Nazis be afraid

Make racists scared again, be afraid Nazis. We are coming for you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This only makes me want to be a nazi. I routinely dream of getting attacked so I can unleash my retard strength on them.

Not scared

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>august 16

shill sage

you making more enemy everyday good job

He spabbed himself. Look it up, ye uneducated.

Come and try it . I long for the day i can spill and bathe in sjw athiest faggot blood

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>tfw you will never kill some one legally in self defense because people never attack you
I know that feel

it sounds like you lot are the ones who're afraid...

Keep it up. It's working!

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I'm looking forward to meeting you and your little friends.

Fake and gay

>We are coming for you.

Come on me bro

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All white men are Nazis so this guy probably deserved it

Careful, that’s a great way to get Aids

if there was no conversation then how did he know it was because he looks like a neo-nazi?

I swear these charts get more retarded by the day. Who came up with this? Shills or?

Of course it's a germancuck. Germanic people have cuck genes.

>stabbing ordinary citizens to own the nahtzis
So this... is the power of leftists... wow

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Yes! Bow down and become a brown country!!

> RIP Sup Forums

Even the shills don't know who is shilling. This place is nothing but disinformation, trolls trolling trolls. Jews, jewing each other. Sup Forumslaks saging each other.

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I'm not buying this

I don't even look like a nazi so I'm fine with making ordinary citizens hating commies. You're a great recruitment tool.

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Leafbro, I'm with you on that one
>conceal carry

Plz Commie faggots come at me. My body is ready.

I remember this fucking cuck. He ended up being full of shit. newfag filter.

Made me chuckle.

so basically the way it's always been

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>The alt right looks nothing like this

Attached: download (1).jpg (275x183, 5K)

>that piece of pseudoscience explaining that humans are selecting for larger penises and the evidence lies in other primates

Pffthahaha, I know it's a troll image but I've never seen anything so retarded.

justified self-defense is literally the best feeling possible

Send my regards to Philly ARA.

We know who you are.

We know where you live.

We are the reason there's a gang war between antifa groups.

Get ready for midnight raids on your homes.

I'm going to personally rape an antifa slut.

I guess your right

fake news, this was a staged event

Trolling on Sup Forums has always been, and always will be, like pissing in an ocean of piss.

My god. I wish for nothing more than to take part of a brutal gangrape of an skinny rich antifa whore

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fuck yourself nigger

My 61/2 micropenis face...

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I'm pretty sure these penis charts are literally just fetish porn at this point. Someone was jerking off when they made that because being told they have a tiny dick gets them off.

>8.5 inch
motherfucker did you do even 1 second of research for this retard shit?

>White male
That means you're a nazi.

the fuck oh god why did i click that

>t. dicklet

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You need to consider suicide

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i just wanted everyonetoknow what was in here when mods deleted it

>women naked, laying down, hands tied behind her back
>her head has been recently cut off and nowhere to be seen
>there's a guy on side with his dick in her pussy
>there's another guy on the other side standing over her cut off neck
>there appears to be cum coming out of what used to be the middle her neck
>blood on the sheets
>blood on the camera
>blood all over the body of the guy that came in her neck


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I just saw a picture that said "make everyone believe this was a fucked up image before I delete it".

somebody tries to stab me, i shoot him.



Please, continue to attack random people.
This is working so well for you!
This is how you win!

Yes, pretend not to know what 'average' means. Witty, humorous. smart and busy.

What makes me mad is this guy stabbed himself.
But this happened in my state, where you could shoot someone if they tried to stab you.

lol niggers are just disgusting. Have you ever smelled one? They don't deserve to be within 10 feet of me, those monkeys. I love it when they wear European clothing, too. It's like a cruel joke, being a nigger. I would just kill myself if I saw fucking pygmy black skin in the mirror and a flat beast nose.

Basically, dressing nice and having good hygiene are considered "Nazi" characteristics now.

Such ironic self-depreciation from the left.

That Sup Forums was done in Charlottesville on the day of the protest nebulously


I know. My god even when i was little i held my breath around all the black kids especially the girls. My god they stink. And their skin has the exact same color a d texture as shit, their mouths look like anuses with pubes. They disgust me.

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Hey, jews do it all the time. Most (((hate crimes))) are fake. Were just getting in on the action.

Eternal leaf

Lel i live in Texas where a man named Joe shot and killed two mayan dish washers as they ran away from robbing his neighbors house. Antifa aint shit here and is relegated to harassing coffee shop owners on the east side of Austin.

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Page 69:

Exercise my.....uhhhhh... right to self defense.

I'm in north austin, are you sure antifa is here?

lol I've been stabbed in that same spot before.

I carry a fucking gun now.

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Come after me faggot, nobody fears you and a blood stain wouldn't be that bad for my boots.

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Zionist commie scum must hang. There is no other way to move forward.

Du bist owa scho a bissl behindert?

I seriously hope someone attacks me. Commie or not I have to release this anger I have been holding for years now.

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fellow leaf fag (ontario)(

is there any way (other than fists) to legally defend yourself here?

Me too. I want to unleash the years of fury i have held in.
Buy a gun or make your own

Make a point of not knowing any niggers. It's really fucking easy to kill someone you have no connection to if you just fuck off before anyone recognizes you.

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>fellow leaf fag (ontario)(
>is there any way (other than fists) to legally defend yourself here?
Yeah don't be a retarded pussy and buddy up with the resp9nding officer. Works for me every time.

that faggot lied..... he did it himselfg..... fucking retards... research screenshots and links.... lots of shills trying to demoralize you all..
wake up niggers

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Day of the rope will come soon just be patient you commie scum.

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Aren't those the same pollsters who said Hillary was a 95% favorite to win the POTUS?

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>not shooting the nigger

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The idiot in the OP got dragged into his local police station and cautioned for waiting time, iirc. He wasn't stabbed, he was just a clumsy fuck with a knife and decided to blame it on "SJW antifa urban youths" for teh lulz praise kek

Stahlgewitter kicks ass

This case may be construed as him being attacked because of his appearance.
White,not dressed as a total faggot, not piercings etc?.
Hate crime ?