Atheism = God and consciousness are not real, you are completely alone 100% of the time. Why would you think that?

Atheism = God and consciousness are not real, you are completely alone 100% of the time. Why would you think that?

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because they are alone

Only cowards are afraid of the truth.

And what is truth?

Life is a signal that emerged from the big bang and cycles back and forth all around us. This signal gets right through the skin and kick starts the brain inside the mother's womb and lives throughout the living being lifespan using neurones as relay. When we die that signal returns to it's point of origin and everything it has experienced throughout it's life gets integrated into a whole and once it's done downloading this info it goes back to get some more once again.

Look at people or anything alive around you, yes even that tomato you sliced and put into your sandwich, you come from the same place and you will reunite with it all eventually.

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And why would the truth be something evil

This is mundane and untrue

Why conflate atheism with the rejection of consciousness as a real phenomenon? It is a separate question.

>Atheism = God and consciousness are not real,
..........hmmmmmmm no

It =

Jew demon isn't Creator




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That’s bait

You sure you are not confussing consciousness with the bs concept of soul?

(((And what is truth)) A quote from Pontius Pilate??

Cause when jews started saying " the devil isnt real," everybody believed it.

Their god is way too small.

You have to be really dumb to not even notice you are conscious...
Like the people who don't think they can make decisions..

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Its true that spirituality and conciousness go hand in hand. A singular being controlling a human is impossible without God.

Robots cannot be personable outside of science fiction, where lefty authors try to humanize them. Think about yourself for a moment - if you were a series of code, could you feel like just one being?

Theists believe in satan.
Atheists do not.

Furthermore, are you a series of inconsequential actions? If so, would you bother to recollect and care about anything?

That's what the devil wants them to believe.

>Its true that spirituality and conciousness go hand in hand
God worship is one thing. Spirituality, from consciousness, is quite another.

Body, soul, spirit ?

"Do what thou wilt"

No choice, no free will, no accountability, just biology=Atheisim 2.0.

Good point, I forgot that

might as well just an hero then. No point in life then. Or maybe I should just start randomly murdering people.

Atheism in a nutshell :)

> Why

This means there is a reason, even a lack of one is still one.

No lack of reason is not a reason bro
Not a sandwich is not also a sandwich

>doesnt even know what atheism is
Holy shit this is beyond tiresome.

Supreme intellect detected

That one watched Rick and Morty.

Don’t let the thread die I need answers

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I want to believe but I just fucking can't allrgis great shit and powers they say god has but where is he? Why doesn't he stop these things?
>inb4 free will

His power works within us
“Know yourself and you shall know the universe and God” - Pythagoras