"The more conservative you become, the more likely you are to become...Christian."

Do we agree with this? Or do conservatives tend to become atheists?

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hmm, so the more conservative I become, the more likely I am to believe a sandnigger jewish person died for my sins?

some food for thought

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I hate all religions with a passion, but more and more I understand the benefits of our christian heritage. The communal and social cohesion is really the thing missing nowadays, as planned by the kikes.


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>Projecting what you want to hear.
Wow I wonder if this guy is shilling


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Obviously. There are not a lot of traditional and moral fedoras out there.

It used to be that culture, social norms and morality emanated from the communities and outwards. To created a country that agreed with each other not by force, but by cohesion and agreement. That was life under religious influence.

Today, "morality", "culture" and "social norms" emanate from the Central Government, and is forced down people's throat or else. This, in the name of a secular state... secular is fine as long as you don't replace religions with other isms like feminism, marxism, communism, progressivism, etc...

Maybe replace Christian with "connected to your spiritual roots", which just so happen to be Christian in the West, but don't necessarily have to be.

what the fuck does religion have to do with capitalism

getting real tired of the christianity shilling on this board. you're just a different kind of jew

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Well I'm a high IQ conservative ATHEIST because I'm actually smarter than most atheists and conservatives. I would even say that I'm more smarter than most people.

You don't need a fairy tale to dictate your life, science shows that homosexuality is bad, capitalism is good, but I disagree with other bigoted bullshit from kikestians.

Marijuana has no negative effects, and xtianity isn't a part of American culture nor is American culture relevant.

Nope, the most conservative you become the more likely you are to become a Muslim and start working towards WHITE SHARIA in WHITE AFGHANISTAN

>we wuz more smarter

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I consider myself atheist because I prefer to take the Occam's razer angle. If we can't figure it out move the fuck on to something else and be productive.

Yep, it's a brainwashing trick so easy that we use it to train rookies.

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100%. I wish there was a social equivelent to church, but honestly a bunch of conservatives coming together to talk about conservatism is either called a militia or a reich.

Not more Christian. Just realising why they put those rules. I'm sure everyone here had stuff they realize was stupid in the past.

Let's play a game
Place your bets below!

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"Real conservatives" are cucks who think that Mankind will be saved with an army of billions of Christian black baboons.

If you are racially aware don't call yourself Conservative or Christian please.

I'm quite conservative but atheist. However I do think that Christianity has lots of great values that help you live a productive and healthy life. I don't think belief in a deity is required to be a good person. I just don't believe in all the mythology.

How to prove weed is bad in one post.

Yes and no. The more conservative you are, the more likely you are to latch onto things that rarely change, or change so slowly as to be nearly imperceptible. Religion fits that bill, but so do the founding documents of the US.

The golden rule is not christian... it's white. It's a self serving programming in social creatures that rightfully acknowledges that what's good for you is good for me. Niggers don't have that trait.

Critical thinking is a typically white thing.

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Well there’s a reason why virtually all Christians are conservatives. Don’t know very many democrats who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior... most of them are either atheist or worship the pedophile

thank you, user.
this explains my own trajectory perfectly.
aquinas (de regno > faggot whig interpretation), de maistre, schmitt - comprises current Trinity of reading/knowledge.
neoliberalism can jump a bridge.

I'm "christian" for the sake of ceremony and heritage. I know it's all bullshit but I like to believe it's not.

>do we agree with this?

>Or do conservatives tend to become atheists?

Only mental midgets would make such sweeping generalizations and its another ploy to invoke a red herring argument against religion.

Conservative = religion therefore I can debate about religion
Conservative = bigots therefore I can go on and on about racism
Conservative = pro choice therefore I can go on about abortion

Too bad no one is falling for this shit anymore

People are fed up with the liberal media generalizations about the right and not eating it up like they did.

I don't believe in any of the Abrahamic faiths. It is all nonsense to me, however, I appreciate the unification of having similar values as a group.

But I wanna buttfuck broads dressed up like dogs, so I am a massive degenerate.

