Why isn't your state legally gassing kikes and niggers?

Why isn't your state legally gassing kikes and niggers?

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death penalty has to go I can't believe our worthless fucking Supreme Court hasn't declared it unconstitutional when it so obviously is

So you'd rather have your tax dollars go towards feeding and housing murderous niggers and spics instead?

Nitrogen gas is cool because you don't feel like you're suffocating when you asphyxiate from it. No pain whatsoever. Just keel over and die.

considering on average it's far more expensive for the state to murder said niggers, yes

also revert back to firing squad or guillotine, enough of this pussy shit. if you think a person deserves to die then you damn well better do it by your own fucking hand and face the reality of what that means

> on average it's far more expensive for the state to murder said niggers
It’s only because of legal fees involved in this process. Bullets are not expensive.

No but How can anyone trust the government to decide who can live or who can die our judicial system is used and abused as is fuck giving them any more ability

That's cruel.
Nitrogen doesn't poison you. It asphyxiates you.

It's impossible that capital punishment is unconstitutional, since the people who literally wrote the Constitution believed in capital punishment.

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Tbh Texas and Oklahoma almost exclusively execute foreign nationals (aka Spics)

The government doesn't. A jury is required in any case that results in a death penalty (except treason).



>people who wrote the constitution realized it needs to be able to change and grow as society is altered and morality shifts, thus also enshrining the ability to alter it as needed in the future
>massive amounts of american people believe any changes to it are against what the founding fathers would have wanted

It's not like suffocating, the nitrogen feels like any old normal air and you just drift off like you're falling asleep, it isn't like death by asphyxiation from smoke inhalation where your lungs feel likely they're being torn to shreds.

The jury states if the defendant is guilty or not guilty. The punishment is decided by the judge. In some cases, the jury can state that they agree with capital punishment.

this will be used on traitors like Sup Forums soon

I would rather be executed by a firing squad if I had committed a crime


Nitrogen is less traumatic. You dont choke on nitrogen, but quickly drift asleep. A peaceful asphyxiation, if there is such a thing.

Then I suppose the objective should be to reduce cost.

That's what an amendment is for, fuck off alexander Hamilton.

Isn't it the most humane way to execute criminals? Fuck that. Firing squad. No cigarette, no blindfold.

Death penalty costs more you faggot. When you add up legal fees, appeals, etc etc, it can cost millions

Not saying it can't be changed. Saying it's clearly not "unconstitutional," as that would imply that it's against the intent of the people who wrote that section of the document, which it obviously isn't. State-sponsored executions in the United States are nothing new.

Capital punishment is a good deterrent and also keeps violent criminals from escaping and committing more crimes.

Stop it with the muh morality and cruelty. It just lets literal subhumans coexist.

Capital punishment killed more commies than non commies.

You are wrong, we actually need to bring back the firing squad. I know for a FACT that you deserve it.

>as society is altered and morality shifts
>morality shifts

Based Oklahoma. Only 49 states to go

Like I said here: , the cost comes from the multiple appeals and lawyers that practically live on death row with the “””innocent””” “””people”””.

You just need to get rid of the lawyers holding up the execution process. American cops are great at this because most of their interactions with criminals end in a swift and cheap execution.

Nitrogen is the nicest way to go, second only to dying in your sleep. Since, basically, dying in your sleep is how nitrogen works. No pain, no struggle.

This. Legit curious as to why we haven't been using nitrogen gas chambers for execution for the past decades. It can't fail, it's dirt cheap, there is no pain and no show involved. It's almost like shitty fucking lethal injection or electric chair were used to push towards abolition of death sentence.

>slav and literal traitor to the country of america telling me about my own constitution

The jury is made aware of the potential consequences of conviction. Also the government is interchangeable especially in the US where you have Democrats overwhelmingly being anti-death penalty and the Republicans being pro.

The law is not the government. The government enforces the law. It is bound by the law to do so. The laws outlines the penalties for crimes. The jury decides if a person is guilty of a crime. The judge decides the level of punishment on foot of verdict of guilty. So its not fair to say that the government gets to decide who lives and who dies. Its a much more communal decision than that.

Also anti-death penalty burgers need to see the consequences of outlawing it when they look at European nations. Crime skyrocketed in the aftermath of it being made illegal. Justice in European countries is very unlikely for all crimes ranging from minor to major.

It's been on the right track since we went all red for the 2016 election. Now if we can get these teachers from being massive counts trying to suck our taxpayers dry we'll be e en better.

Also no pollution or chemical waste. Basically just displaces oxygen with what already makes up 70+% of the air we breathe. Nothing more environmentally friendly. Easy marketing.

>nigger behind a meme flag representing a communist shitstain upon humanity's underpants pretending to be based
Eat a buckshot sandwich. Constitution that faggot.

It all depends on the concentration and rate of exchange. You have to very gradually up the ration of nitrogen in the chamber so the condemned goes out quietly. Do it too fast and they will start to choke, even if you up it too suddenly after they have passed out they can wake up briefly choking. But nitrogen is much easier to do this with than other asphyxiants because it is already breathed in normally in small concentrations.

Gas the drug dealers.

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No, even max nitrogen given suddenly is undetectable to the body--you can not choke on nitrogen. Your gasping response is caused by CO2 build up when you can't get rid of it. In a nitrogen atmosphere, you can freely get rid of CO2, and your body is none the wiser. You just go to sleep and then into low oxygen stasis. It is actually possible to recover someone in that stasis state if done quickly enough.

Also realize you are breathing 78% nitrogen right now.

It's so incredible easy to gas with nitrogen that I have to wonder why the fuck the nazis apparently used little cyanide pellets that had to sit there for 20 minutes rather than just pumping nitrogen into an airtight room

Nitrogen doesn't kill the soldiers you send in for cleanup, cyanide does
Nitrogen makes up 70% of our atmosphere already, cyanide doesn't
You can't survive breathing 100% nitrogen for 10 minutes, you CAN survive breathing sporadic releases of cyanide from fucking fumigation pellets

Why it's almost like the entire gassing thing is a complete farcical fabrication that never actually happened

you want to give the state the right to kill you?

Firing Squad is a military penalty. Civies need ropes.

The rooms weren't even remotely airtight. If they had gassed anyone with anything in there they would have gassed themselves. The whole thing is a Jewish folk tale.

I get the feeling the only reason it is not used is simply because you can't make much money gassing people with nitrogen.

nice argument you've got there

When you can kill in horrific ways and get 20 to life with the possibility of parole, that's not justice.