Mfw we're the only country that hasn't outlawed freedom of speech

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Somalia has freedom of speech

Why don't Jews like this if they're so fantastic?

Um sweetie...yeah, no.


It'll be scraped as soon as Britain falls.


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a million niggers to compliment the four million that already live there



We have the 1st, because of our 2nd.

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Sweetie, you really thought you could win this? Ummmmmm, no...

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Yeah, you only get fired and made into a social outcast who can't get a job for "freedom of speech" in Murica. Big whoop.

>Somalia has freedom of speech

>(3) No law can be enacted that is not compliant with the general principles and objectives of Shari’ah.

They also have gun control

looks like the average irishmutt to me

it also has genocide

Is that a picture of the Future Irishman?

>Assumes 350 million people are the same as the 10 he saw on TV.

Fuck you nigger kike. Hitler was right, fuck trump and obama. Holocaust never happened. All niggers are retarded and useless.

There. I just used it.

>denial: the post
Sweetie, I...

Whiter than you, Mohammad

checked it's only 1 million. That's all. Just like everywhere else. It's only 1 million and no more than that. They'll keep track. No mistakes.

... but for how much longer?

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Your culture certainly isn't, my darling.

You call that a comeback sweetie? Check this out:


Who wouldn't want a million niggers anyway? C'mon. What could go wrong?

First thing on my Christmas list: Dear God, please deliver unto me a million niggers, amen.

... but for how much longer?

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assuming Kennedy actually retires and (((Ginsburg))) finally dies so Trump can pack SCOUTS, we would have a solid 40 year reprieve from jewish tricks

Makes me sick. We ourselves currently have plenty of people trying their hardest to erode the 2nd amendment. Those very people are the same ones who grumble that "hate speech is not free speech". Then they go on to direct their ire at absolute milk toast conservatives or even liberals.

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>"hate speech is not free speech"
Matal v Tam my nigga

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That is literally only because you are too dumb to organize yourselves seriously in a consistent anti-jewish and racist movement. As soon as an Amerimutt starts to threaten the Jews, most of them go nuts, and he eventually is ignored or silenced. Look up Henry Ford, when he tried to warn the public.

If you want the niggers, you can take the ones from america, we dont want them

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Henry Ford the nazi.

>freedom of speech
>can't say nigger, penis, vagina, fuck, retard on TV
>can't deny holocaust
>can't criticize jews
>can't talk about failed CIA missions on Afghanistan, Mexico or Irak
>never talked about Vietnam fail

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and yet you still have to go back.

or would you like millions of niggers instead? we can supply this.

You can all of that you fucking retard

American constitution is top tier, and it's a travesty that more countries haven't adopted it. Guess they don't want their citizens saying what they want, have the means to fight back or allow them to remain silent in police interviews without punishing them for it

well give you all the niggers we have

Go back to where? I'm right here in Mexico, If you check my flag you can notice the location you retarded fat fuck.

What the fuck are you on about, Jose?

>feels good to have free speech man
>walks on egg shells at work around all the diversity quota minorities
Political correctness is quite powerful silencer

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You can talk about all of that. I can’t name a single Yank that doesn’t think Vietnam was not a disaster, we also talk about Afghanistan and talk shit about Mexico all the time

Then why I never watch any news about that in CNN or Fox (The only American news we have here)

I think we need some regulation on speech, just look at all the controversy and massive social unrest it's been causing our great nation the past few years. It's all been over people trying to get away with saying fucked up things. Freedom of speech should exist, but it needs to be regulated some. That in itself is not too much to ask.

Specifically on what? With Vietnam were taught in school that is was terrible, we just elected a President that thought Vietnam and Afghanistan was a mistake and also shit talks Mexico daily

Can you openly say you are boycotting Israel because of their support of ISIS and other terrorists?

I never watched any news of the Fast and furious operative where CIA mishandled millions of dollars and thousands of guns to Mexican cartels, and they lost track of them, however local news reported all day, for weeks and pushing goverment to apply sanctions to USA institutions.

Yeah, you’ll be called a conspiracy theorist, but you can. I’ve told people I don’t support Israel and I wasn’t sent to the gulag for it

Fast and Furious was all over the news. What are you talking about? They’re still investigating it to this day