetent.

Teachers Unions are so strong it basically takes an act of congress to fire one. If they're really egregious its cheaper and easier just to keep them on the payroll as a "rubber room" teacher. That way they never interact with students, and get paid to sit in a sequestered room for 8 hours a day.

Tenure is only a term that applies to research professors.

>in most places it pays too well

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They can in Republican states. However, each school has a diversity quota
t. parent is a teacher

Yeah. And they thought it would be easy, that's a major point. Actually kids aren't easy at any age, and high school and junior high are a nightmare.

Teachers have always been weird, and it's important to note that for every one great one there are five or ten lousy ones just coasting. Bear in mind that it's only in recent years that teachers are paid well. Same with cops. Both very important jobs which used to be paid shit and had low standards for hiring. Result in my day (the 1980s) was a really strange bunch of people. There was always a core of truly committed, smart, great people for whom teaching was a mission of great importance, surrounded by idiots, drunks, jock PE teachers trying to teach math because they were male and all males are good at math right hahaha, oh and don't forget--the perverts.

Child molesters love teaching because they get to be with their adored ones all fucking day and frequently can groom victim after victim with no problems. Well, it used to be that way anyway. I think some of the male pervs have been run out of the profession because they were obvious, but many cleverer ones remain. Now the women pervs are being uncovered too, as the frequent articles posted here demonstrate.

Pretty much at any school nowadays, about half to 75% of the teachers are either sex perverts or zealots, usually leftists, eager to indoctrinate youth. When I was in high school, it was about 25% weirdos (often fun and cool) and alcoholics (often fun and easy A's), 15% retired military or failed professional athletes, 35% pedophiles, 15% incompetent idiots who landed in teaching because they were parents with kids in the local schools, and 10% really good, serious teachers. I still remember my perv music teacher Phil with utter hatred. He caused two girls to almost kill themselves in my four years. He's a prominent minister now. I'd show you his face but that might dox me too much. He looks as evil as he is now that he's old. It shows more.

A lot of teachers have some kind of personality disorder, often narcissistic. They love hearing themselves talk. They don't care much for what they're teaching, just the fact that a room full of easily brainwashed kids listens to their drivel makes their day.

In high school we would have substitute female teachers come in to teach and they were fucking flakes, that would get down to the level of the kids in the classroom and act as if they were friends and talk shit and act like 17 year old whores. Some of the regular teachers would be rotten bitches that did nothing but lie.
Schools suck.

Teachers deal with a lot of kids and technically retarded adults.

If the last person they talked to was retard they will react to you as they were talking to the retard.

This last for a while but some teachers just start treating everyone like they were "special" and just like us they become one.

>showing a "prominent" public face would dox me

I call bullshit larper

People who choose to lord over children for a living are never going to be all there.

I went to a school of six thousand students and one day I came to a realization that statistically one of the hundreds of teachers at the school had to have been a paedophile.Made me to never want to enter another high school again

You try standing in front of dozens if not hundreds of kids in a single day every day raving on about the same tired course you've been teaching for fifteen years to teenagers with a short attention span.

Only the mentally ill or weak want to be teachers, and because those who cannot do, teach. So you have ineffective, weak, and incompetent people larping as teachers.

I hated highschool because of how similar it was to prison. The routine, the food, and the rules numbed my mind. When students got bored they would create fun by being mean to eachother.

Teachers have to spend months with absolute shithead kids. It wears them down.
Oh yeah, the ridiculously high salary that they obtain for doing such a shitty job seems to affect their brains too in a way

We need to use the police as strike breakers again. The union in our district just had a strike for “muh better pay raises” so they can “retain muh quality teachers” putting the school into deficit so the whole county gets a tax hike. Fuck the teachers and the school administrations for forcing me into their monotone lowest bidder buildings and eating their monotone lowest bidder food. I got a second rate education at high school, I passed every test without studying once, and never did my homework because I knew it already.

This. These other idiots have no idea. Cushy fucking bullshit that attracts the psychos too riddled with fear to handle the real world.