I wish there were more bloodthirsty women in anime and manga

I wish there were more bloodthirsty women in anime and manga.
Not necessarily evil, but willing and gleeful about fucking people's shit up.

Women in anime/manga exist as the morality chain between the hero and the villain.

Ironically, slice of life has far deeper females than other genres of anime.

This is your brain when you only watch shounen and SoL.

That's a very rigid and old fashioned role.
I feel like seinen material has some females that are properly enthusiastic about combat.
But little else.

wish best girl had lasted longer

It's weird how this show chooses to bump off all the fun and intriguing characters early and spoils itself by following the Chinese Zodiac story without any twists.

They also have to be cute like Harime Nui

>yfw no Predator gf

They'd pale in comparison to Asuka. Once something's done well, there's no point settling for an imitation.

Asuka's a shit though.
Her biggest achievement on the battlefield is feeding a flock of seagulls.

She fought off the rapture itself and was probably wet the entire time. She should love herself more.


>god this show is fucking shit
>she appears
>extra acting animation
>Maaya Sakamoto
>literally The Joker became a cute girl

Why are the best girls always stuck in the worst shows?

she was a shit with an idiotic power


>shit show

Just because it could have been better doesn't mean the whole thing was shit

lewd predators

Manga with great premise and one of the shittiest executions.

Kanemaki Thomas is great

Read Katahane no Riku, if you haven't.

Violate was top tier evil girl

In the end, was she Sorghaghtani or not?

It was fucking horrible. Take those exposition dicks out of your mouth before thinking to reply to me.


I agree. Megane and the pilot fuckboi were like the one good stuff in that whole dull pile.


Chaos Dragon was a huge pile of shit.
But I gotta admit female Urobuchi was very entertaining.


Wait so she and the kid had /ss?


Sadly, the kid was no longer a kid when they finally got to the sex.
Also she was mute by that point.

Bump for more violent, dangerous women.

She did nothing wrong.

None of these women have.

I did so, when I was 13 years like you.


They really haven't. All these women who have been posted were either motivated by love or loneliness. Also shit ending to Akame Ga Kill.

We knew Elsbeth wasn't going to win and keep the MC as her personal fuckpet. But I was hoping for that regardless.

>keep the MC as her personal fuckpet