Can some high IQ intellectual with a degree in Evangelion tell me why Rei's forehead slit has a literal clitoris on it?

Can some high IQ intellectual with a degree in Evangelion tell me why Rei's forehead slit has a literal clitoris on it?

The question should be why Rei has a vagina on her forehead. Also you really shouldn't make sense of everything this movie throws at you since it probably doesn't make any sense anyway and was only put there because it looks weird or something.

Because Anno figured Christian symbols and sex symbolism is deep and he wanted to be deep.
>cross going into vagina into forehead
You could bullshit an entire paragraph about the deep symbolism and meaning behind it, but it all boils down to he wanted it to seem deep and cool.

Because Eve was a woman and if it weren't for them we'd still be in heaven.

The same reason it has a vagina on it. The thrid impact is an act of consummation meant to give birth to a new world.

Yep. He went one level -- "let's do something cool, like, the Sacred Feminine, for this set piece" Riffed on that, and that was it.

She's unbirthing Shinji obviously.

Obvious religious and sex imagery is the worst and most lazy type of 'symbolism' possible. It's even worse when it's completely brainless and superficial shit like how everything in NGE is.

It's garbage that wanted to look "cool"

One of my teachers in art school pointed out that filming someone's eyes is always borderline-obscene because eyes look like vaginas. Eyelids are sphincters so anatomically it's not that far-fetched.

Could be a reference to Hans Bellmer, who often drew dolls with vagina-eyes and eye-vaginas. Rei is a doll so she can have a vagina eye I guess.

A way to sneak uncensored genitalia to the nips maybe

wait, that's a vagina?

You can't be serious user. This is beyond just being a virgin.

Because Shinji fucked his mom in space. Or his little sister. Jury's still out.

because it looks cool.
same reason Aizen had one too.

>he wanted to be deep.
Christian symbolism is used as window dressing in Eva in the same way that Viking or Greek mythology is used as window dressing in western media. Nothing to do with being "deep" a lot to do with looking cool.

Is a clit more vulgar than the rest of the vagina? If you're going to put genitals on her forehead then you might as well go all the way.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The end of Evangelion. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical theology most of the references will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Shinji’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these symbolisms, to realise that they’re not just references- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Evangelion truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the implications in Gendou’s existential catchphrase “GET IN THE ROBOT, SHINJI” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hideaki Anno’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

This pasta went stale a while ago.


Every morning, not recent days, but I see my friend who has a problem with his mental health. It's so hard for him just to do a high five, his whole body shivers with anxiety just reaching out to my hand. Now, thinking of him, I cannot watch this Eva stuff and find it interesting. Whoever creates this stuff has no idea what pain is whatsoever. I am utterly disgusted. If you really want to make things that make me feel sick, you can go ahead and do it. I would never wish to incorporate this perversion into my work at all. I strongly feel that this ... Evangelion stuff is an affront to human life itself.

I doubt it would be recognised as a vagina without the clit. I didn't even realise that's what it was supposed to be.

I wish he's had just given it a normal clean ending desu.

The manga had a normal clean ending but it's also the cheapest cop out ending you could possibly pull. It's in the same tier as "and he opened his eyes and realized it was all a dream!" endings.

Not really hard to slip a vag past a weeb, is it?

You'd have to add pixel censorship or black bars to make it recognizable.

>Eyelids are sphincters
Irises are the sphincters, dude.


It's this

I can't believe how this flies over everyone's head. People complain about the imagery/symbolism having no meaning yet let don't understand the most basic shit about this scene.

It's a pink puffy slit, what the fuck did you think it was?

Probably. I mean Rebuild Asuka walks around with one over her heart, and no one seems to be bothered about it.

Don't worry guys, this should make it more obvious.

Just regular wound looking slits like the ones in her hands, until I saw the clit obviously. But without the clit I doubt many people would realise that it was supposed to be a vagina as opposed to a regular wound.

That's kind of dirty, user. Are you sure you can post it here?


So that's what filling the void really means. Took me so much to figure it out, too.

Because Anno was a thirsty virgin at that time.

This picture is covering up the part of the explanation that mentions non-adult content requests belonging on /wsr/. You were banned for spoonfeeding, not posting adult content.

The slits on her hands were also very clearly vaginas.

If you've ever seen a Cronenberg movie, you'd know that wounds are symbolic vaginas.

Why does it have to be 'deep,' isn't it obviously just an aesthetic decision?

Has this user has pointed out A vagina is a symbol used across many cultures across history in order to represent "birth".

Evangelion is as much about the end of the world as it is about the birth of a new world. In this case come to completion by Rei. Therefore the (re)birth symbol one her forehead.

I laugh at you

It's for skull fucking

>what reifags really want

Allegedly someone was burning dvds for their hospital-ridden grandparent. Even when it's an obvious lie, I had to do something.