Why is this transgender garbage acceptable!?

Why is this transgender garbage acceptable!?

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Jews dumbass

>hates transgenders
>complains about suicide rates being too high
make up your fucking mind

what are you talking about """it's been acceptable since the stone age"""

what a SILLY THEORY user

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It's not but you have been brainwashed into thinking it is.

He hates the trans movement for the Jews pushing naïve retarded white teenagers to voluntarily sterilize themselves and push them toward suicide. It is designed sociology disease against white people.

we gotta get those numbers up gents.

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what's the upside for jews here?

>trips of truth featuring quality sarcasm
Keep thinking about how all those kids were fucked since birth, in every conceivable way
media has accelerated the push and it's getting on everyone's nerves, is it intentional? as if to prep people for a conflict?

money for expensive sex change operations
causes untold suffering and gets paid for it
mutilating a persons genitalia, again
reduces the white boy population

Bonus round: "why don't people care about this???"

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how certain hate is demonstrated, how many people demonstrate certain hate towards the targeted group and is does a similar high suicide rate occur among other ''targeted' groups?

Psychology is a Jewish created pseudo-science that arbitrarily defines actions and states of being as a pathology.

When you are 20 times more likely to commit suicide, take drugs to alter your hormone system and want to mutilate your body it's a choice and you are perfectly fine.

When a child is active, playful and challenging power he or she will be diagnosed by a hook nosed individual as ill and in need of involuntary medication.

all far left cuck countries

the answer is the whole population is in an altered-mind state, actual zombies waiting to be programmed by media and Jordan Peterson is their best example

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Why should we accept assholes like you?

You and others like you are the reason they suicide.

You talk like you know.


Add to the statistic.

Honestly you should be murdered. Gender has been inherent in society for the last billion years. even TREES have genders.

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But bring up suicide rates among white men and suddenly Sup Forums is like:


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you totally pass :) sou beautiful
i wish i was this cute

upvoted :)

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