I'm getting more conservative as I get older, like most people. I like the morality and lifestyle that comes with Christianity. but I can't see how getting more conservative will make me believe in angels or Jesus was god on earth.

how gay is this dude

Nigger if you get more and more conservative you become ultra conservative or even traditionalist, if you ascend beyond that you become a devout ultra christian supreme traditionalist that has spoken with Christ.

>inb4 christcuck

third post best post

If you become a Christian you become a universalist. In other words you become a cucked race traitor. There is a lot to admire about Christianity but the west needs a big dose of Christianity like we need a big dose of fucking poison.


The more conservative I became the less christian I became.

Just out of curiosity would butt fucking dogs dressed up as broads do it for you?

its the other way around and to make them his bitch

Not for me, but I guess i understand how people become that way. I became athiest earlier this year as I understood the intrinsic meaninglessness of the Universe. But I feel conservatism and traditionalism are intrinsic forces that save Civilisations from the Great Filter (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter). some aspects of Conservatism are rooted in preservation while Left-liberalism tries to break the barrier between man and other lifeforms (which doesn't really help us in the long run). Overall societal progression requires some form of cultural preservation so that it preserves itself. Any atheist will hopefully understand that if he/she sees himself/herself as a transhumanist. Which I do.

thats because the churches you have over there are extremely cucked

Found the jew

Also Christianity and modern day atheism see pagan and overly spiritual/esoteric modus operandi the same way (e.g. Horoscopes, mythological shit) so overall there's not much of a difference. Atheists (if they are good) can be just as moral and upstanding as Christians but sadly most of them are not.

Do you consider libertarians conservatives?

Thank you. I am probably the same.

Marijuana does have bad effects btw. It isn't something that cures cancer. Please get that thought out of your system and you're all good.

I am also a conservative atheist. Good to know I am not alone!

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Well considering conservative just means slightly right leaving Christian I would say yeah he's right
That being said, christcucks are bluepilled as fuck and you're not actually right wing if you follow such bullshit because one of the most important parts of being right wing in any capacity is thinking for yourself.
You cannot do that if you're a Christian, it's not possible

>Christian heritage
There is no such thing

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over 60% of atheists relapse back into their family's religion

I agree with this guy
I don't watch UK television much, but one time I saw a "preacher" (or pastor, or whatever) spend all of his time talking about "community cohesion" and NOTHING about the Gospel or Jesus. It was then I realized that the church in certain parts of the world (especially Europe) have been heavily infiltrated by globalists.

Until Hirohito makes a religion board we're stuck with it
And I see no real push for it happening any time soon
Which is weird, because christcucks love fighting each other and christcucks and sand niggers love fighting with each other and trying to convert the other more than anything else do it would be a win win for everybody

>the more conservative you become the more you want the BJC (Big Jewish Cock)
Sounds about right.

I don’t know. I’m an atheist. Conservative by today’s standards liberal by standards 10 or 15 years ago.

source or shut the fuck up idiot

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Not at all, but Christian values build a strong society

nowadays (and historically) conservatism has been at least partially defined by religiousness. but if you became conservative by seeking the truth about things, then i don't think you would be likely to become christian.

Generally yes.

Personally I'm an Agnostic because I know how cucked the church is.
At east the Catholics are.

the more conservative you become, the more backhand money you are given to spout the same rhetoric and beliefs others are bought to say

Anybody who has ever tried to debunk the Bible has become a believer. Fact.

You are more likely to believe that crucifing a sandnigger will lead you to a better afterlife.

Shut up leaf
Believing in an afterlife is fucking retarded. Believing that you have to believe in an afterlife in order to have morals and values that are good is even more stupid.

I'm conservative as fuck and I still cringe when autistic fuckers talk about their fairy tales and thats how they know they're doing the right thing.

Jesus hatted organized religion as well. Organized state religion is a cancer.

might be true is your IQ is below 100

>Tells people to shut up
>Looks down on autists
Look at my morals and values!!!

Lack of belief in reform Judaism =/= Nihilism.
While a certain degree of belief in fairytales does enforce certain behaviors I have and will never believe that's the only way to instill such ethics in a society.

