What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Manlet rage & youth hairloss.

The exact answer is a severe inferiority complex.

teenagers are not humans


Akira is a badly directed, stellarly animated film.

Opinion denied

The directing is fine. I think you mean it's badly written.

>Adapt the first and last volume of manga
>Expect coherent plot

What was incoherent about it?

Brainlet rage.

I have no problem with this post because it isn't someone saying the manga's better for the millionth fucking time.


Rage against the state of affairs that molded him and being powerless to do anything about it


The last volume is nothing like the movie storywise.
>L-Look we have a second space laser!

>with a cranium that size

he just was an edgy teen

a weak guy who eventually got super powers

his face didnt fit his head

Why wouldn't you have a second space laser?

what anime?

Kurosawa's Akira.

virgin tetsuo vs chad mob

I'm not sure what I mean. I feel like the central idea is fine, but most, if not all of the sideplots are a little rushed and I didn't really feel compelled to care too much about any of them.
A lot of times during the film I had the impression that I simply didn't give a shit about what happened to most of the characters. Especially the espers, their backstory comes in way too late. And Nezu's death had practically zero impact, he's honestly a character that could've been removed from the film entirely and I wouldn't even feel any difference.

I feel like it's an issue of pacing, which is why I called out the direction.

What if Tetsuo were Yusuke?

Ring of Gyges

He didn't die sooner. Halfway through the movie I just lost investment in the story and kept watching to see who would get the killshot on this cunt.

Literally abused as a child


I'd have several

Inferiority complex, as is common with manlets

Kidnapped by the army because of some fuck up walking in the middle of the street late at night that he didn't even run over, he had nothing to do with the Akira shit. I'd get pretty mad too.

He’s an hasty teenager who suddenly got super psycic powers and has been a bitch for most of his life of course it’s gonna go straight to his head

No it’s not perfect but it’s far from terrible, I wish we could get either a movie or tv series to come vet the whole manga instead of just the first volume

he was too smart

>waaah I'm a representation of Japan's guideless post-war youth and I will destroy the world by messing with powers beyond my control waaah

he's mexican

The manga's better though

It's not.

The 2nd half just wasn't good. The ending was garbage and cemented the fact that Kaneda didn't grow as a character at all during the entire thing.

It is

Honestly I dunno I haven't read that shit since like 2002. I got way more involved in it though

this so much, I guess the manga is a lot better so I want to check it out at some point

Now that's too much!


>I got way more involved in it though
That's nice, but completely irrelevant when determining the merit of any true work of art.

I can't talk with any authority about something I last read as a 14 year old, but I will say that in the general sense I disagree with your statement.


Maybe you should read some books on aesthetic theory before spouting your opinions. Or just stick to talking about artless, pandering anime if that's how you intend to go about it.

Jeez why do you have to be such a dick?

>You don't understand user, you need to read a book so someone can tell you how to appreciate art. The only way art can be good is if it has these qualities.


Not just a book, but many books. For starters you should just get an inkling of what art is before you presumptuously begin to "appreciate" it.

My criticism still applies. You don't need a guide to appraise or appreciate art, and I'd argue that you are in fact doing it wrong by using one.

I'm not here to die on this hill though

I didn't say you needed a guide. I said you needed an education.

Call it what you like.

what i never understood is why Akira in particular was chosen to have such a big budget to make a movie. I mean, how many cartoons in the world can get funding by the gov itself.


Professional anime critic right here