What's the worst one piece arc and why is it sky island?

What's the worst one piece arc and why is it sky island?
Literally the arc that keeps me from recommending it to others.

I feel the same. Sky Island was fun but when I look back to it, it always felt like the arc you could just skip completely and you still would't miss any crucial part of story information.

>it always felt like the arc you could just skip completely and you still would't miss any crucial part of story information.
Pretty much.
Not only couldn't Enel destroy or kill shit, he also got away anyway with what he wanted, making the whole fight pointless. They might as well let him go after he got his boat.


A friend of mine is watching One Piece in almost one sitting. I told her how I was re-reading from Sky Island and got hooked and how much I liked that arc but she found it very boring aside from the fights and the poneglyph reveal so I guess you might be right after all.

Skypia is the ultimate pleb filter.

In hindsight it isn't that necessary to the overall plot, but I liked it a lot. Very cool setting and villains, and didn't outstay its welcome.

Non Enel fights felt super filler, but Enel was great and the flashback was awesome.

It is the best written arc in the series though.

Skypiea's amazing, but not 100% necessary to the main plot. One of the best arcs for sure.


It had some good ideas but the execution was lacking, especially that mis-timed flashback at the middle of the fight

But it didn't come close to how bad Davy Back Fight was

Oh god. Don't remind me.
I forgot that existed
>that was canon

Davy Back Fight was canon filler.
Unless they join the Grand Strawhat Navy or whatever it's called. In wich case Foxy's power will be OP as fuck if he entered the New World.

Only half of the anime Davy Back Fight is canon.

But the Noland and Calgara flashback was great.

Every arc after timeskip is the worst arc.

I really liked the Davy Back Fights. It was something different.

First half of thriller bark was amazing.
But then it gets really bad.
I think it went bad when luffys soul got put into the orc.

Also the warlord was so shit he got killed off for no reason during the battle of whitebeard.

>the arc that keeps me from recommending it to others

How about the fact that the show is 8 billion episodes long and still not done airing? How is someone supposed to get into this show if they haven't been following since it started airing

Skypiea is my favorite arc in One Piece together with Alabasta. Most people who hate the arc I think watched the anime version, I heard the pacing in the anime is really bad.
Then again I think Enies Lobbie is overrated, but it's everyone's favorite, maybe I just have weird taste.

I liked the Jaya arc more than this arc. I always hated how Bellamy returned, it ruined his character and was pointless.

Moria is still alive.

I think Skypeia is the kind of thing Oda wishes he could write frequently, but he knows he has to cut these arcs now or else One Piece will never end.

He'd probably say he WANTS to be able to write an arc that's not "important" but rather meaningful in the characterization and setting. It had the concept of adventuring to an alien place, it had the White Sea, impact dials and ship-ghosts, and it had a villain out of the MC's league who was at a disadvantage due to luck, but not to the point of being a pushover such that both of the characters had to be clever in the fight.

This. Made me drop One Piece.

Jaya/Skypiea are unironically why I would recommend One Piece to friends. Up to this point in the series, the only things that had truly been great were Arlong Park and Loguetown.

Even on my reread of the series, Alabasta is just not very well written and drags itself out for far too long.

I probably would have dropped the series if Skypiea hadn't happened. I think I understand the parts that would be a turn off, but overall it has some the best characterizations, tone, arc progression, and main villains in the series.

My favorite aspect is probably that it achieves something much more subtle in the motivations of its arc characters than has been seen up to that point, and ties them into the main characters plot without being too forceful like the recurrent flashbacks of the series often are.

This, it has become harder to choose with every new candidate

>Non Enel fights felt super filler, but Enel was great and the flashback was awesome.

That's exactly how I felt about Fishman Island. Except I enjoyed Skypea more, well except the part where everyone was 100% ok at the end. Even the ones taken down personally by Enel.
Such bullshit

>hear so many people bitch about David Back fight
>people WARN me about Davy Back Fight
>It was only a volume and a half or so in manga volumes
>pretty funny

At least it was short and sweet

This, Dressrosa has literally no redeeming qualities.

It's too long but I unironically think it's one of the best arcs.

> Dressrosa

I liked Rosinante's backstory enough to put this arc over Fishman Island for me.

Skypeia is literally the best arc in the story. It embodies the romantic adventure perfectly

Enel was going to destroy the sky island by sending it back to the blue water sea.
They stopped him from doing that.
Although in the end, it wouldn't really matter. This is One Piece, so nobody would have died ...

One Piece is a pleb filter

Thriller Bark is the second best arc after Skypeia. Awesome atmosphere and great fights, its the best adventure/action hybrid arc. Brook is also one of the best additions and his flashback is awesome.

Sky Island is kind of a boring arc to watch but It's awesome to read. Some of Oda's most creative designs and panels are in that arc.

Luffy vs Enel was pretty lackluster though for how much it was hyped

Impel Down

>Simple jail break plot drags for 30 episodes
>No memorable fights
>Straw hat crew literally replaced with trannys.

Zou is an arc.

Honestly that's what I ENJOY about the arc. Every other one piece arc is crucial to a plot line and One Piece forgets about its unique adventures.

every arc is worse than arlong parc. Sure there are many good ones. but ap was just on point.
No overcomplex mission,
not dozens of individual fights (which the strong characters could end within a second) as an excuse for more screentime.
not a race against time + a dozen other different subgoals, spanning >60 chapters.
It was "short", sweet and funny.
Now ive read the current chapter and i am not sure where everyone is, or who the guy in the coverstory is.

I liked watching a villain have to be creative instead of using their trained techniques. Round 1 was nice, the last fight of its type for a while (since Gears dominated the later fights) but Luffy vs. Katakuri seems to be returning to the early One Piece style of winning by tactics.

The whole show


Jokes aside, probably Davy Back Fight arc.

No, the whole show.

Fishman Island and Dressrosa are worse. At least Enel fights were entertaining.

I see, you posted a goofy clown character to show you weren't serious.





It was like 20 chapters long, unless you watched how Toei botched it it wasn't really that bad

Fuck you got me

>The most adventurous arc is the worst

It's like you guys don't get the point of the series.

Literally this. Adventure's the point of the series.

Apparently it's boss fights now but it used to be adventure goddamnit.

ironically skypiea had the best bossfight

Skypeia is a good arc on its own

but it feels like unnecessary filler in the grand scheme of things

Punk Hazard was pretty good

but timeskips are always the bane of battle shounen

For now. You never know what kind of future plot point will come out from Skypeia.

>one piece

I know it's going to happen

though Skypeia had a bad place between Alabasta and Eneis Lobby (two of arguably the best arcs)

To me, Dressrosa Arc is the worst arc in One Piece, Because it becomes tedious chapter after chapter

I don't get why people hate this arc so much. Enel was a nice villain

>Not liking Dressrosa
You guys are plebeians.

Plebs started reading after Marineford and get mad about anything they have to read weekly.