MUH CAWFEE!! Reminder that if you need Coffee to get up in the morning, you are a SOYBOY!

Only SOYBOYS need MUH CAWFEE to get up in the morning. It's a sign of low-test which results in extreme fatigue requiring one to drink CAWFEE just to go to their deadbeat job and work for their (((BOSS))).

If you drink MUH CAWFEE, you are a SOYBOY!

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stupid, gay fucking thread
i will do anything to avoid shitting anywhere but my own toilet. so i will drink a coffee and just blast out a big dump right away so i don't have to sit there forcing it or delay the start of my work day. plus, it seems to improve my mood.
instant coffee into a cold water bottle. 2-3 teaspoons, perfect double-tapered dump after a few sips
if you go to starbucks, then yeah you're a faggot

fuck off. i don't need coffee to wake up, i just love the way it tastes.

you're probably a faggot anyway

Writing "cawfee " multiple times. Kill yourself faggot

Ya ain't gonna be calling people soyboys much longer when Putin turns you into an ash heap tomorrow.

gallon a day here, no intention of stopping

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Oy, but tea is awright, eh guvnah?

OP is spot on

Gween Tea?

Tasted a sip of coffee once, never again. Tasted like gack.
It mainly is genetics if it doesn’t get you up in the morning, but also could be a shitty lifestyle choice that most wagecucks have, where they hate it but it’s the only thing they talk about. Slave-mortality in its purest form.

>It's a sign of low-test
no it's a sign of dependence. nobody suddenly says "i'm tired and need a coffee" without ever having drank it. look up how caffeine interacts with adenosine receptors and increases their numbers over time.

I use coffee to get my fats in in the morning, keto diet, easiest thing in the world. I'm starting to hate caffeine though, that jolt I used to enjoy as a teen isn't so satisfying in my 30s.

Wish the fucks at mcdonalds would stop giving me looks when I order a sugar free non fat french vanilla latte. It's fucking good and for $2 for a medium it's a steal. They always fuck it up anyways.

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You know I don't think anyone being a coffee junkie is a soyboy, but let me tell you this:

I have only drank coffee once this year and I am fifth year med student, lots of people here need their daily fix just to be alive, lots of coffee, lots of smoking, and something I have noted is that there is a lot of baldness around here, like, full blast baldness at 20 or so and I haven't lost a single millimeter in my hairline, I don't drink coffee, I don't smoke, I don't drink soy (It's starting to take off here recently, I wonder why) and I have regular sex and masturbate just as often.

You can drawn your own conclusion, but let me tell you, coffee should be more of a quick and dirty solution more than a chronic treatment.

Remember that if you breath oxygen, you are a SOYBOY (soybean plants also need oxygen to grow)

If you literally rely on caffeine and supplements to function on a daily basis that is pretty pathetic.
However, most of us men just enjoy a nice cup of black coffee in the morning. It wakes you up, warms you up, and tastes delicious with some scrambled eggs.

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hnnnnnng I would fuck that little twink till he bleeds


Coffee and cig always works in the morning, stop telling me wat to do faggot

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Green tea should be required consumption for all human beings, yes.

>drinking coffee
>not waking up with pre-workout before a two hour leg day

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>black coffee is delicious

stop being a pretentious fag. black coffee does not taste good, and you don't like it. stop trying so hard my man, no one cares. try a bit off cream and sugar in your coffee. stop trying to be mister big tough guy


What about needing a radiation suit to filter out nuclear fall out in the morning?

What kind of boi does that make you?

i prefer black tea


Get fucked, OP

Coffee is a man's drink

kys, faggit