Why does the story portray this pedophile as the good guy?

Why does the story portray this pedophile as the good guy?


Why not?

Because there's nothing wrong with it, abib.

Because most of that kind of stuff was just in his head

Because it's easy to self-insert

Fuck if I know. God I can't wait for anime to become globalized.


Globalism is disgusting Zionist agenda

But he said he's not a pedophile?

Ssshhh. I'm huntin pedos.

cuz its otaku pandering trash

>araragi not 18
can't be a pedo

Reminder that her spirit has been on this earth for 22 years and since she is not a human being it is not illegal for him to fondle her.
since he lusts for his sisters who around 14 years old and his underclassman he is by definition a non exclusive pedophile (maybe a hebephile because of snake)

>it's okay for a 17 year old to want to touch 5 year olds
yea totally

That pic reminded me of this thread in pic related. This should be a banner for Sup Forums

The only lolis he molests are all Yokai

>he is by definition a pedophile since he lusts for his sisters who around 14 years old and his underclassman
Kill yourself, you stupid fuck. His sisters are hardly prepubescent.

>[Mayoi Snail chapter 4]
>Incidentally, that was when I saw Hachikuji Mayoi’s carefree smile for the first time. It was quite charming and it seemed to open my heart. The usual way of describing that type of smile was to say it was like a blooming sunflower, but it was also the type of smile that most people stopped making after getting much older than her.
>“Sigh. Oh, god.”
>That was a close one. If I was a lolicon, I would fallen for her there. I really am glad I’m not a lolicon.
Confirmed for not a pedo, enough with this baseless slander already.

Because he's the narrator.

Pedophiles can be good people just like some gays can be good people.

He's got good taste.

Because the audience are pedophiles

Because Nisioisin is a degenerate

Older loli is high tier, loliBBA is patrician.
And holy fuck, there needs to be a newfag purge. Forced kana capture should've been implemented ages ago at the bare minimum, ideally kanji as well.

So he feels sexual attraction to girls that are 2/3 years younger than him, what's wrong with that

his sisters are 4/5 years younger

>his sisters are 4/5 years younger
I don't see any problem here.

Actually 3/4 years, and there is no problem with it
A fundamental part of pedophilia is the age difference, in this case, it's very small

Nah it's just the daily bait threads. Maybe leaking from animefeminist or tumblr.

I only saw the first 3 episodes. I can't watch a show where the MC replaces a person who fell into his arms. Not because it's uninteresting, but because it's unspeakable.

I think you've got your memery mixed up, bong. We use names like those *about* rapey pedophiles.

>loliBBA is patrician

I only like the bodytype, it's the maturity in that body which makes it hot

I know the anti-loli crusade is almost a tradition at this point, but it seems noisier than usual. Less competent trolls and more actual newfags bandwaggoning, or at least that's how it looks. Faggots who don't realise BnP is required viewing before posting on Sup Forums, as well as sufficient lurking.
I stand by introducing kana capture, goldfaggots should have to use it as well.

Indeed. I'd like to propose that loliJJI is also patrician, if less common. Hopefully it'll catch on some more.

Hes not a pedophile, he just appreciates feminine beauty in all it's forms


You forgot about this loli that he attacked once.


If that timelines Hanekawa wasn't destined to be eaten by Kiss Shot, I wonder what impact on her life Araragi's attack would've had, if any.

>believing arararararagi


Rejoice. Towako San just dropped.

This entire fucking scene was perfect
He never did this crazy shit with Hachikuji

This scene proves that he is not a lolicon.

>He never did this crazy shit with Hachikuji

>Towako San
>I can't into moon speak

IIRC Stalker mentioned he is working on Volume 2 stories but I haven't heard from him about it for a month now.

Also the lack of nanashi in this volume is criminal. He's practically the face of Towako.