Say something nice about her
Say something nice about her
with any luck at all, she'll be able to cut the gonads off of the unconstitutional Department of Education.. which not only shouldn't exist, but has done great evil.
stop wasting my tax money like it's going to make niggers functional
just get rid of them
I'm sure her head would make a lovely thud when it's cut off via guillotine
I hope she is the one who will purge the schools of communist vermin
trump's education secretary is actually legitimately retarded
says it all about this administration
great teeth
please forgive her, she's retarded
beautiful Aryan optics.
Good, entertaining proof that we're still basically ruled by feudal lords and we still need guillotines
Okay, whatever you say leaf
>for reference purposes
A good goy. Easy.
Sorry, but she's the biggest oof I've ever seen
Pleasant old gilf, stayed on message, 60 Minutes can eat my shit.
Honestly at what point do the die hard defenders of the 2nd amendment hold their word and start shooting these tyrannical fucks?
If you had been educated, you'd know that the Department of Education shouldn't even exist.
she's a certified COCK PIG
This is kind of how the Republicans roll. They nominate and appoint the most incompetent or people who viciously loathe the department they are assigned to.
Take this classic example, this neocon fuckhead being assigned to the UN:
>“If the UN secretary building in New York lost 10 storeys, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.”
>-John Bolton
Like the fathers said...wait for the white in their eyes.
Going Rambo is the worst thing that can be done. They need to move until it becomes undeniable in everyones eyes.
her brother is a fucking badass.
I would let her suck my cock.
Ding ding ding we have a winner!
Who the fuck is Gettyl mages?