Name a more pretentious series

Name a more pretentious series

fuck off Sup Forums


Stuffing more words between the point you're making doesn't make it sound more important.

monogatari, a shallow story with some puns.

In a medium bleeding with pretentiousness, this is your pick?



Ergo Proxy.

What does pretentious even mean? What was pretentious about it?


NGE, monogatari, madoka.

Every single Shinbo work, with Petite Cossette at the top.
Almost every single Oshii film.

How is Logh pretentious in the first place, you fucking retard?

your favourite anime


Mob psycho
Intentionally ugly artstyle
Muh pretentious artsy sakuga
Laziest subversion of tropes
Simple message that we get banged on the head with constantly

Unironically this. I've read OPM but haven't even touchee Mob psycho for all of the above.

Since you asked for series and not movies I'd say Dallos. Otherwise I'd just list the vast majority of Oshiis his motion pictures.

it´s not pretentious. It´s ambitious and in the best way possible. same with ashita no joe. The only pretentious thing about logh is most of its fanbase.

about pretentious anime, flcl goes in first place, followed by tatami galaxy and ergo proxy, also lain and haibane

more than pretentious, its just its creator not having better ideas in mind to anime, so he came with the most absurd shit to ruin a really good story

I can never get past the first episode.

Please explain why is FLCL pretentious. It seems like you're just pointing out series that tried to do something you don't like.

Also, labelling something as "pretentious" is the laziest criticism possible.

>Intentionally ugly artstyle

but what's ugly about it?

>Muh pretentious artsy sakuga

What does this even mean? Animation is pretentious?

>Laziest subversion of tropes

It's pretty clear the writer likes shonen and thinks it's valuable. I don't think children actually being treated like children is a subversion of tropes at all. It's refreshing that Mob really does act like a child

>Simple message that we get banged on the head with constantly

There's nothing wrong with a message being simple. Literally all that matters for storytelling is execution. What in particular made you think you were being banged in the head constantly? Of course there's a line between consistency and redundancy so what crossed it for you?

Maybe not pretencious, but if you haven't seen it as a kid it's kind of meh.

Obvious bait I'm responding to because fuck it
OP doesn't even know what pretentious is
Thanks for the gif though
You can't be pretentious and still have a 'lazy subversion of tropes' and sakuga animation can't be pretentious, christ

>Intentionally ugly artstyle
Not BONES's fault ONE can't draw to save his life. Kameda just stayed as close as possible to the simplistic designs in order to allow for more fluid animation. Just because it looks unique doesn't make it pretentious.

>Muh pretentious artsy sakuga
Animation can be pretentious now? Fucking kek.

>Laziest subversion of tropes
It does turn some tropes on their heads but other than that it's a pretty classic coming of age story. Again, what's prententious about that?

>Simple message that we get banged on the head with constantly
The message IS simple and neither the show nor the manga ever pretended otherwise. What's wrong with conveying a simple yet meaningful message through the means of creative animation, comedy and at times heartfelt character moments?

>Animation can be pretentious now?
Look at KyoAni having 30 cuts for 90 seconds of anime... animating a non-emotional dialogue between two people. Theres virtually no merit to it, and it doesnt even fit the situation. I dropped Mob after 3eps so I cant comment on that show.

"Pretentious" is usually thrown around by people who are intellectually insecure who find something overcomplicated, or by people who understand the work in question but don't agree with its aims or values.

Really, it's better applied to works that really have no idea how fucking stupid they are, like Sword Art Online.

Yeah, it's a sort of coming-of-age that's most appealing to a younger audience.

But that can be said to a lot of anime, really (most shounen). But, in spite of the crazy animation and characters, I still think FLCL tried to show some sincerity in the characters' relationship

I agree that the word is thrown around in a lazy way, but I don't think it really applies to SAO, as it never attempted to be deeper than it is. Pretentious (as much as I hate the word) can be use to describe series that try to mascarade it's shallow substance, in a way to convince the audience that it's got more meaning and depth.

In this topic, while I believe Anno is a "pretentious" human being, trying to be 2deep4u, I believe the EVA series was actually able to grasp something real about the human existence and our feelings.

Gainax simply had that magic about it. It was a once in a lifetime thing for everyone involved.

you are right. it´s not pretentious, just some random shit that people like giving a stupid meaning about puberty

I watched it as an adult and inmediatly became the the worst shit ever. the only thing that turned wore was inferno cop.

Is Flip Flappers pretentious?

you better take that back

Its too subtle to be, most people arent even aware of the references and symbolism.