The best looking show of the season ended up being a CG show

> The best looking show of the season ended up being a CG show
What a time to be alive.

the way she runs reminded me of an ostrich.

Is this another "it doesn't look shit with SVP!" cg "anime"

That's what people said about Kado too.

Alive and blind.

Things do look better when they don't try to imitate 2d animation too much.

Not really, there were some who considered AOTS, and it was considered among the better looking CGI anime out there, but most of the it got was for the plot not the animation.

If I were to give it AOTS for anything, it would most certainly not be for the plot. What a trainwreck.

Well i'm talking the perception people had of it while it was airing before it turned into a mahou shoujo.

Even after that, just how massive of a trainwreck the actual ending was hit me by surprise. Did they want to show a giant middle finger to anybody involved in the production? That seemed like an intentional mess.


It's so fluid and vibrant. Has this set a new standard in anime?

this is uncanny as shit

Is it me or does this just feel not as impressive as a well done 2D sakuga cut? It looks great but it just doesn't "wow" me.

I think people are more impressed on how much cg has improved. Plus the gem fags didn't get their manga adapted poorly so I'm happy for them

literally the Steven Universe of anime

What show is this?

Houseki no Kuni

Majestic Prince CG was pure kino and I miss it dearly

wtf i love cg now

The cut with liquid Phos is the best though

is this the show about the girls who are made from rocks?


>synopsis reads "jewel person"
so this is a cg anime about genderfluid rock people?

>genderfluid rock people
Not genderfluid. Genderless. No sexual organs whatsoever.

>genderfluid rock people
Original as ever

Looks like shit. 3DCG will never compete with real sakuga

Kekkai Sensen looks way better despite this show making the camera move in funny ways.

Could you post this in this thread again? That would make the BINGO complete.

>No sexual organs whatsoever.
why would anyone want to watch it then?

Token suffering show of the season. Also the best seiyuu cast this season, and probably the best OST too.

But this looks pretty bad

Webm unrelated?