Always remember that no matter how pathetic your life gets, femanons make shit up for attention sometimes, too

Always remember that no matter how pathetic your life gets, femanons make shit up for attention sometimes, too.

Attached: FB_IMG_1520983581395.jpg (540x390, 28K)

i wonder if, by telling everyone about all the alleged creeps they attract, women realize they're telling us they can only attract losers and weirdos?

I wnoder if women will ever realize that showing their asses to the world attract the kind of men who want to fuck sluts. Probably not. Oh well, atleast hell exists.

>see attractive girl
>heart beats faster, you want to talk to her but you’re nervous
>will I come off as a creep? Will she think I’m ugly? I’m too skinny/fat. She probably only fucks chads. I’m a beta. I have no chance.
>overcome your anxiety and go for it
>approach her, muster the courage to say “h-hi, my name is user”
>she seems cool, conversation goes well
>a few minutes in and you can feel the conversation coming to a close, your heart beats faster as you try to muster up the courage to ask her for her phone number
>remember all the times you pussied out and decide to not pussy out this time
>”can I get your phone number?”
“Sure!” She says with a smile, takes your phone and adds her phone number
>you smile, overjoyed and happy that you managed to overcome your anxiety and get to know her. Tell her goodbye
>drive home with the biggest smile on your face. Start imagining going on your first date, become a couple, your mind wanders off to even maybe marriage.
>contemplate what you should text her first. Should I say “hey” or “hey it was nice meeting you” or does that come off as clingy?
>decide to go for it “hey it was nice meeting you” your heart flutters as you wait for a reply
>get a ring on your phone, a text back that says “what?”
>write back again that you enjoyed meeting her at the park
>”user what are you talking about”
>confused, check contact info and see it is your moms phone
>tfw you worked up the courage to approach, talk with, and get a lonely girls phone number only for her to trick you
>she then proceeds to make fun of you on Twitter

And girls wonder why more and more guys aren’t trying to approach girls anymore. Shits hard enough without having to think you’re being set up to be made fun or humiliated.

Attached: 505F4B64-5BB6-43FF-9CD5-BE3A86CC5C4C.jpg (1024x1448, 193K)

Why doesn't the guy just wear makeup?

Jokes on her, my mom is my girlfriend

Jesus. It's just a girl you met five minutes ago you psycho.


>see attractive girl
>heart beats faster, you want to talk to her but you're nervous
>manage to approach her, have a short conversation
>later see her again, make small talk
>when you see her again she acts indifferent towards you
>doesn't acknowledge you
>"hm, that's weird" you say to yourself
>she won't acknowledge you so you stop acknowledging her because it would be weird to keep inflicting yourself on her
>the world decides to be a dick and you start seeing her more and more often
>ignore her each time
>ebrting bedder dan egspected

but for real, one of my coworkers is like this except i keep catching her looking at me

Because makeup is for juggalos and whores.

>Be me, 18
>Move out on my own after father stole phone, ipad, (not bought by him), almost computer
>Have to reroute life goals - decide to enlist, become commissioned, and then get degrees for free, etc.
>Meet girl on the night I get back from signing my life away / swearing in
>Really cute
>Start talking, dating after about a week
>Later she tells me she had a crush on me for a long time and thought she'd never actually get to interact with me
>I get the feels like they've never been felt for her
>Her mom doesn't like her dating (I'm her first relationship)
>We're both adults but she's dependent on her parents
>Her parents make her leave even though she still likes me, etc.
>It's OK at first
>Start spiraling into absolute madness
>Fucking lay in bed for several straight days, can't move
>Most constant pain I've ever felt (Having lost a lot of people in my life)
>Months later, I'm trying to pick up the pieces, hoping another girl will fill the void she left me with
>tfw she didn't do anything wrong
>tfw I still love her
>tfw I may never find a girl that's actually that innocent again.

Women are nothing without the eyes of others.


How has nobody pointed out that editing his Mom's contact only means that his mom won't get his messages any more?

In order for her mom to "get dick pics," she would have had to find his mom's contact, copy the number, and create a NEW contact with her name using the mom's number. editing the mom's contact doesn't do anything at all except make it so he thinks his mom isn't answering his texts.

dumb bitch.

>Change the contacts name to her name so "Mom" comes up as "Femanon"
It's not hard

won't he notice the change the second he opens up his messaging app and sees that he already has a thread with "Femanon" and it happens to contain the text convo he had with his mother?

Good point
I guess all women are just liars

nice bait

This is what I thought.
Unless she also deleted his entire thread with his mom, in which case she's a liar AND an emotional abuser.

Shut up and be a man

Hey, at least you know she isn’t a tranny though.

I don't follow
