What is the spookiest anime you’ve ever seen?

What is the spookiest anime you’ve ever seen?

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Refreshing Sup Forums like 10 seconds ago was the most spooked I've been in a long time

anime can't into spooky

Psycho-Pass. It had Spookie Boogie.

ikr. Switched right back to Yotsuba. 2scary4me.

I like it, but the sudden palette swap and the doot doot appearing in the corner were a little jarring

>no spooky skeletons song
One job.



I'm not sure if I've actually ever seen truly spooky or scary anime all memes aside. Why is it so hard to convey horror in anime? Is it some sort of medium limitation?

inferno cop, paprika and vampire hunter D are all perfect Halloween watches

>He fell for the animation isn’t capable of being scary meme.

Petshop of horrors or mermaid forest
Not really scary just has some nice tone


Spooked me good as a kid.

that one mad scientist in bleach when he fought with the bow guy was the spookiest fucking shit i've ever seen

I honestly want to believe animation can be scary, but I've yet to see anything such. Closest is probably the first episodes of Shiki but even there it's still a far cry. If it's just a meme, where are all the horror anime?

It takes a certain amount of talent to pull it off in anime, and I suppose no one really wants spooky shit in anime?

Shinsekai Yori did horror well enough.

Seto No Hanayome

Shinsekai Yori is one of my favorite anime, but I don't find it at any point actually "scary". The anime also looses a lot from the novel which lets your imagination do more of the work. I guess fear is absolutely subjective though, but the themes presented never felt scary but rather tense, like the somewhat unclear difference between "horror" and "thriller" flicks.

I think Ghost Hunt pulled it off. It had just the right tone. Never got too wrapped up in trying to be spooky and serious but could throw some intense shit at you when it needed to.

Why is there so few skeletons in anime? The last one i remember is from Overlord.

I still remember the doll scene.

It had its moments. The ending was so disappointing that it kind of lessened the value of experience. If you treat it as a episodic spooky scenes rather than coherent narrative it might fit the bill.

Inferno Cop fucked them up

I can tell you that as a female, watching Perfect Blue creeped me the fuck out. I had to pull down all the blinds in the house and shit. Not sure if people count that one as a horror though.


anime characters are too attractive

>as a female
I'm pretty sure the fear of stalking is more universal than you make it out to be.

Alright sure you're right. Sorry my bad. I just thought that people would laugh at the prospect of being afraid of guys stalking other guys, or women stalking guys.

Requiem from the Darkness. Also one of the best OP's


That /ss/ hentai with the ghost woman was the closest I think to being a little freaked out but the manga page was spookier.