Congratulations Texas

Get ready to get whiter

>sanctuary cities now illegal in Texas

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Sanctuary City Laws were always about virtue signalling. If they can't have a law, they'll do it off the record. You're going to need whistle blowers and heavy penalties to those who implement these things to get this done away with.

He's blinking at least once per second

Here’s an article

Texas should push these illegals to California. Burden and break them until every legal tax-paying resident leaves and they either collapse into ruin as a failed welfare state or do a full 180 back to sanity.

Illegals have been leaving Texas and going to California. But now more illegals are leaving the US entirely and going to canada

>heard that Manitoba and Quebec are popular crossing spots

Majority of cops don't want these laws my dude. Point of them is to tie law enforcement's hands.

>heavy penalties
Extra judicial killings is the only way forward, they ignore the law for their agenda, no protection under it.

Death to all traitors.

Texas is going to go through what Florida just went through.

Nobody to ACTUALLY WORK. They'll half ass the construction and full force the payment system and end up with death-tier quality goods.

This isn't even a matter of "I shop at Target so I can afford to pay white man prices for shit". The government can't and the government pays for your shit. That next bridge will be hanging over your head.

Sup Forums I reported an illegal immigrant to the CBP months ago and he's still here. What the fuck?

You gotz to go back pablo

Texas has no labor shortage; the Bridge was a dumbass stress testing it, and it was built next to a canal and not firmly in place.

Lol'ing at cities who thought the Dillon Rule doesn't apply to them

The State Legislature could reassign control of any city at any time.

>Texas has no labor shortage

Yeah, no fucking shit faggot, because you're right next to Mexico and illegals are a plenty. If you had none there would be a shortage (at least a shortage for a reasonable wage and to still make a profit).

>the Bridge was a dumbass stress testing it, and it was built next to a canal and not firmly in place.

Would you stress test a bunk bed with your kid lying on the bottom bunk (OBVIOUSLY this question implies if you actually loved your kid)?.

My point with this is you don't get some "dumbass" to stress test a fucking bridge over a seven lane overpass.

He's got brains to get to his position if he's in charge of "stress testing" the shit. He had something else on his mind. Whether or not it was to comply with his superiors to run the job even though he knew it was unsafe, who knows. Whether it was because he himself said I don't give a shit and I don't care if this works out or makes sense but I got a hot date tonight, fuck it.

Good, I live in ATX, and I was fucking tired of hearing that faggot Adler and that dumb twat we have as a sheriff going on about how Austin is a sanctuary city. Fucking christ, I’m not even white myself, but kill all fucking illegals and fuck their shitty mudspawn children who’ll just vote for more open border policies.

>inb4 he got to his position by knowing a buddy in the field.

This introduces yet another issue that needs to be resolved to avoid innocent lives.

Shit, more bridge captchas than anything. I think Googlel throws captchas at us based on Google searches???.

I audibly keked when I got a bride as a captcha after seeing that bridge in FL collapse lmao

I chuckle myself when I see this shit. It's like Google is "unawarily" throwing shit in our faces.

I can only imagine what the captchas would have been if captchas were around during 9/11. Please select all burning buildings.

>death to all traitors
That's why Sherman will always be a better man than Lee.

We need more of these

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