Red pill me on Stephen Hawking

Red pill me on Stephen Hawking

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Stephen Hawking was replaced by another version of Stephen Hawking -wont proofs??

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Pretty good scientist, I found his shows and especially books really fun and interesting. Rather liberal views and an atheist so expect him to be hated, because
>freedom of views and beliefs, as long as yours are those od mine

Oh Gaaarrd.. hes shat himself

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Stupid cunt with too much need of attention.
Everyday he used to announce some stupid shit like "AI will kill us" or "aliens will kill us", plus his worse-than-british humor spelled with that fucking robo voice-jesus christ i'm glad he's dead.

On the other hand, If his research is something solid, that i can't tell, not an expert so i can't judge his work.

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was pretty groundbreaking. his work brought put forth a lot of important stuff which led to some really great discoveries.
He also was a very talented writer, made things accessible to the layman. His book, A Brief History of Time is excellent, i'd recommend everyone read it, regardless of your interest in physics.

He was left wing so expect people here to slander his name. with bullshit like because people really hate when smart people disagree with them

If this fucking vegetable couldn't feel anything from the eyeballs down, what was the point of putting him in zero gravity. Look at that face, there isn't a shred of intelligence in that head. Probably shit himself


Seemed like a smart dude but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a total veg at some point and intellectuals just used him as a mouthpiece and unassailable PR front man. He was more machine than man

Deliver user

I went to one of his public lectures back in 2004 and managed to actually talk to him briefly about quantum computers (keep in mind this was long before they were even tested) and it's pretty clear that it was him talking. When you see him on TV and in interviews, they cut out all the dead space between each sentence, but you could wait up to 15 minutes for a proper response a lot of the time.

He's dead

>said God can't exist
>believes in climate change
Blue pilled and dumb

>cucked soyboy

There was nothing but intelligence in that head, how did you manage to equate physical sensation with intelligence?

beep beeep i take the black pill beep bep

I'm smarter than him, both in terms of critical thinking and philosophy. Only difference is that I don't flaunt my gift.
He used his status as a "smart guy" to push liberal bullshit and for that I hope he suffers in the deepest pits of tartarus.

>I'm smarter than him
Dunning-Kruger, everyone

anons reply from another bread

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This. Literally was just a living meme.

Go clean my toilet, Pole. Do it before Germany destroys your country for what you did during WW2.

He argued that everything came from nothing and said that there was no God. Now he's in Hell, unless he repented at some point beforehand. I sure hope he did.

He’s smarter than anyone on this board, but no one here believes it

well, lets see, he's someone with an absurdly high IQ and he thinks these things. there must be some decent arguments behind it.
Shit like this is passed around by people who have literally no understanding of science. When you come up with a hypothesis its up to everyone to try to disprove it as much as possible, which leads to the discovery of the true nature of things. His postulation of black holes was big because the math worked for what we had, so in order to disprove any aspect of it, we had to come up with more shit along the way. the point of science isn't to make a guess and be proved right, its to make an explanation, if someone can prove it wrong that adds to the overall knowledge of that thing, assuming the hypothesis worked in certain ways. Thats how you get a concrete understanding of something from each angle.

That's funny because his webpage says he didn't do any lectures in 2004.

Anyone that believes all matter came from nothing and then accidentally arranged themselves into everything, is a fool. His intelligence was far overstated, though he was intelligent. Yes, I am more intelligent than Hawking ever was.

He had more (((sex))) than you and he was in a country where porn is not illegal, not in that bongwog moralist parallel universe.

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He had been brain dead for few years before his death. Government had him setup to a computer that would speak.

He did one at Trinity in November 2004, faggot.

>someone who doesn't understand string theory or general relativity

Eh idk man

>i'm smart because I just say a magic deity made it
hmmmm who to trust

>he doesn't believe in my magical jewish carpenter zombie & actually has the mental capacity to understand macro-statistics

>I'm too stupid to understand how scientific research and breakthroughs take time to trickle down into new products

He hypothesized shit like hawking radiation, wrote the book on black hole theory, gambled millions at a time in blackjack, and created one hell of a porn company.

Don't forget the New Deal

We FDR now?

And that time Stephen Hawking played Superman, before the accident

A sadistic Jewish trick. They threw a retard in a wheelchair, attached a computer to him, write his computerized scientific demagoguery word by word and throw him out to the goy as if he is some prophet.

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Played pretend and dumped his dedicated wife for another woman even though he was a deformed skeleton in a chair with poor social skills.

Ahh yeah, I forgot how much he loved equestrianism.

>being this lonely and angry

was a very smart scientist, its a shame about the als. once he got to a certain point the leftists turned him into a literal mouthpiece.

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What part of that isn't true?

funny how they never really explain how he could have fucking typed anything he was supposedly saying

wait... did he really die on pie day?

he survived a disease for 50 years that has an average life expetency of about 2-3 years after diagnosis.

i think the comment is about your implication that he didn't deserve to get a different woman


I don't know. Look at the date of this video:

You dont get it do you?
Were sick of people being called jesus and then when theyre wrong, theyre still divine
It would be much more reasonable to think of people like steve-o as “that guy with a pretty interesting theory” but instead theyre the smartest man to ever live.

He was a hideous skeleton monster whose body serves no function, what relevance was a romantic relationship to him? What does it add that a friendship doesn't?
He should have been grateful that one woman was content wasting her life changing his nappy and fucking the gardeners.

I get that you don't have the mental capacity to understand that nobody is asking you to look at physicists as devine.
Once again, one of you brainlets doesn't even know what a theory is. Its not like he wasn't right about a ton of stuff in these ideas. These theories build off each other, we need to know what works.
Scientists are not prophets, and nobody asks you to treat them like that.
I guess the observation is that you react as if this is taking away women out of your dating pool or something.

>was pretty groundbreaking. his work brought put forth a lot of important stuff which led to some really great discoveries.

What discoveries? And no, his theories on black holes are proved false.

To be honest, that makes perfect sense.

>Dane trying to talk big

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He was kind of a faggot, but was an excellent scientist. As long as he didn't go into politics, he was interesting to watch.

I thought European education was better than US

Who else read that in his 'voice'?
Nice breakup of the phrases too, user.

>the math worked for what we had

Then what about the "exceptions"? Or did he add a magical "dark" number there to make the ends meet like all the other scientists?

>I'm smart because I just say it shat itself from nothing

They were keeping him alive to prevent the prophecy from happening. Now the apocalypse is a matter of time

The theories don't make the ends meet. Anything that has "exceptions" in it is pure bullshit.

haha. Italian realise he has no grasp of knowledge in internet shocker.

He’s been brain dead in a vegetative state for decades. His voice box was controlled by others and he was promoted to look like he was some sort of crippled genius to poison the well with atheism and communism

the absolute state of Sup Forums

>poison the well with atheism and communism.

So they shocked him with electrodes built into his chair for 15 minutes to make it seem like hes doing something and you fell for it. Someone nearby was typing the answer to your question on a laptop.

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you are speaking to a Finn that types almost fluent english at all, be happy for that at least.


Are you the only other person on this dumb board that knows Susskind proved Hawking wrong requiring him to retract everything, not to mention actual highly regarded physicists thinking he is a joke?

Except his theories were proven incorrect, at best, and he was not well regarded in the physics community or thought of as "important" or "top".

He was not a virgin.
You know what to do.