Does Emperor Time automatically activate every time Kurapika's eyes turn red?


Post more cute Kurapikas.

I am undecided. He says "emperor time" as if it were a distinct move. But when he was being taught nen, his master noticed that while his eyes merely turned scarlet, his aura changed to a specialist's aura. So I don't know if Emperor Time (and the hours take from his life) activate whenever his eyes turn red.

I wish Togashit wasn't a hack and explained it. Then again, it wouldn't change anything since losing an hour of your lifetime per second is already a bullshit artificial restriction which won't matter other than muh physical burden.

I think some of our questions will be answered eventyally.

Its ironic that every panel of his manga is a wall of text yet he takes none of the space to actually go into detail about things like this.

It's not even hard to figure out. Let's say that it does, Kurapika revealed he has some level of control over it in Yorknew which means even when he's agitated and it turns on, he could turn it back off.

The problem is cases when it stays on. Chains Like Steal Chain and Judgement Chain require The Scarlet Eyes to be activated, you already saw an example of this with the dolphin.

Kurapika can use his chains without his eyes turning Scarlet, but that means the chains that belong to different categories operates on the level of mastery he's accumulated at that point in time which means of they are underpowered. He basically needs EmpTime to be as effective and that can't happen unless he's a Specialist which the Scarlet Eyes allows him to become.That's when he has to worry about the restriction.

if he went into detail about this he wouldn't go into detail about other stuff and you'd complain, just wait and he'll explain sooner or later. I mean we only got this much information about emperor time after how many years since it was introduced?

> losing an hour of your lifetime per second
What a useless restriction, fights in HxH last 10 minutes at most.

Not every encounter with nen will be a straight up 1v1 fight, stop thinking this is Fairy Tail.

everyone makes this claim but it's not fair to make just yet, we have to wait and see if Togashi will deliver somehow with that restriction.

What? He uses it mostly outside of combat so far.

In the most recent chapters, Kurapika was stuck using Emperor Time for a dozen hours because he was trying to catch a bug.

It doesn't matter he still won't spend a day with the sharingan on

But he just spent 9 hours with it on. Why do you think it has to be a day straight, this shit accumulates.

have you even read it ... hes already lost like 10 years of his life

Doesnt even matter when i just can go oh my Conjuration nen make me young again

>I don't read this manga, but I'm going to complain about it anyway

Don't expect much from the average meme-addled user.

>Conjuration nen makes you younger
That doesn't make sense, how did you come to that conclusion

What an idiot.

Yours is deformed looking.

So is yours.
>That giant head on top of baby shoulders

Big hair.

Yours actually looks downsy though.


The answer is no. It's just the trigger condition.

No, big head. Looks like a child.