Stopping someone from committing suicide is morally wrong (in most cases)

Stopping someone from committing suicide is morally wrong (in most cases)
If person who wants to kill himself is adult and not fucking up someone's day (like those fucktards who die under trains) he has every right to kill himself as life is the only thing that's actually yours.
I'm not suicidal and I kinda like my life but I will always defend right to euthanasia with no questions asked.

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Yes let's get people who are having a tough time with life to kill themselves. That definitely won't have any negative blowback on our culture (or what's left of our culture).

>Stopping someone from committing suicide is morally wrong (in most cases)

if they are young hot female young then its morally ok to stop them. u can stick them in a dungeon and nail them for years, they are better off alive and getting nailed than dead, so u should get thumbs up on social media. u've done more to preserved human life them all those fuckwits running around in pink trying to stop breast cancer.

I said in most cases lol, hot crazy chicks could be used as fuck-breed material, why not. Let's just drug them out of their mind to wipe out their very existence and I'm cool with it.

The problem with suicide is that you have to actually have standards you can't live with knowing you failed. Thus people with no standards at all (niggers) don't cull themselves.

another based polski. who would of thought? is poland just packed with these dudes? or does the small minority of them just come here?

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sudoku is a dick move to any who will have to clean your shit after you

>they are better off alive and getting nailed than dead
wrong, you're prolonging their suffering for your pleasure

Like I said, anyone who makes other people's life harder by killing himself is an asshole but if you kill yourself in decent way so cleanup is easy then it's ok.

But the cleanup is never easy. Humans are more than flesh and blood, we are the bonds and relationships between each other. Suicide is a sugarcoated lie based upon selfishness.

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Helium would be the only way that isn't messy (-ish, there's still a decomposing body with shit inside it afterwords). People would catch on.

Hanging would be most likely, and that turns out pretty messy. Most people wouldn't follow a step-by-step guide on how to have the cleanest suicide, they'll just use whatever's convenient. These people are mentally weak enough to willingly remove themselves instead of improve their situation, they aren't going to care too deeply about their method as long as it's effective.

How is hanging "messy"?

What's the average cost of cleanup and a funeral? Compared to the persons potential lifetime of being a net economic waste (mental inferiority, probably going to take more from his family and friends than make up for it, etc.) there is an economic argument for suicide.

Unless you fast for a couple days you always shit yourself. Also you thrash around for several minutes.

And if you shit before you kill yourself? I guess the shit magically jumps from the toilet back into your ass and then splats on the floor?

>Also you thrash around for several minutes.
Yeah that's super messy.

fuck off faggot go to fascist communist china then they kill sad people youd love it fag

park the car in the garage. close all doors. turn on your favorite music. go to sleep. forever. easy peasy cleanup

also keep the car running. thats how the magic happens

Doesn't work on any car with a catalytic converter. If you have the will power to completely ignore your survival instinct while you're coughing and choking then it will work but co2 death is a lot less peaceful than co death

Nembutal is the actual way to go. I've ordered some already.

The vast majority of people who legit tried to kill themselves and failed say they are glad they survived and got their shit together instead you retard

Alphabetfags on suicide watch, confirmed.

>all your friends and family walk on eggshells around you
>doped up with SSRIs making you complacent to the life you tried to leave
Yeah, definitely got their shit together.

t. underdeveloped brain
Isn't is a fucking schoolday

I genuinely hope you get the real deal and not some Chinese scam shit. Good luck user

Enjoy drowning in your vomit while passing out.

Completely disagree, people kill themselves because we live in a shot culture with shit morals. If anything we should euthanize celebrities, the media and lawyers.

t. muslim

>not taking anti-emetics before taking pentobarbital

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Considering depression scales with intelligence that's a great idea to intellectually neuter your society.

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>Unless you fast for a couple days you always shit yourself.
This isn't true. It's possible to defecate postmortem, but uncommon. Everyone here is so fucking stupid. You underage retarded have ruined my browsing experience. In one thread no less. Good job.

Yes, but the problem is that they tend to fuck someone else's day every single time.
If you suicide in your flat alone you ruin the owners property and even if it's your own you ruin your neighbours day or even weeks when your corpse starts to smell and the maggots reach the ventilation system.
If you suicide in your parents house they have to clean the mess after you and pay for someone to take your corpse to the crematorium, etc.
The only legit suicide is going to a forest in the middle of nowhere, half bury yourself and then perform your prefered method of suicide. The Logan Paul forest is OK too but still kind of fucky.

The same could be said about natural death. Death is always going to "inconvenience" someone.

Yes we're talking about making preventing death illegal. So preventing death should always be a good thing, even in case of suicide, according to OP's logic.

This is easy.

>exit bag on front steps of morgue
>prepay for burial plot or cremation
>sell possessions tto set up funeral trust account fo closest relative
>post obituary to newspaper the night before
>neatly box and label remaining property and mail copies of will to all concerned parties
>retain probate lawyer with enough money to cover final paperwork and filings

Can't think of anyone you'd be inconveniencing beyond this.

At that point I would just straight up legalize suicide booths

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Someone has been reading Schopenhauer's Studies in Pessimism. A bit too dark for my taste. Nietzsche was superior in his outlook, in my humble opinion.

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