Why is the British government so fucking authoritarian?

Why is the British government so fucking authoritarian?

It's like they read Nineteen Eighty-Four and used it as a handbook for running the state.

Attached: 956985.jpg (888x745, 146K)

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Perhaps Orwell made a very pertinent decision making the British the subject of his book rather than the Germans.

it's way worse than that its a combo of Brave New World, 1984 and Fahrenheit 451

Europeans are authoritarian. From the most downtrodden peasant to the richest noble, each and every one of them will try to kill you if you dare rebel against the current authority in any way.

Because the country is run by a soulless robotic PM

You can't erase centuries of living under a Royal Family.

Europeans want someone to rule over them and dominate their lives. They are a subservient and submissive people.

I'll take things that didn't happen for $500, Alex.

>used the remote in an illegal matter

What did he mean by this?

Attached: ILLEGAL REMOTE OPERATION.png (1920x1080, 217K)

This is a very astute observation. Centuries of serfdom has left a lasting impression on the British psyche, with a reflexive willingness to absolve themselves of responsibility and instead defer to the State.

BTW, if this really happened, why does he use the American spelling for "licence"?

I smell bullshit.


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probably because he's on reddit 99% of the time
I learned the british spelling in school but ended up using the american spelling for everything

What happens when a racist TV license agent gets beheaded for interrupting a native muslim prayer?

Go to YouTube, several videos of similar situations.

how did this happen? the UK was always the world's bastion of (domestic) liberty until the US (populated mostly by Englishmen and Scots) came onto the stage

when did this change? how? why?

He gets a half price license for having no head

This is bullshit. If you don’t want tv license you can just ring them up and they never bother you again

Did that with a hotel TV remote once to improvise, I was horny and lucky since I didn't get AIDS from it

Are you people fucking retarded? The British king is historically the guy who upholds British rights against the tyranny of parliament (the nobles).

Fucking goddamn retards and your rexophobia

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Same here. Didnt get AIDS though, got 175 and 3

This is actually laughably wrong and show what kind of retarded simpleton you are.

This is absolutely retarded.

England was the least authoritarian of all the feudal states in Europe.

We need an authoritarian government with unlimited power to protect our liberty from our elected officials

Socialist detected.

>this is what monarchists actually believe.

The BBC TV cucks are literal soyboys, if you live in a shithole council estate they won't try anything due to the locals being 100x more intimidating than them. Good luck getting Duwon, Bovice and Tyrese to pay their TV fee

>Not sure what to say about the T.V. policein your country other than when the Brits tried that shit with us here in the U.S. our ancestors would burn you to death or shoot you and your family to death, hack up the survivors, and leave them to rot in the street like the worthless garbage they are

>had to read all three in school
>thought "yeah whatever this shit will never happen why am i even reading"
>mfw everything during and since obama's second term
I swear he ruined this timeline somehow, on a social and political level. It's not even the "thanks obama" meme, everything legit went to shit hard and fast since 2012.

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>TV License Agent

Attached: 1517259728022.jpg (453x500, 33K)

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>tfw descend from minor noble Norman land owners
>tfw getting downtrodden by the state

tell them you converted to islam and they'll leave you alone

Brits are retarded inbreads who can easy fall into totalitarism because they are to dump to realize it.

"Airstrip One"
We didn't use the book.
>The book used us

Yes, the real guarantee of liberty is having your country ruled by a horde of lawyers and social studies majors, some of whom win popularity contest every few years, none of whom have any incentive to do anything but loot the taxpayers and beg multinational corporations and Jewish lobbying groups for cash to give to their political parties.

>Britain has always been the "nanny state"
>They've been ruled by a monarchy for thousands of years and Stockholm Syndrome is now an integral part of their culture
Fucking pathetic
pic unrelated

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You're missing the point Nigel.
TV licences shouldn't exist. But I forget that Brits will unironically defend this.