Can you propperly explain me how nen works please?, sorry for being a brainlet

Can you propperly explain me how nen works please?, sorry for being a brainlet

Everyone gets super powers and can do whatever they want. You'd be hard pressed to find a power that someone isn't able to cultivate, so the explanation is fairly pointless.

There's a long detailed explanation and rule set with nen that gets promptly thrown out the window as early as the Yorknew arc. HxH is literally a "turn off your brain" shonen.

Ask the clown.

Isn't that every shounen? Honest question

Yes, but some people like to pretend HxH isnt.

>long explanations about the different categories and how each one works
>watch the actual battles
>it's all basic simple shonen fighting, nothing too strategic or amazing at all

hunter fans are convinced their show isn't the typical hunter because it "transcends tropes" or does them ironically or some bullshit

I really like HxH but many of its fans are pretentious pseudo-intellectuals. For some reason everyone can admit how badly written yu yu hakusho was but not HxH

also the fact that hunter is just an attempt at reusing all his material from yyh and doing it really fucking badly
>"You know what this series needs? A pedophile clown and a quiet protagonist out for revenge for his family that were killed also he has eye powers"

Nens are like Chi/Ki that the body generates naturally. People who are comfortable with how their body works (atheletes/martial artists/etc) have intuitive understanding of how the Chi/Ki might augment the body. This is where you see the martial artist = ki/chi/nen master.

Obviously the spin here is, Nen are more malleable and are based on personal reality/conviction of a person. Those with strong convictions have stronger/weirder Nen types.

>Those with strong convictions have stronger/weirder Nen types.
that's the biggest disappointment with the system. He connected it to the "BELIEVE IT" bullshit that infects every shonen

Believe it or not, belief system governs the way humans interact with reality. So its not just "shonen" but every aspect of "genre." They just materialize in different ways.

shonen is notorious for having "will" override the actual effort and training of characters. You can want to achieve or do something but the reality is that if you don't put that desire into practice by training/studying/working every day then it's meaningless.

Instead shonen just materializes that will in the fight like a child that doesn't study for a test but hopes he can still pass because he "really wants to" during the fucking exam. And shonen has him pass. Reality is he fails.

There’s no rule in it. There’s natural affinity to one type of nen and then “special snowflake” category yadda yadda all of it doesn’t matter if you have red eyes golden haired dolphin dragon that can make you less cute if you use it too long
And you can way way WAY stronger in your nen melding prowess if you refrain from having sex. Or looking at boobs
And then of course, if you died while having a boner, said boner could strengthen your nen, even bringing you back to life

Hot blooded shows generate the "will" all the time.

It also happens in any competition. Competition at its highest peak is mainly about strong will. If you can't maintain the strong will, its over before you even start.

This goes for both physical and mental competition.

Einstein wrote about this and said "where there is a will, there is a way". Coincidentally, this saying is as old as history itself. Works on "will power" has been written extensively by German romantic philosophers. Its not a coincidence that shonen series use "will power", its a by product of human existence. The very concept of suicide depends on will power.


everybody else in this thread is wrong

the explanation is it's magic, now shut the fuck up and watch the show

what is this strange manga

What a fucking lie

Different user.

Stop this.
“Will” is terrible because as a storytelling device it can and HAS been used as a cheap way for characters getting out from a pinch.

Oh look, a character is almost beaten to death? HIS STRONG DETERMINATION BROUGHT HIM BACK FROM THE HANDS OF DEATH. Insert each series’ spin here, be it making “will” as rageboner that *persist after death* or simply screaming that you really really want something

And then, of course, said character always come out in tip top shape, at least until the battle is done. That’s literally Deus Ex Machina, only this time, the “God” is somehow the character’s willpower