>suh-suhwearing is bad
>i believe in magic books AND magic words

grow up kiddo

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To be a conservative athiest christian is the most enlightened state a western mind can attain


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Being a conservative just means that you recognise to a greater or lesser extent that there is a certain order to the universe and that it is necessary to conform to it (classically called natural law). The highest level of recognition of the natural order is to do justice to that which gives and sustains order in the universe, which is God.

>Or do conservatives tend to become atheists
If they do, they are just "conservatives" to be edgy.

Yes, but not the watered down version they have spent years trying to spread.

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That's why you talk about other things

When I was a conservative I was pretty liberal, especially on race issues. When I became an atheist I stopped caring about the notion that all men are created equal in God's Image which made it easier for me to see the world how it truly is.

>"The more conservative you become, the more likely you are to become... [Knowledgeable about universal spiritual/mythological/religious concepts and symbols/ Gnostic teachings and the natural cycles and fate/history of human civilization] "


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literally who the fuck cared about your desert religion.


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This. Pic related is probably now more offensive and controversial than two men licking their dicks while one woman eats vomit of the other one.

Thank you based internet!

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Nice "Original" retort....

Let me know when you have a single original thought in your head, fool.

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Of all trips to use, why "Nig Jedi PCA"

The tripfag is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a fucking newfag, parasite, attention-whore, retard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a tripfag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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Jesus christ, are you all operating from the same playbook?

Ultimately it depends on what you mean by "csonervative". People use it as a generalized term for people with older values, especially ones holding Natural law above human law.
But Conservatism in western politics is the longest running joke, possibly in history. A person who is moderate or slightly liberal/(progressive) today is a conservative in 50 years with the same basic views and principles.

Ultimately Conservatism is the politics of ending itself. In that sense then yes, conservatives become christian at a greater amount and rate, but as I went further right I recognized the function of religion but went from mild disdain to outright hatred for Abrahamic religions due to their Jewish origin.

If you are low IQ, then you are more likely to become conservative.

If you're high IQ, you're more likely to become jewish

it seems like ts true im not religious but have disliked atheists more than Christians most of my life

If by "conservative" he means supporting the traditional values of your society, then yes, because Christianity is a huge part of our countries' traditions.
If he means "conservative" in the loose sense of "right wing", then no. If you look at the far right you'll find a lot of atheists, pagans and weird esoteric belief systems. Christians too, but not as many as you'll find among ordinary conservatives.

nah, I still don't believe in god, etc. but I have no problems with people who do (unless they try to convert me).
but then again I never was the typical retard atheist making fun of believers.

To put this exercise in thought from another perspective, Christianity is still considered traditional in Western countries, today. It is increasingly considered very (and "too") traditional, in many or most of these countries. Traditionalism is mostly equated with the concept of conservatism, although one brand of traditionalism is not necessarily conservative to another society and cultural group. I suggest that the tendency is yes, conservatives in the West tend to be at least nominally Christians (or cultural Christians, if you prefer), or perhaps further, with some basic understanding and practicing of the faith, generally, if not wholehearted commitment during most hours, days, weeks, and months of the year. In America, very many of our conservatives are of this category, now, with the particularly observant mostly as increasingly aged individuals. Those that try to live the Christian faith every day in their actions and deeds are a declining demographic.

im conservative as it gets.
but fuck me sideways if I fall for that retarded Jewish fairytale

i went so far to the right i flipped back around to the moderate left again (to national socialism obviously) and i never stopped being an atheist

It’s true, but it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with belief in god. If you look at Christian or Jewish communities but take god out of the equation, you have a group of individuals who believe in and practice conservative values.

These people meet regularly, contribute money and other donations to the community, believe in not being sexually promiscuous, promote marriage and faithfulness, don’t support killing of unborn children, and everything else that comes from even just casual church structure. You could make good arguments about why each of those things is important in society, how society has declined in the absence of each item, and all without having to mention god or any arbitrary spiritual beliefs.

So in a way he’s right, it could be phrased differently, such as, “conservative values and Christian values are almost identical”, but he was intentionally being a bit provocative because that’s how Crowder is.

Anecdotally I kind of agree because the more I explore and expand my conservatism the more I yearn to be a part of a church community. I don’t consider myself atheist but the spirituality aspect of religion really turns me off, yet I am a big fan of basically everything else about Christianity in America.