Anime That Only You Like

Everyone hated it when it came out.

Probably because it was shit. I was hoping that it would be decent enough for me to get to some not-Velma fanservice scenes and relive some childhood sexual awakening, but it was too awful.

Didn't you need to beat the game for the true ending anyway? I didn't think it was bad.

>being able to read Japanese


What did you dislike besides the ending?


I thought it was alright. Got really upset at the ending pretty much saying to play the game.

I know the ending isn't that good, but the characters were nice and the fights were good.

I liked the ending.

Wait, what is the true ending

A while ago I remember someone posting a video that showed the MC back in his original body (the blond one the villain chick had)

You mean grey haired?

I actually liked it a ton. I thought it was a fun anime.

Did the game have a story past the anime? Who was cat?

That's kinda dumb.

>asked by villain if you want your body back
>"nah, I'd rather die, so you keep my body and suffer"
>game retcons down and MC gets his main body back

This one

>generic mecha spins while special effects play in its general vicinity
>this is supposed to be good
>this is supposed to show that the main flaw, the godawful writing, gets fixed
Are you genuinely retarded?

I wanted to like it, but it kept doing things I hated. MC being a girl after all was the final straw. Catchy OP though.

The ED was better.

The moment they solved the mystery of the show was the moment it got boring

I liked Punchieline a whole lot despite all its shortcomings.
My nigga.

>the only MAPPA show that actually made any money was Yuri on Ice

>people ACTUALLY hated this


Punchline was very good

Kabaneri was super popular though.

Are they based off animals?

I see a raccoon and porcupine.
